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Good tip for white tongue

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:29 pm
by meowkity1
I was eating some pineapple recently and the next day I noticed my tongue was pink on the edges by my teeth. I knew it was the pineapple so I went and bought a fresh pineapple and ate it over a twenty four hour period and although it burned it cleaned the white hairy tongue right off. After my second whole pineapple I can honestly say my tongue is the pinkest it has ever been my whole life. The very back has been a challenge to unglue, but the middle and sides of my tongue had a thick coating which is gone now, and Im getting a whole lot less reactions. If you do this your tiongue will burn, but will return back to normal around 4 hours. Its completely worth it. It will also help you poop because of the high fiber. Has to be fresh pineapple that you peel, not canned

Re: Good tip for white tongue

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:03 pm
by searching
meowkity1 wrote:I was eating some pineapple recently and the next day I noticed my tongue was pink on the edges by my teeth. I knew it was the pineapple...and although it burned it cleaned the white hairy tongue right off. After my second whole pineapple I can honestly say my tongue is the pinkest it has ever been my whole life.
Yes, a helpful observation.

Pineapple pH = 3.20 to 4.00 according to an FDA report, containing citric, malic, ascorbic, nicotinic, and pantothenic acids.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:30 pm
by billie
I ate the most sour green apple ever today and it made my mouth feel so good.
I had eaten them before, but they were never that sour. Most of the time they were kind of sweet so i stopped eating them because in prefer sour over sweet apples.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:48 pm
by Archimonde
pineapple has an enzyme that helps breaking down proteins which is why pineapple juice is used as a meat tenderizer.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:56 am
by ruch
anyone ever try gargling with pineapple juice?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:11 pm
by meowkity1
I have been sucking on the pineapple since September and it has given me a better life besides breaking down my teeth. I can see and feel them thinning. A very fresh pineapple for one day works just as a acid chemical peel. First it burns the white hairy tongue and then in a day or two it comes off with scraping and brushing. My conclusion with using this method, is that anyone with nasal odor, should look toward tongue coating. When my tongue is highly coated and I drink mouthwash or brush my teeth, the gas will lift the mint fumes up into my nose. After I have cleaned my tongue with the pineapple, I do not sense the menthol/mint going up to my nose. There arenot enough gasses coming off my tongue to carry it up. Now I must find out why the white constantly grows back, why my teeth only stay grimeless for a week after a cleaning. Mi life is improving, though I havnt not found a job I could apply my degree to my social life is rising,and Im so much happier since using the pineapple. My dentist did give me some medicated toothpaste to strengthen my enamel. Im not sure I could ever give up the pineapple now. Too see my tongue so pink and to be able to talk to people, and not have nose odor is a dream come true.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:27 am
by liza22
How much do you eat per day and is it more than once a day. Do you do it before or after meals. Glad you are having success.

The proteolytic enzyme in pineapple is called bromelain, which is also sold in tablets for digestive problems. I wonder if sucking on them would have a similar result.Thanks for the idea.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:36 pm
Best way to get rid of the white coating is to buy Orabrush.It's the best tongue scraper!!

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:29 pm
by meowkity1
First, orabrush will not cure halitosis. If your coating is rooted almost nothing will work. Rooted means the white hairs are stuck to your tongue. Pinaplle does break down protein, I have lost about twelve needed pounds and my poop is always soft now, Im never constipated anymore.

What I do is get a very fresh pineapple. Don't use the middle. Cut the pineapple up into long strips that can sit right over your tongue. Just let it sit as long as you can. At first it will turn your tongue white, because it fried the hairs. In a day or two with your scraper or brush start scraping it and the coating will begin to peel off. You may even bleed. It doesn't matter when you do it. But you have to do it through out the day. Just one slice will not work. It may even make your mouth or tongue soar, but it usually subsides in a few hours, andthen you take more pineapple. After that you will notice it may not have taken off the whole cating so then you can place the pinapple in the spots that are still white. I usually do this for three days until Im completely satisfied. My white hairy tongue does grow back so I usually do this once a week for atleast two days

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:01 pm
Who says Orabrush cure halitosis?I said Orabrush is the best tongue scraper

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:07 pm
so has pineapple cured your halitosis meowkity1?