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Hi, new member here

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:26 pm
by SuddenBB
Hi, I'm a 27 yr old male. I started suffering from BB or from what I could tell is 5 months (May, 2013). The first two months we're good and bad days. I've never been able to smell my mouth odor being fowl but by the reactions I get, I know it stinks. The reaction are nose touching, clearing of throat.

But I can smell this fecal odor from my nose. Especially after I smoke. It isn't smoke smell completely. It smell like tonsil stones except not as strong. People can also smell it even if my mouth is closed.

I've had GERD and duedonitis and ulcers from 2011 because of my drinking but never had bad breath.

I'll give you the pattern BB took with me:

5th May realized I had a problem during an interview. At this time I had 2 rotten molars on my left side and on my right side I had no 3rd molar. All wisdom teeth out.

End of May - In the office I started getting reactions

30th June - At a party ingested coke - nasal

Had a runny nose for the next two weeks.

My BB at this point was still controllable.

July 10th - Started my dental treatment - My first sitting for root canal (2nd left lower molar). Implant next sitting - 11th

July 12th - 2nd sitting root canal(2nd left lower molar). 18th Extraction of lower left 3rd molar. I didn't follow after-extraction-instructions that well though I got no dry socket. Thank god.

On 22nd I noticed a white coating on the back of my tongue. Asked the dentist during the follow up time whether it was thrush but they said no it isn't.

Ever since my dental treatment started, my BB condition got worse. Firstly I couldn't chew my food well.

on 25th I got myself tested for Aids(negative) and saw an ENT. He asked for a x ray of my sinuses and said I have sinusitis. He gave me a decongestant, probiotic, anti-allergy/ cold medicine. Things didn't get better.

Mind you though I'm allergic to dust, i've never suffered from sinusitis.

By now - even when I went for an interview and gargled with mouth wash, 5 mns later I'd be smelling by the reactions. I could never smell it.

20th August - saw my ENT again. The tongue hadn't gotten better. My mouth was drier. Whatever I ate, the tongue took on that color.

By August the smell was pretty bad by reactions. People couldn't ride in a car without the windows down. The runny nose was better but still runny.

I quit my job on the 23rd of August. Because I was to go for post grad studies which I've deferred now.

I'm regular in my bowel. Atleast 2 to 3 times a day. On 15th September I noticed undigested food particles in my stool and steatorrhea like ragged edged stool.

My diet has been much better after I quit my job. I started having more veggies. Drinking no coffee. But I often found undigested food particles.

I started gargling with salt water and my tongue became much better. Though at the base i still had a small white patch which wouldn't go.

17th September I got an endoscopy done and asked them to check for H pylori. - Result - H pylori positive - Fundus, antrum and stomach show erythema - Large Hiatus Hernia

I took the triple antibiotic treatment - 10 days. I have to get myself tested for it again.

23rd September noticed my left tonsil bigger than my right.

During this time I would have bowel movements quite often. I would also feel less tired.

During the time I was taking the antibiotics, the stench seem to reduce, according to the reactions I was getting.

1st October got two tonsil stones out while brushing deep.

5th Oct - Sinus CT Results - Polypoidal opacities within left maxillary antrum with partially opacified ethmoid air cells.

Right side is fine.

ENT says that polyp is small and no need to operate and also says that this can't be the cause of BB. He suggested a tonsillectomy. Though the smell has gotten better. Its still there.

One thing that has made things better is salt water gargling, especially my tongue but my nose smell is still there.

I also went to another dentist because my lower gums have turned purple, but the dentist said it was pigmentation. I have no cavities. My implant crown will we put this month end.
I personally only get this weird smell which isn't that strong. The fecal smell I get is from the nose.

My runny nose is much better. My stool is becoming more solid. BB is definitely better. Nose odor a little better.

I have a few questions?

Does my left nostril/ sinus symptoms and left enlarged tonsil have a connection.

Do my PNS CT findings reveal a cause?

How come I can smell my nose odor but not from my mouth.(I close my mouth an exhale from my nose and then smell it to know the odor. Then I do it vice versa to check.)

I've read that tonsillectomy doesn't cure BB often.

What should I do?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:07 pm
by halitosisux
Is the coating more on one side than the other? The coating might be because you are avoiding eating on one side, resulting in less abrasion, allowing a coating to build up where it would normally not do so.
Were you ever aware of tonsil stones before you became aware of having BB?
Root canals are notorious for causing bad breath if they haven't been done perfectly, as too are implants and crowns etc, aparently.

If you become really stuck and find your BB isn't anything to do with your teeth, then perhaps it relates to your sinusitis. Your sinusitis could be related to your GERD.

I noticed you mentioned the left side where you've required your dental treatment - and that you recently noticed your left tonsil is bigger than your right - there might be a connection there. I had dental issues on my right side and my right tonsil was bigger and produced the most smell and the biggest stones - and I don't think that was a coincidence.

You mention left nostril/sinus symptoms - but apart from nose running and odour, what are your actual symptoms? Your left-side tonsil enlargement may be related to your left-side nasal/sinus issues. There might be a lymphatic connection or there could be a bacterial/mucus drainage irritation connection.

Try to resist removing your tonsils for now - even though they might stink, they might just be innocent bystanders during these events going on elsewhere in their vicinity.

Are your doctors or dentists able to smell anything? If they can then it's important to know whether the odour is coming from the nose or mouth or both. You'll be able to rule out so much if you can arm yourself with such info.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:24 pm
by SuddenBB

Went to another dentist, than my usual, to check how was treatment going. She said the work is going on just fine, i'm healing well.

Asked her whether there is a connection between the left tonsil, left side treatment and left polypoidal opacity in the left sinus. She said its just a coincidence.

I asked her how I smell and whats the origin? She said smoke and it could be GERD.

But I told her I had just brushed. I think she wasn't being straight. It is never nice to say you smell of shit.

The coating was uniform, from the back to the middle part of the tongue. Now its only at the converging part of the tongue throat area. A small patch which I can reach properly. The tongue is much better now. The grow back - build up of the white film is thinner now.

No I didn't. I noticed my BB before and then the tonsils. But I did find stones but never knew what they were.

I feel there is a connection between left tonsil and left sinus findings.

The dentist said that all my dental work is going fine and gave me a Chlorhexidine mouth wash.

She also took and x ray of the root canal tooth and she said all was fine. They missed no canals or anything. Healing fine. She suggested I go in for a scaling and polishing. Does that help because my oral hygiene isn't bad. There is slight discoloration because of years of smoking(9 yrs).

I get this weird smell from my mouth, which at best i can describe it as humid and mouldy.

The nose odor is fecal and smoky.

I've asked my ENT whether he can smell anything from the nose and he said no and neither my mouth. I know my BB is much better now but i still need to know the origin of it to get the root and be sure.

I don't want to unnecessarily go in for surgery. I really have a feeling its a fungal/ bacterial infection.

Also I find undigested food particles in my stool though I'm regular of bowel. Maybe that can be a cause.

I'm lactose semi intolerant. But there isn't any dairy in my diet. Veggies, fish and meat only.

I was H Pylori +. I'll get myself tested again. That can be a cause but I highly doubt it.

I also started swimming in the summer. Maybe there might me a bacterial infection because of that.

Maybe there are sinoliths in my sinuses. The mouth has been ruled out except for the small patch of white tongue.

What can I do for that small persistent patch of white tongue? I've tried Hydrogen peroxide. It never helped much. Salt water does. But that small patch still stays.

And thanks for replying and for the advice. Its really a lot of help because this condition hardly has much information or understanding.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:48 pm
by Archimonde
The undigested food particles in your stool is normal if you're eating raw veggies.

Can you describe the reactions you're getting in details?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:17 am
by halitosisux
You're welcome.

I agree with Archimonde that undigested food particles are nothing abnormal, especially if you're eating lots of healthy foods like veg, as long as there's nothing else odd about your stools.

Wait and see once all your dental repairs are completed to know where you stand regarding a dental cause.

Definitely ensure your helicobacter pylori infection has been eradicated. having this bacteria living in your stomach can have many different health repercussions that can then lead to bad breath. Consider parasitic infections too. Ask to be tested.

Try not to go mad trying to remove this white patch of coating, but wait and see if any treatments you are working on manage to affect it, helping to lead you to the underlying cause.

Do everything necessary to clear your sinus infection. That may well be all you need to do. The fact the antibiotics helped you, despite not having bad breath from your mouth, could be a good sign that something is going on in your sinuses.

I don't know anything about cocaine, but I know it has a corrosive effect in the nose and this may have triggered something up there.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:04 pm
by SuddenBB
Hi sorry for the late update

Ok the chlorhexidine is working in my mouth. My mouth bacterial flora is much better. My saliva production is better. The white tongue development has reduced. The stubborn patch is still there at the base of the tongue. Now I don't get those reactions

I think the topical administration of the mouth wash has helped.


Reaction: The reactions were nose touching with the index and thumb and clearing of the throat.


I need to get myself checked for SIBO and other things.

The smell from the nose is still there. I strongly feel its a bacterial infection in my nose. Because after applying the mouthwash, my tongue feels better. I think the imbalanced mouth flora was because of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

What do I do about my nose smell? Is the nose smell because of bacterial infection? I feel my CT scan polyps and sinusitis (which I've never had before) are because of the bacterial infection.

I think the bacterial infection can be for two reasons.

1) Mouth - Due to unhygienic treatment during the dental procedures

2) Nose - In my nose due to snorting bad coke.

I'm going to get myself checked for H Pylori again. I think hypertension is also a cause because my tongue turns a little white after I meet people. And when I meet people, I'm always tense and conscious.

But the nose is more of a problem than my mouth now.

Maybe some topical administration will help because a saline spray hasn't helped at all.

p.s. chlorhexidine is good for bacteria laden tongues that are causing odor but it still hasn't been able to completely remove the small white patch at the back of the tongue. It does help in not regrowing the white film.

THE SMELL IS OF TOBACCO that comes from the nose, esp after I smoke. My mouth odor which is less musty now, is better.

Any suggestions?

Some relief

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:58 pm
by SuddenBB
I found a really good post on nose odor on the medhelp forum which has helped me.


I have this now and have had it in the pass. The smell is a result of lack of drainage,moisture, and you probably have inflammation of the sinuses. You have to go to an ENT and get a CT scan to see if you have a cyst or polyps which can block normal drainage of the nose. You must also find a way to fight inflammation of the turbinates and nasal passages to ensure that the mucous in your nose can drain normally. Be very careful about sinus irrigation. Make sure you apply an anti-inflammatory first or the water will get trapped and cause the bacteria to build up in the mucuos and your nose will smell worse. Make sure you use a humidifier at night to ensure your nose is getting moisture but if you have swollen sinuses at night and your nose is not draining properly, then the mucuos will be blocked, your nose will be dry causing blood laced mucous (which you cannot see but taste in your mucuos) and it will give bacteria a chance to build up in the sinuses. The only way you can get rid of the smell is have your doctor prescribe a very strong antibiotic(also take out the polyps or unblock your nose), drink water constantly,and keep your nose moist with a saline nasal sinus spray, and make sure you are brushing the back of your tongue with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda backed with a gargle of non-alcohol mouthwash. Until the bacteria is gone..I usually buy the loud fruity smelling Lip Balm and put some in each nostril to lessen the bad smell in my nose when out in public. Also avoid doing a lot of swallowing (Ex:while drinking liquids) because the smell will come from the nose and it can smell up to 5 feet away and is embarrassing.
I am in a foreign country now but don't trust foreign doctors to operate on my sinuses so I will have to suffer until I can get back home to see an ENT who is knowledgeable because not all ENT's know how to treat certain chronic sinusitis problems. ... how/742381