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My story.

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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My story.

Post by oneday4800 »

Im not 100% sure when this all started. Im sure i had bb to some degree during childhood though. Became aware 2-3 years ago and been fighting this shit since. I was molested growing up. Got caught in the act but nothing happened. I was actually the one who got the lecture. Still dont understand why. After that,i stopped caring for myself. I hated ppl. Started drinking and getting high at about 15 which made me more depressed but happy at the same time. I hated who i was(still feel self hatred sometimes) and didn't bother with hygiene. Now im fucked seems like. I really think my bb is oral and coming from my white tongue. But its gotten alot pinker after using gse. I stopped using it because i felt my tongue getting more dry. Ive been able to scrap move gunk off since.and my mouth doesn't feel as heavy anymore but i still have insurance expired so all i xan do is try products. Cant recall all ive tried but the ones i remember are:therabreath,rx mouthwash and tongue spray,biotiene,some organic toothpaste i cant remember and tung paste. My diet sucks but i hardly eat now. Feeling depressed again and dont give a shit. I had a veggie chicken patty and potato. I think i may start a greens diet today. I read that can help. I do get heartburn but thats usually after heavy drinking for a few days. Im to young for this shit. I would love to just move on but i cant with this bb! Its like i was born to never be happy.i was perfect before the abuse. Now im stuck. This story might be all over the place. Kinda feel like i wrote in my diary. Anyways, any thoughts would be great.

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Post by jess »

I'm very sorry about what happened to you during your childhood. You're a strong person for having to endure this and you're a beautiful soul. You're a child of God and He loves you very much.

I hope you find healing from the pain and the hurt inside, and I hope you and all of us find our cure. This is a support group and we're here to listen whenever you need to talk. Hugs to you!
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