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Post by FedUp »

I'm being put in for some sort of surgery soon.

I asked about my adenoid today I told her of "a feeling that something is there making it hard to nasal breathe". Specialist re-looked at my CT scan and she said there is tissue there at the back of my nose, I can't recall whether she said it was adenoid or not.

I'm being put in for a tissue biopsy to "scrape away any remaining tissue" back there. When I inhale through nose it's really restricted. Of course this won't be my cure but maybe will let PND flow easier. I did ask if Adenoids can trap the same bacteria as the tonsils and she said yes.

I will be put under anesthetic, I'm confused as to whether they will be taking a sample of that area and examining it, but she mentioned scraping away remaining tissue, But I don't know whether that will be after examination. I need to contact again to get the proper details.

She said she doesn't usually look at things like that in regular ENT cases but make an exception for my case. There was no inflammation back there but just "extra tissue". And no sign of full on obstruction.

She seemed quite surprised at my "knowledge" of the ENT area, that's what reading up on things nearly every night gets ya lol

If this would be my cure I would shit my pants and legitimately smell of shit for once.

I'm still saving money for wisdom removal so hope is not all but lost just yet.

Do you guys have a feeling of "fullness" back behind your nose?

Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
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Post by FedUp »

Well I know what I'm having done.

It's called "EUA of Post Nasal Space" Examination under anaesthetic of Post Nasal Space and de-bulking biopsy.

From my letter I quote:

"On further review of the CT scan of his sinuses, there is possibly a retention cyst visible in the post nasal space. On examination the post nasal space looks largely normal with possibly a small amount of lymphoid tissue. I have listed him for an EUA post-nasal space and de-bulking biopsy".

May not be my cure but it's a good step. I always feel stuffed back behind my nose.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
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Post by ttlxman »

I've got the same problem. Constant, 24/7 fullness for 8+ years deep in the sinuses causing drip to run into my throat all day that quickly begins to sour. I have no other symptoms other than breathing through my nose is harder than it should be.

Seen two ENTs, one said he only saw inflammation but nothing else on my CT scan and endoscopy, then conveniently recommended the balloon sinuplasty treatment for $5000 and really brutal antibiotics for a month despite never attempting to confirm an actual infection or find the cause. The other was a local Canadian doctor and he said he saw nothing at all and said that I have to just live with it because sometimes there is no cause. (non-allergic rhinitis)

Tested negative for every allergy on the skin prick test, twice. Been on an elimination diet eating meat only for almost a month now to see if it's a gluten or other food allergy. I do notice my congestion improving but it has been a long time and I had hoped for more than just "slightly better".

Being in Canada it seems pretty hopeless getting someone to take me seriously with our health care system the way it is. Next time I'm abroad I will be having a private hospital do every test available including a biopsy and a more extensive food allergy test, plus look into the laser treatment mentioned on these forums.
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Post by FedUp »

$5000 ouch. In England we pay our taxes and national insurance and our NHs is "free". i don't think health care should be so expensive, it disgusts me.

Btw have you had your wisdom teeth out?

And how can a doctor say "live with it" that's disgraceful. this isn't a laughing matter.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
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Post by Stinkynick »

@fedup- when will you have to procedure? Hope it works, please update us
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Post by ttlxman »

FedUp wrote:$5000 ouch. In England we pay our taxes and national insurance and our NHs is "free". i don't think health care should be so expensive, it disgusts me.
The balloon procedure is not covered by insurance here which is a shame because it's supposed to be highly effective and have almost 0 recovery time. The only thing covered under my insurance would be traditional sinus surgery and they won't even give me that because they haven't been able to officially diagnose me with anything. "Oh it's just a stuffy nose, big deal. Next please!" is exactly how I'm treated. It would be just that if my breath wasn't an issue which we all know is equally laughable to the average doctor.

I was once told that you have to keep going back until you have a certain amount of visits for the same problem before they will even consider surgery.

Who would go back to someone who brushed them off the first few times? I swear that in my experience most doctors are far less insightful than a simple Google search. After getting antibiotics for the 4th time over ear and sinus infections in under a year you'd think it would be good enough.
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Post by FedUp »

28th August.

Not gonna put any hope into this at all but it will be nice not to be plugged up back there.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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