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What has effect on me so far!! Please read it !

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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What has effect on me so far!! Please read it !

Post by Sadgirl123 »

Hello friends,

A month ago i tried this thing i don't even remember where i read about someone doing it and so far so good i think thats it ...

I do realize we all have different types of BB and different things cause it, so i will try to describe my symptoms and what ive tried before so you can maybe see yourself in my story.

Its been a month maybe even more and i didnt post on purpose before because i wanted to be sure it actually has effect .. Not like other stuff i have used before that break my hopes even more..

Ok so what i have been doing is easy and cheap - HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and WATER In combination 50/50 so even amounts of water and the hydrogen . Gargle with it two three times a day and thats all! I USE THE 3% solution ( less then 2$ in walmart)
I am afraid you might make fun of me because it sounds too easy and maybe you have tried it before.. I cant believe it sometimes i think maybe i fool myself but i havent sensed that horrible taste in my mouth since i started using it.
And of course like all of you i have had my share of different products and doctors appointments... I thought i have tonsil stones because my symptoms sounded like that exactly but my ENT said no.. He said u r perfectly fine.. Gave me antibiotics WHICH HELPED FOR A WEEK and then same thing .... Bad sourly taste coning from my throat as soon as i finish brushing my teeth ..

I sometimes put 2/3 drops HYDROGEN PEROXIDE in a big glass and drink it.. When i gargle i dont swallow it .. Kind of hurts ( oh and there is a little white foam on tongue after gargle but just scrape it off ) but if you put couple of drops ( not more) in water and drink supposedly kills bacteria .

So friends , please try and write a comment how it works for you and how you feel

The stupidest thing was when i had my wisdom tooth pooled out the dentist told me to buy it and when i did i tried it and i though " what the hell is this and i threw it away"
Ironically thats whats working the most so far

I hope it works for you , friends! Please share comments ( we learn from each other )

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Post by ttlxman »

Yep hydrogen peroxide has been my best friend for years. Anyone with BB should have some on their counter at all times IMO.

One thing I've found to be immensely effective that has replaced my hydrogen peroxide usage is Chlorhexidine Gluconate.

(THANK YOU HalitosisSux)

Seriously, if hydrogen peroxide gives you relief, you MUST BUY SOME OF THIS. It has changed my life.

Just take my word for it. Also, buy a water pik. It has a great tonsil attachment and you can mix peroxide or chlorhexidine into the water basin very easily.

It's important to irrigate your tonsils and scrub your tongue down with it. You'll definitely notice a large improvement.
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

Wait. You SWALLOW it?
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