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I'd rather d....

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:12 pm
by momoko13
Hello! I've been lurking on this site for months already, and I'm glad to know that I am not alone. For the longest time I thought I was such a weakling who suffers from apparently not a life threatening disease. This problem almost cost me my sanity. It destroyed my life. I didn't have the coping mechanism for it. Not even a relief. I endured mental, emotional and psychological torture every second, every minute of the day. Collecting trauma after trauma. I had to stop school, not because I've given up, but because I wanted to focus on finding my cure.
The problem was nobody understand how horrible and painful this condition is. They thought I was just making it up as an excuse to not go to school. I was actually doing great in my studies, so that could be no farther than the truth... I didn't get any treathment for Bb and for the physical and psychological damage this affliction has cost me... For more than a decade I was stuck in my room, enduring the taunts and nasty remark of the people around me on how I've become a worthless person without them realizing that even in my sleep, the torture never ceases...

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:05 am
by momoko13
I first became aware of this problem when I was 16. We had a dental check up then in our school and the dentist who examined me, tactlessly announced, in her booming voice, that I should get my teeth and gum issues fixed because people could already smell it!!!

I felt embarrassed but dismissed it as something that can be resolved easily. I was already aware that I had cavities in my teeth and two of them badly needed extraction. In my childhood days my gums would bleed when I brush. No one in my family really took that seriously and thought It just needed more Vitamin C.

We went to the dentist to have my teeth fixed but the dentist adviced to do a cleaning first and schedule the extraction on the other day. So we went through the procedure and went home when we're done.

This is where my nightmare started. although looking back, I realized I had BB problems because of my bad teeth, but was never aware of it. After having my teeth cleaned by the dentist, my gums swelled. It felt so weird that I could feel how inflamed they are... I knew and felt that I had odor problems from my mouth and what's worse was that I could detect the smell from my nose and it smelled like poo. I didn't even have to open my mouth.

I felt disgusted . I had never encountered anyone with a Halitosis that smelled like poo or sewers when I was a kid. For me then, Bad breath would just smell like morning breath or stale breath. I was lost and devasted. The same year, I had classmates whose breath reeked of sewage smell too. That's how I realized how disgusting my breath was.

I would have mints or gums all day to get my mouth feeling fresh. I don't believe it worked as I would still catch a whiff of stench every now and then. I'm a quiet person really, Even without this problem. My classmates probably dismissed it as my saliva going stale or stinking because I don't talk often...

When I became aware of the problem, I avoided talking as much as possible. I would cringe at the idea of sitting beside a person because I knew I smell disgusting. Every now and then I would hold my breath. It was agonizing. I felt so alone. It felt like I had an invisible wall around me that kept me isolated from the rest.

I had my bad teeth pulled out. I knew then that the BB problem would not be resolved since gums seemed to be the major culprit. and I was right. the nightmare did not stop. We went a different dentist to consult my gum issues and she dismissed it as something mild. something that can be cured by massaging it and by taking vitamin C. She said the first time I went to visit her she detected an odor but on the next visit she told me she could not detect it anymore. I think she just lied because she must have noticed how distraught and defeated I was.

We went to a doctor to have a different opinion. Maybe it could be coming from somewhere else. He diagnosed a stomach issue and prescribe a medicine which only caused my severe tummy ache but did not solve my problem. we switched to another doctor because the first one was a total jerk lols... this doctor put me on a blood test. I forgot what it was for but the result turned negative. He just adviced me to lose some weight and eat more healthy foods haha ( I was actually gaining weight because of stress and depression) He also recommended that I visit an ENT clinic but when we went there, the clinic was closed.

I've probably have been psychological crippled by this time and could not function normally. I was already severely traumatized that I would fear going out in public. My mother never really understood my situation and was a complete bully. I didn't have my own resources to pay for medical expenses and had to rely on her. She thought I was just making an excuse to not go to school. That I prefer to sleep all day.

I've lost everything.

I guess the psychological damage is greater that Halitosis disease itself. With the torment, torture and trauma.. it affected my Health. everything just started getting weird. I had developed insomia, skin problems ( my classmates would ask if I had chicken pox), ear infection on both sides, headache everyday, hair loss, abnormal menstrual period (would bleed heavily that I'd need a new pad every hour and the period would actually not stop. I mean, I would still bleed after my normal meanstrual period, I was probably bleeding continuosly for 3 months) and when I had a cough, my throat would never felt more painful. It was so awful that I'd tilt my head to the back because my neck was also in pain. and I was vomiting.. something that I'd never really experienced prior to having this BB problem..

I have scars on my face now. for some reason, my skin gets irritated easily. exfoliating products just just made it worst. I guess with my hormones out of whack no matter what I do, it just aggravated my acne problem. It was so severe that for years I never really wanted to look at my face...

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:27 am
by momoko13
my symptoms are:

bleeding/inflamed gums
white tongue (not really heavily coated. more like stained. cause no matter how much scraping I do, it just won't won't come off)
lump in my throath
I guess I have PND too

but I don't have tonsils stones..

thera breath doesn't seem to work. and is expensive. it makes my mouth feel fresh though hehe

I wish my dentist did not lie to me about my gums being a mild case. after months of lurking in this forum I've come to a conclusion that my gums might really be the major culprit.

I'm psychologically and spiritually damaged now. but Im getting better. I want to save money so I could buy a waterpik for my oral health. baking soda as a toothbrush and hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash makes my mouth feel fresh and I could feel a difference in my breath. I also do oil pulling with coconut oil. Vitamin C would really help so I'm also planning on buying a lot of those hehe... I wish I had known this site before because It really does have a lot of useful information. I would probably not suffered like this.

I remember reading something on the thera breath brochure (stupid thera breath),"it's better to have a bad breath than not to have a breath at all"

think it's funny, huh?

I'd rather die...

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:10 am
by halitosisux
You may need a periodontist not a dentist. I know someone who right now is having gum problems and has always had unexplainable gum bleeding but it's become much worse and they have had mothball breath for a few years now. So far they've tried everything with dentists, even having certain certain teeth removed and a deep clean (by a dentist). The problem was still there ever after all that. The dentist has literally given up and said it's probably genetic, but I think it's more likely to be hormonal (perhaps relating to menopause for the worsening bleeding - and breath odour appearing).

We only ever discuss it briefly, but as far as I know this person has recently been to see a periodontist, and I haven't been able to smell any mothball whiffs for weeks. I will try to probe her and find out for you what's happening.

I don't want to be too specific because this person knows me very well and could easily know about this forum and I don't want to be sussed.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:25 am
The tongue is a part of the body's purification system, if you have white tongue is a sign that you have a lot of toxins in the body, the liver and kidneys do not have time to bring out.For those who smell of sweat throughout the day is the same thing,body tries to get rid of toxins through the skin, which also belongs to the body purification system .To avoid the body becomes poisoned avoid anything with sugar, meat, dairy products,eat vegetables,vitamins E and C are important, eat some fruit, start exercising sauna is good.Avoid alcohol, drugs, smoking cigarettes.Avoid stress.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:29 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:35 pm
by halitosisux
SHITBREATH wrote:The tongue is a part of the body's purification system
Has anyone ever actually proved this?

I'm not dismissing it, I'm just wondering why it would even be this way when they body has the liver, the lungs, the bowels, kidneys etc for dealing with detoxification and purification.

Odour and coating on the tongue can be explained by lots of other processes which are clearly understood.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:12 pm
by Born To Suffer
Did you get xray of teeth?
Maybe you should check out your wisdoms. Wisdoms can give off a fecal smell. Your dentist irritated your gums, the next option is to see a periodontist, maybe gum surgery is necessary.

Wisdom removal
gum surgery
ct of sinus (for acne related problems)

Oh yea stop chewing gum and eating mints, this is what causes all the acne, blood sugar levels to spike, etc. Back when my bb was severe I ate all kinds of junk food to cover it but in the end it made my acne worse.

BB>>mints>>acne>>stress>>bb >> vicious cycle.

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:20 am
by momoko13
Hi! Thank you all for replying!
It seems like a periodentist should check my gums. I googled periodental gum disease for images and though my case is nowhere near that what i saw there, it's there. Mild but definitely it's there. I don't have a job and I'm broke that's why Im hoping I could at least manage my condition until I the time that I can finance for the threatments.

When I floss, it bleeds in some parts and smells awful. After learning about how wisdom tooth can be a cause of BB, I wiped my finger on the farthest back of my teeth to see if I would detect a smell and I did. But then my gums on that part are the ones that often bleed. Also I've realized my teeth on the far back are not very easy to reach. My teeth are small and thightly packed that's why flossing those part requires more effort.

Using my tongue I can feel flaps on my gums at the farthest part of my lower teeth.

My routine now is to brush my teeth with ordinary toothpaste first and then floss with HP/water. And then brush with baking soda/salt/HP mixture then Gargle with Baking soda in water then gargle with HP water mix.

2nd night I Did this routine, I woke up the next day with a definite improvement in my breath. Usually morning breath is horrible but at that time it wasn't bad and I only had to gargle with water to make my mouth feel fresh again.
I also notice that my lips aren't as dry anymore I have more saliva flow.
I haven't asked anyone yet if they can still smell my BB. I guess Im Afraid to find out that it's still there.
I usually just talk to only to my nephews and neices and remember back then my nephew would say how it stinks and he even said my "voice" smells bad. Haha
but now I don't get that comment from him anymore.

When I don't do my routine, the dirty feeing comes back. I wish I can buy a waterpik now coz I think it's more effective and less time consuming.

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:25 am
by halitosisux
As I read your post I was thinking waterpik waterpik waterpik!

I'm sure this will at least help you somewhat until you get this professionally dealt with. Try using Corsodyl instead of water in your waterpik for a month or so. Corsodyl has completely eliminated the odour from my last remaining wisdom tooth - something which water alone wasn't able to achieve.