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Coughing and clearing of throats

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:38 pm
by FedUp
This phenomenon I've been noticing a lot lately is people clearing their throats rather loudly and coughing when I've walked past them or been near them.

It's really getting me down.

I personally do not get it, are they reacting to an odor?

I've smelt bad odors and never once coughed or cleared my throat loudly.

I do not know what to do at all, some days I think I have TMAU then others I'm feeling somewhat good again. It costs £180 to do a TMAU test here and it can take up to 8 weeks for results. I don't think I can sit 8 weeks not knowing but I want to rule it out.

There are occasions where I'm told I smelled nice and asked what cologne/deodorant have I used. I've read people with TMAU cannot ever cover their odor with anything. I know my breaths stinky but there's just this niggling thought of TMAU in my mind, I need to rule it out.

Anyway, am I just using too much cologne or do I have body odor???

I got a woman give me a dirty look friday night, and 2 womens turned their head to look at me.

I just do not get the loud throat clearing and coughing???

I'm still waiting to have a barium swallow to see if I have zenkers diverticulum which i think I do not have.

sinus surgery maybe on the cards for me in the future also. I was told sometimes CT scans do not pick up infections so there's still a little glimmer of hope.

When I rub the inside of my right nostril I can sense that shitty smell.

I find the throat clearing and coughing pathetic but it does make me feel like shit.

Also I was in the shower the other day I was having a coughing fit, I could smell something rotten, this same smell I sometimes catch at work. it's kind of a rotten sweaty fart smell mixed with tobacco (i do not smoke).

if this was zenkers diverticulum i would cry with joy because that can be fixed, how simple would life be without this curse???

Also I was at a bar and I was speaking loudly and it was as if I'd dislodged some smelly mucus from my throat and the smell just let out was like rotten eggs and even i could smell it, i just pretended somebody farted lol

***k! ! ! !! ! ! ! !

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:53 pm
by mindspace
Dude perfume+bad breath=worst combination-it can be smelled around 10 meters.So stop using perfumes or cologne for some days and maybe u will see the difference.I only use deodorant in small amount-the combination as i said perfume+bad breath is awful-maybe there are allergens from both things i don't know but all i know is that my collegues don't like my perfumes so i stop using it.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:01 am
by StillHoping
Fedup I am starting to notice the same thing as well just recently! It just started out of nowhere a couple of months ago. Before I would get reactions only when I spoke but now ppl are acting weird/ coughing/ sneezing/ fidgeting whenever close to me, even strangers! So I am wondering if I have TMAU as well?

I also wonder if I wear to much perfume? [Im sure as a subliminal deflection of trying to mask my BB]. But whenever I pass anyone who wears too much perfume, it does not make me cough/ fidget etc... soo I don't understand how my body could be giving out that reaction to others.

I just ordered Chlorophyll and will be trying a new internal regime. If I notice less of these reactions, it may confirm that I do have TMAU or at least something is going on with my body aside from the bb.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:18 pm
by mindspace
Guys I don't think you both have TMAU-read about PATM and bad breath-it's about odorless alergen which causes these rubs,sneezing,coughing etc-so u have bad breath but not all the time which i think i have but that's not true.I hope that PATM is due to bad breath(body odor).I really think that u should tested for all the pathogens in oral cavity-I think that post nasal drip reflects to these bacteria including the bacteria which cause gum disease.

Re: Coughing and clearing of throats

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:38 am
by jamesmcavoy
if u consider coughingand nose rubbing of people even when they are not even near u , its purely disrespect towards us . i have even seen reactions between persons when i am very away from them
when they pass eachother ,one of them always looks away or gives a weird expression like nose rub .

the good thing is for them is they dont know a word ' paranoia ' like we didnt when we were not aware of bb .
i am a man and trust me 80% of men give these expressions .women do not at all .
really men are assholes

Re: Coughing and clearing of throats

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:44 am
by jamesmcavoy
I used to become very angry to such people bt not anymore coz i know its not worth it .
screw people

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:18 pm
by mindspace
I read that men are more sensitive to odors than women.People eat 5 times per day- I eat at 8 am,10.30 am,12,30 pm,3.30pm and 7 pm-it helps a lot-avoid sugar,diary,also reduce meat,avoid junk foods and fried foods.