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I'm getting a halimeter test tomorrow

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:06 pm
by billie
So I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to get tested with the halimeter.
Weird thing that happened today was that my cousin called today, I was at my aunts house and I picked up the phone. She wanted me to to ask her mother who was in the kitchen cooking if she had gum disease and if it runs in the family. My aunt looked at me crazy and said: "I think so".
My other aunt said that she also had gum disease and her daughter (my niece)also. Even though I knew the two of them having gum problems(my aunt breath used to smell like shit, but she has couple of teeth removed and now smells fine and my niece still smells)The reason she called to asked if it runs in the family is because she went to the dentist and he told her she had gum disease. She never complains that her gums are hurting or bleeding. I guess gum disease can go totally unnoticed. I never compared their bad breath with mine. I don't know why. Yes my gums hurt sometimes, but I always use floss so I don't bleed. I think I'm very confused and I'm glad that I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to a so called halitosis office hour. I can not do this on my own.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:21 am
by who farted?
good luck with the test,i think our gums have a lot to answer for with sh*tbreath,i just wonder if all teeth were removed and gums sealed up it would be gone for good,i would rather have dentures than sh*t breath,Billie i totally agree with you that possilbly gum disease can go unnoticed,dentists all say your teeth are ok they dont give a f*ck they just want money,i also think gums control alot of what goes on in the body,as they say bad teeth is not good for the heart ect

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:10 pm
by halitosisux
It would be interesting if there existed some evidence of how many people with a lifetime of chronic bad breath became cured following the removal of all their teeth.

That's precisely what happened to my mum anyway. Whether it was because of something wrong, or whether it was simply to do with going back to having a babies mouth and the kind of bacteria a baby would probably have due to this different habitat.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:16 am
by billie
They say I have halitophobia :( . The halimeter only showed zero's.
I don't know anymore. Last year the doctor in the hospital told me that I did have bad breath. Whatever.. seems like I got to fight this battle all by my self.

She told me that my teeth looked absolutely perfect and said she doesn't see many mouths like mine. My gums were also in good state and I still don't have caries not one.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:27 pm
by FedUp
The ones who have the power to help are totally useless, I don't think they can comprehend the complexity of we go through unless they actually dealt with it first hand....

I bet we all have some degree of halitophobia thinking our breath is worse than it actually is.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:03 am
by sadmum
billie wrote:They say I have halitophobia :( . The halimeter only showed zero's.
billie...don't believe this crap, those halimeters aren't always accurate...I had a new Halimeter test done just last week when I had my GI appointment and the readings were below 70 which meant I had clean breath and absolutely no halitosis. When the GI read the results he was puzzled too and thought it didn't make sense, he did mention in the beginning of the consultation that their halimeter wasn't working properly the last time it was used, so maybe that explains the low and false reading. The first halimeter test I had was 6 years ago and it gave high levels of methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulphide gases too. So never rely on halimeters to confirm you suspicion of whether or not you have bb and how severe.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:44 pm
by thanatos
The halimeter is extremely inaccurate. It doesn't even measure all the bad breath gasses.