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lasting relief

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:45 am
by pagmic2
I wrote earlier about squeezing the post nasal drip and bacteria out of the nasal cavity and from behind the posterior faucial pillars. But I discovered that there was still bacteria and post nasal drip hiding mostly up above the CORNERS of the back of the roof of the mouth, just before it becomes the top of the posterior faucial pillars. In other words, the snot is accumulating and festering at the sides of the back of the floor of the nasal cavity, which makes sense since each nostril's sinuses drain to the sides of the area above the uvula, accumulating mostly at the sides/corners of the posterior nasal cavity, above the sides of the roof of the mouth in the back of the oral cavity. Use your thumbs to squeeze this stuff out, and then brush it away and rinse/gargle. Don't forget to clean the back of the tongue and the sides of the back of the tongue, too, where it contacts this post nasal drip. The freshness lasts a long long time. Praise be to the Heavenly Father for showing us this, in Jesus' Name.