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Does anyone have nose odour as well as halitosis??

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:10 am
by over it
Hi everyone, I have just joined so forgive me if this post is in the wrong place. I have been suffering with halitosis for 13 years now. My story is pretty much the same as yours so wont go into too much details. Just when I thought things could not get worse they did. For the last couple of months I have noticed that I now also have a horrible odour coming out of my nose every time I exhale. I don't smell it myself but the reaction I get from people suggests that it must me really really bad. Its so humiliating..I have to catch a bus everyday and people have been brutal!! I used to be able to do some stuff but now just want to lock myself at home...does anyone else have the same symptoms??

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:56 am
by deebo
I'd say a large portion of us members have nasal odor too . When you say 'brutal' do you mean verbal comments ? In my experience this is the only thing docs can't deny ,if I mention comments . If you say ppl rub their nose or cover their face, frown, cough ,even vomit ,the doc will not take it too seriously and often give an antacid or something without ever even checking further . if you have a friend or family member who smells you ,bring them to your doc or have them call him. this can avoid tons of headache as weird as it sounds. Welcome to the forum

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:25 am
by over it
Yes by brutal I mean verbal comments. Every time I exhale people will sniff really loudly and will look directly at me. Some of them really scare me as they look really pissed off that I'm stinking up their space. They will cover their noses and look at me the entire time until I get off the bus. I got called by a little girl "nasty lady" she kept yelling it out, her mother wanted to shut her up other people thought it was funny. There's plenty of more stories but I'm sure you all heard them before...Funny thing about these doctors is that they will still deny that there is a problem even though I did say family members have told me so! the reply I got from one doctor is that "maybe they messing with you, you need to see a therapist". I have contacted breath clinic and they told me that if you have halitosis it will not come out of your nose, they said it must be a sinus infection or stomach. So I'm trying to get to the bottom of it but how can I when doctors don't take me seriously?? I went to see an ENT doctor last week and he is sure its stomach bacteria helicrobater pylori. I don't know I've had it twice before but no nose smell. I just don't know how much more I can take..

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:54 am
by deebo
Sorry to hear about your plight. Believe me ,we understand Exactly everything you are dealing with. Yes, i left out psych meds . Thats another one they always push . h-pylori is 1 to test for and eliminate . I've been told to test for it too ,negative results though. How is your stomach ? Do you have ibs type issues ? I ask because I do and also have nasal odor with "ibs" . I'm just now re-starting my investigation into finding the cause .

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:17 am
by over it
Thanks for replying, it means a lot to be able to relate to someone who goes through the exact same thing. My stomach is not good at all at the moment. Constant pains and bloating, feeling nauseous. When you did your test for h. pylori have you been taking any antibiotics 4 weeks prior to breath test? I heard it can affect your results. How long have you had your nasal odour? and what is ibs??

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:10 pm
by deebo
no antibiotics for at least a year before h-pylori test . i took a blood and stool test but nothing . IBS is short for Irritable Bowel Syndrome . I think its more used as a general term because docs will often say IBS without any testing unlike Crohn's .

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:18 am
by over it
Hi deebo,

No I don't think I have IBS, I really believe my stomach pains are caused by h. pylori as I've had it before and symptoms are identical. I'm just so confused as everyone is saying different things and I don't know what to believe any more! I didn't think nasal odour is related to bad breath coming from mouth as I've had it for 13 almost 14 years and just 2 months ago I started to get nose odour but then all the posts I read on here almost everyone has nose odour as well as mouth odour so could it be related then? or is it something else that's causing it?? If you don't mind me asking what tests have you done before? what did your doctors say other than we need therapists lol

so far this is what I got from my doctors/dentists/ENT:
no tooth decay
no gum infections
nothing! other then I stress a lot and have a dry mouth he said my mouth is perfect
possible h.pylori infection again (still waiting for results)
acid reflux

if the last two don't solve it I don't know what else to do :(

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:13 am
by Stegma21
Hi Over it,
I suffer the same problem of bad breath coming out of my nostrils. From my research, there are certain medical conditions, such as liver and kidney disorders, diabetes mellitus, postnasal drip, and respiratory and sinus infections which have been implicated in the cause of nasal halitosis.

How I cope but have not yet cured my nasal halitosis:
- 2 drops of Xlear nasal wash and alternate with Xlear nasal spray 2 times a day
- carry out nasal irrigation with the saline wash 2 x daily
- carry Closys non-alcohol breath mint spray to frshen my mouth at an instant and this also helps with making my breath fresh
- I also chew parsely after each meal

All these are interim measures that I use before I hopefully one day stumble on a cure.
In my humble opinion, doctors have not yet found a miracle drug that could solve this hydra-headed problem and until a cure is found, they will continue to let you know that you have psychological problem because that is the only thing they can diagnose to safe face.
I lived like a hermit untill I found the above breath freshners which now helps me gain my confidence back while continuing to search for a permanent cure.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:20 pm
by StillHoping

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:00 pm
by deebo
i dont this its spam . closys and xlear are 2 completely different companies that i've gotten free samples from both. What I'll say about xlear : usually its in a nasal spray but its also in a powder . The main ingredient is xylitol . Someone in the fb group told me they use the spray and I found the spray did help with congestion in the ears better than a salt neti. So I tried adding xylitol and salt to my neti . This helped me at least as well as the xlear spray and its Way cheaper and longer lasting to just buy a bag of xylitol . I add a little my water and drink that at work. I soak my feet in it too since its said to be antifungal . I got a whole case of closys samples . Asked on here if anyone wanted and no one did so i tried it all last year . Free is cool but it did not help my bb ,white tongue ,or any of that stuff. I guess at least it didn't make anything worse . For xlear i'll say the same but i sort of didn't expect it to. It seemed to help with my PND and ear issues but as i said the xylitol/salt neti did this even better for less $ .

By the way , stegma has been lurking since 2009 so I'll wait on concluding spam . Thanks for your 1st post Stegma

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:08 pm
by StillHoping
I apologize Stegma :oops: just seemed like you maybe were pushing those products

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:53 am
by Stegma21
Hi Deebo and StillHoping,
It has pleased God to give me enough education, financial wherewithal and comfort so that I don't have to push anything for any body or company now and till Thy Kingdom Come. What I posted was never a spam and nothing is being advertised. I don't see anything in my posting that suggests fronting for either Xlear or Closys. I am never affiliated in any way to these two entities and please read my post again between the lines and you will see that I wrote that for me, they are an interim measure pending when I will stumble on the permanent cure. Someone who is fronting or pushing a product will tell you these products cured them. I never wrote such and never ask guys to start buying now or in future. And that I joined the forum since 2009 and never posted anything shows you that I am for real. I cannot post anything if there is nothing to post. The items listed in my posting are currently working for me and you don't have to buy them and I'm not encouraging anybody for that matter to buy. However, my stating that you could google to buy is not an invitation or coersion of any sort (that segment of the posting was removed to avoid any further confusion). If by the yardstick guys use to measure spam is applied to your own posting, then yours will be regarded as a spam because you wrote netti pot and Amazon? Or are you advertising netti pot? The answer will be no and I know you are not advertising but just mentioning these items in passing. I will never call what you posted a spam because you are just expressing yourself in a forum we all cherish and this forum has helped me greatly. Please ignore all I wrote as my honest experience if you will pass such judgment. One should endeavor to be broad-minded and shun unnecessary brouhaha where one does not exist. I will never post a spam on this website and have never posted spam messages on any website for that matter. I respect all without any reservations. May we find the cure for this disability that afflicts us in good time IJN. Amen. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:14 am
by halitosisux
Let's try to avoid spam accusations unless it's painfully obvious.
As Stegma says, any one of us could be regarded as spammers.
Just making blind accusations achieves nothing and it will only deter many genuine people from giving their genuine experiences.
Thanks for your info Stegma.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:04 am
by Stegma21
Hi Halitosisux,
Thanks for your comments and advise to all. I have been following your postings and they are always very objective and straight to the point. You are surely a role model for others to emulate. We are blessed to have you on this forum.Your comments made my day.
With limitless Joy and Peace Profound. :D 8)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:33 pm
by halitosisux
Thank you for your kind words Stegma.
I wish you the best of luck in your quest to conquer this bad breath beast.