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My tongue became pink!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:37 am
by mtr
Hello everybody,

Its been a very long time since the last time I even logged in this site, but I thought I owed to you all and it was my duty to report my progress..

Oh well... My tongue turned pink and clean and it remains like this during the day.. I believe I still have bad breath but its not that much.. For the old members of the site, they might remember the photos I posted 1-2 years ago showing my tongue..

Anyway.. I can not precisely say to what do I owe this pleasure.. 4 months ago I started the candida diet (the strict one) and followed it until the last word for couple of months. After that, because I was loosing too much weight, decided to include in my diet everything but sugar and dairy.. Although my tongue was getting pinker since then, no huge difference was traced by me when I decided to spoil my diet..

Meanwhile, around that time I removed my last wisdom tooth.. Once in a while I was drinking cinnamon tea.. Because of weight loss I started drinking coconut milk and eating tahini in order to gain some weight..

To be honest.. among everything I mentioned the only thing that I eat frequently, almost everyday, is tahini, which from what I read online its very healthy..

If you have any comments or questions on what I wrote, I ll be happy to read them and answer them all..


Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:21 am
by emotional rescue