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I believe I have the solution to bad breath.

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:33 am
by kj13
I believe I have the solution to bad breath.

Having the tendency to have bad breath is similar to someone having the tendency to being overweight, or having the tendency to have headaches, etc. It is an illness. Bad breath is a systemic illness. We have to put in extra effort to get rid of the bad breath. Just like someone who is prone to gain weight, extra effort more than the rest will have to be put in place.

Unlike supplement or any external medicine that you ingest, this is a holistic therapy to make sure that we are cleaned inside out as i've mentioned earlier bad breath is an illness, it's telling us that our internal system is 'dirty'. We have to clean it up. I've been there, cried and having depression over this 'illness' but i was determined to solve this once and for all. Here are the steps guys. My heart goes to you guys.

1) 1stly, BELIEVE:
You've got to believe that these steps will work. You've got to get rid of negativity. As you know negative emotions like stress and depression can cause bad breath. It's not just bad breath causes stress and depression, but it's the other way too. So stay POSITIVE and determined that this will work!!

2) 2ndly, REFLEXOLOGY:
The main component of these holistic treatment is reflexology.
Like I mentioned earlier, bad breath is indicating that your organs are not working at the optimal level, hence your internal system is 'dirty'.
So these are the organs as reflected on the feet that you have to massage to 'wake' them up and be efficient again. You can google reflexology to know more about it. You can use your fingers or pen(that's comfortable to be used) or anything for the massage. You have to massage these organs in order stated.

(You can check out this website as i find the image clearest to understand. ... age=page-2

Thyroid is not stated in the image but you can google it. As for throat/teeth, it's the ridge between the big toe and 2nd toe at the fore part of the foot, different from the rest. The rest of the points are at the the sole of the feet)

Small intestine
Large intestine

Each point you need to massage for about 2 minutes or so. Try not to eat or drink anything 1 hour before and after, as you want to really clean out your blood from impurities. Drink a glass of plain water after the reflexology. I drink 2 glasses of water with about 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in each glass.It shouldn't take you more than 15 min each session of reflexology. Do this twice a day.After a while when you notice your breath has improved, you can do it once a day. Thereafter, you can reduce the frequency accordingly. Reflexology is good as it really awakens your organs so lifetime practice is good. You know it's working when especially for the first week or so, the first 2 hours after you do the reflexology that your breath stinks the most. You might even get sick for a couple of days. Hang in there. Your body is detoxing.
I know this is a bit of hard work, but you've got to put in effort to see the results. Not just ingest some supplement which most of the time only works temporarily or doesn't work at all.

A systemic cleanse of your system. You can start with parasitic cleanse. You guys can google it. Do this slowly. I took herbs like woodworm, black walnut and clove for a week. Then the next week followed by garlic(non-odorous like kyolic), coconut oil and pumpkin seed.Then followed by olive leaf extract and oil of oregano. Do these alternately for about 2 months.
Then followed by a kidney cleanse. Drink parsley tea(boiled water with parsley) to cleanse your kidney.
Lastly do a liver flush by using olive oil, epsom salt and lemon juice.

I don't want to elaborate too much on the cleansing system as you can find the details on the web. Remember to do this slowly and gently as the cleansing can be harsh to your system. It may even make your mouth super dry and make you have bad breath. If you notice this. Take a break fora couple of days. Or you can pursue and see the changes in your body.

4) 4thly, PARSLEY TEA:
I mentioned earlier about parsley tea. This tea can be drank daily, as parsley tea is internal deodoriser. You may wake up even without stinking breath!

5) 5thly, Avoid sugar especially in drinks.

I think most of us practise good dental hygiene right?
Ok just to list out the steps (without being patronising)
Brush the teeth
Using tongue cleaner to brush the tongue, inside cheeks, roofs near tonsil,
Use a dry toothbrush to brush gums. (Don't miss out this step)
Gargle with non-alcoholic nouthwash, Use a natural mouthwash preferably like 'Jason's'. Don't use bicarbonate soda as it changes the PH of your mouth drastically and it's bad for the enamel.

Ok guys, i really hope the best for you guys with all my care and love. Hope this will work. Don't lose hope. :)


Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:09 pm
by hopelessone
Can you elaborate on why baking soda is bad for the enamel and in what way it changes the PH of the mouth?

Thank you.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:26 am
by believe
Thank You so much KJ13 for taking the time to write all this to try and help us!! Its very appreciated. I will try this.