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Post by ruch »

anyone ever had this test done?

i wonder if it is related to our issues..

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:58 am

Post by ttlxman »

Yup, I recently had this test done for ongoing bowel issues which I suspect to be connected to my sinus congestion and PND.

I just got the results and they were pretty abnormal I was told.

Double the normal amount of IgA + IgM against aerobic bacteria and yeast, almost triple the amount for anaerobic bacteria and dietary proteins.

They're doing a stool test next to see if I have some sort of parasite or infection. Either way, an obvious bacterial imbalance is present sort of like what must be happening in some of our mouths.

I honestly have no idea about the scientific reliability of the saliva test that was done. I'm just glad that doctors are starting to take me a little more seriously and are offering further testing.

I will post my own thread eventually if I make any progress.
Posts: 331
Joined: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:43 pm

Post by ruch »

what kind of doctor did you see, and was it specifically about the bb issue? how did you get them to do these tests?
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:58 am

Post by ttlxman »

Naturopath. It was for my stomach and congestion. I don't have a lot of luck with my doctor so I just paid privately for testing at a Naturopathic clinic. It costed around $350 and wasn't covered under the basic health care plan here in Canada.

Normally I wouldn't of considered it but I was desperate and the test seemed scientific enough to be worth a shot. My stool test is going to be covered under my health insurance unlike the IgA+IgM saliva test.
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