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Post Nasal Drippers

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:41 pm
by FedUp
Quick question

Does your PND become more prolific after doing your routine?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:21 am
by halitosisux
Mine doesn't. But I do get a lot of thick, almost choking mucus in my throat after I do my routines. In my case that isn't PND, it's just mucus, and they're not the same thing.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:37 pm
by Ihatemybreath
halitosisux wrote:Mine doesn't. But I do get a lot of thick, almost choking mucus in my throat after I do my routines. In my case that isn't PND, it's just mucus, and they're not the same thing.
I always called my mucus in throat of PND............ WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? If this mucus in my throat is not pnd what it is? I need a logical explanation. And yes it get worst after I brush my teeth and then drink water

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:13 pm
by halitosisux
The difference is, we all have a certain amount of mucus which constantly drains from the back of the nose. When it's a normal mucus and normal quantity, you don't notice it. If it's excessive or very thick or foul tasting, then you do notice it. This is PND.

If I'm correct, all mucous membranes (the kind of tissue which lines your lungs, throat, stomach, guts, etc) all produce mucus to keep them moist and allow things to move along, whether it's food or germs etc. If you irritate your throat, it will produce excessive amounts of it's own thick sticky mucus. This isn't PND - it's Mucus. The intestines will do the same thing too, if they become irritated, as will other mucous membranes (lungs, cough etc).

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:51 pm
by Ihatemybreath
halitosisux wrote:The difference is, we all have a certain amount of mucus which constantly drains from the back of the nose. When it's a normal mucus and normal quantity, you don't notice it. If it's excessive or very thick or foul tasting, then you do notice it. This is PND.

If I'm correct, all mucous membranes (the kind of tissue which lines your lungs, throat, stomach, guts, etc) all produce mucus to keep them moist and allow things to move along, whether it's food or germs etc. If you irritate your throat, it will produce excessive amounts of it's own thick sticky mucus. This isn't PND - it's Mucus. The intestines will do the same thing too, if they become irritated, as will other mucous membranes (lungs, cough etc).
Very thank you for the information...... I definitely have PND so, because it's a constant mucus........ all the time.........

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:47 pm
by halitosisux
Has anyone ever tried to find out why you have PND?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:02 pm
by Ihatemybreath
halitosisux wrote:Has anyone ever tried to find out why you have PND?
I did this sinus test.... I dont know how to say in english, X ray? didn't find any sinusitis so I just dont know

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:28 pm
by Ihatemybreath
Maybe because my nose is all fucked up inside, my ent had it checked

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:02 pm
by halitosisux
I doubt there's much wrong with any of our noses really. But I just wish I knew the answer to this PND thing. It seems to be common among everyone with Type-1 BB. There has to be a connection with this and tonsil stones and the whole jigsaw puzzle of why we've all had to go through this hell.

Is it simply allergy we have to live with? Is it caused by some kind of viral infection that stays with us or some kind of "dormant" thing that lives in our tissues that makes our mucus flow like a tap. Are we genetically ****ed? I don't mind having PND, I'm totally used to it. But I still want to do something about it if I can.

The really confusing thing is that I know people with PND who don't generally have BB - but they do sometimes. It's not very bad odour, but it's not very nice being right near them. The odour is hard to describe, it's almost like a smell of bitumen or asphalt, like the faint smell of paint in the air. This is the odour I could smell on my own BB if I breathed out into a neutral smelling corner of a room and and then breathe back in sharply just at the right rebound moment.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:21 pm
by Ihatemybreath
I think if PND stopped, probably my BB case would decrease a loooot. Because the mucus on my throat always have this bad taste.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:52 pm
by moonlight87
I have post nasal drip. I had my blood checked and I am not allergic for anything, sinuses look very healthy.
My ENT doctor says that there is people with overactive sinuses, they react on everything (heath/cold/dirt etc.). To me it sounds like a sort of protection mechanism of the body.
There is nothing to do about overactive sinuses as far he knows.
I am totally healthy otherwise so for me it seems that there is no underlying cause which might correspond to it.
I also have enlarged turbinates but I doubt if this has much to do with the PNL.