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Diane 35 (The pill) helped me

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:02 pm
Hi everyone, been lurking around here since around 2007 and have posted a few times during that time. I've finally found something that helped me. To give a bit of history, my bb started in 2004 (when i was 19) although I can recall having it on some days when I was 17 and 18 (very occasional, maybe 3 total times in those 2 years that i got reactions from others.) When the bb started in 2004 it was only from the mouth. then in 2010, the thing i'd dreaded from reading this forum happened to me... nasal odor.

things i've tried over the years: like most of you, everything... natural cures, antibiotics, antifungals, diet. I've NEVER been successful in removing the mouth odor, but temporary fixes for the nasal odor were: amoxicyllin an antibiotic (sp) and nasal salt water flushing. Like I said, no matter what antibitiotic or diet I've been on, the mouth odor never ever went away, it's been there 24/7 365 since 2004.

Now for what's been helping me recently. I specifically waited a month before posting. One month ago, I got a prescrption for Diane 35 from my doctor. It's a contraceptive pill, usually used by young girls for mild acne. I asked for Diane because i wanted to try it for bad breath, but i told my doctor I wanted to try it for very bad cramps. i took the first pill on a Saturday, the next day the nasal odor was gone, swear to God. I went outside for a walk to test it, i live in a very busy area and usually i have to spend my time holding my breath in as i walk past people. I didn't have to this time, I kept looking in people's faces like: aren't you gonna rub your nose or cough??

A week later while i was still taking the pill, i went to the mall to buy a dock for my ipod. I was still not really confident in my breath being fresh (almost 10 years of having bb will do that to you) but i spoke to the guys at the store, watching their every move for a reaction, and I did not see one. Now here's where things get a little tricky: I've noticed that when I eat "too" much milk or sugar, the odor returns (mouth and nasal)... but then it's gone the next morning. This past Friday there was a baby shower at work and i had cupcakes, cake, Coke, etc. By noon my breath was horrid (one girl was covering her nose whenever I spoke to her even though she was standing quite far away. it was only her doing that though, nobody else, so i don't know if my breath was really that bad). But a day later (yesterday) i went outside, did a bit of shopping, had to talk to people and I got no reactions.

I think what i need to do (but it's hard) is to completely cut sugar and milk out for a few months until my body gets back in sync. If i keep eating badly like this, maybe the pill will stop working for me. I can definitely still eat good carbs and meat just fine, but things like ice-cream and cheese do not agree with me. I'd like to mention that when I wake up even after having things like burgers and i've forgotten to brush my teeth the night before, i can only taste the mildest morning breath and sometimes nothing at all. Before I went on the pill the taste of my morning breath grossed even me out.

I think years ago someone else on this forum also mentioned using the pill, but the reason i asked my doc for it is because of the acne connection. Diane is use for inflammation problems so i thought it couldn't hurt to try it for bad breath. If you go read any acne forum, you'll see they go through a lot of what we go through... restrictive diets, trying out all sorts of natural and medicinal cures, feeling isolated from friends and family. i've always found that interesting that we are so similar in our experiences with acne people. I don't have acne by the way, perfect skin.. just bb.

So i tried one of the acne "cures" on a pure whim, not really expecting any results, and it's really helping me. Not a cure by any means, if you are looking at it from the angle of wanting somthing that will allow you to eat however and whatever and still have fresh breath.

Also, one thing i know for sure is that I am not and will never be one of those people who have 100% fresh breath even if they don't brush: i recall an incident when I was 13 (I had dental braces) and I forgot to brush my teeth that morning - we had double desks at school so the boy sitting next to me was RIGHT next to me. We were friends and he commented on my breath that day, specifically telling me that I didn't brush, and I know that it was just a once off thing because he looked so surprised and shocked by it. Anyway the point i'm trying to make, i think a lot of us kind of bypass the brushing twice a day thing because we know that it's not a cure. But it's still important (I'm lazy, sometimes I only brush once a day in the morning. and this laziness is not doing me any favours.)

Side effects of the pill: a little weight gain and BAD headaches the first two weeks. The headaches got better and even if they'd continued I'd have probably kept taking the pill because literally nothing has ever helped my bb this much. Also, the first week i had the weirdest body odor, not unpleasant like fecal or sweaty armpits, but it was strange. and very strong. Luckily it went away.

i know that this doesn't seem helpful to the men on this forum but even if you can't use Diane, maybe look into hormonal/inflammation medicine that men can use.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:03 pm
by StillHoping
what type of bb did you have?

Re: Diane 35 (The pill) helped me

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:11 am
by jamesmcavoy
Hey i think this pill may not be good for your hair .

maybe u do some research on inflammation pills and then try .

in any way , no one should not use hormonal pills as it could turn ur body upside down .

the long term side effects could be very dangerOus

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:08 am
StillHoping wrote:what type of bb did you have?
From what I could tell the mouth bad breath was fecal and very strong (judging from other people's reactions. 9 times out of 10 I couldn't smell it myself) i could smell the nasal odor myself and I'd describe it as garbage, moldy, it varied from day to day.

Re: Diane 35 (The pill) helped me

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:11 am
jamesmcavoy wrote:Hey i think this pill may not be good for your hair .

maybe u do some research on inflammation pills and then try .

in any way , no one should not use hormonal pills as it could turn ur body upside down .

the long term side effects could be very dangerOus
I'm not sure what you mean by the hair thing, please elaborate. As for the pill having side effects yes you're right but I don't think it's as bad as you are saying, it's just birth control used by millions of females around the world. There are side effects that they'll warn you about like headaches and mood swings, but I wouldn't think the pill is dangerous. I'm no doctor of course obviously.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:09 pm
by StillHoping
thanks for the post GTFO and I hope this is truly a permanent cure for you. I am wary to try it because of articles like this ... ecret.html

but if you can please keep us posted on your progress? thanks

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:01 pm
StillHoping wrote:thanks for the post GTFO and I hope this is truly a permanent cure for you. I am wary to try it because of articles like this ... ecret.html

but if you can please keep us posted on your progress? thanks
Thank you for sharing that article! I read it and i now agree that there are some concerns around the medication. If I had read it a few weeks ago I probably would have stopped taking it because the article mentions headaches and I got really bad headsches. I think for now ill see how it goes, monitor progress, and keep note of any other side effects.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:59 am
by StillHoping
GTFO.BADBREATH any updates!?

Im setting up an appt for next week to try this pill. Just wanted to check in with you on whether it is still helping? thanks

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:14 am
by Ihatemybreath
Whats that???? The new harry potter saga? I wont read all that about a stupid pill

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:07 pm
by StillHoping
this isn't a "stupid pill", this is birth control that happened to work for her. Since I now need birth control, I have nothing to lose by trying this brand.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:32 am
by thf
Thanks for posting that. I have bb and nasal odor as well and it started the same as yours, first the bb and then nasal odor. I've always believed this was a hormone problem and I've been to several different endocrinologist over the years only to be told everything was normal.

I'm really glad this is working for you, please keep posting on your progress, I going to look into this for myself. Best of luck.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:13 am
by StillHoping
I have started Diane 35 as of tonight, will report back regularly on how it goes :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:59 am
by Gracy_005
Nice post!


Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:12 am
by tieuvodanh
StillHoping wrote:I have started Diane 35 as of tonight, will report back regularly on how it goes :)
How it went StillHoping ? Either it kills or cures are both useful to me as a bber.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:51 pm
by StillHoping
tieuvodanh, it had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever, and I will be finishing the first pack tonight. On the other hand, I have had negative effects in terms of spotting and constantly being hungry which has led to weight gain. So I think I will get off of it.