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After 4 years I have found a cure!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:52 pm
by sosayso
Hi, I am posting this as I used to read these forums in the last few years, and unfortunately I couldn't find the answer that I was looking for. However after around four years of suffering with this problem (a smelly post nasal drip), I have finally found a cure that has worked for me. I know the sheer pain of what its like, and I always told myself that if I ever did find a cure that I'd post it up on here. To cut a long story short, I used to be a student, and when I was, my diet consisted of wheat in every meal. I had cereal or toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and pasta for dinner, day in day out. I also drank a fair amount of beer which also has wheat in it. I think my body just couldn't cope with such a high level of wheat, and I ended up with this smelly nasal drip, which no amount of medication could get rid of. I have tried all the common types of medication (nasal sprays, nasal drops, allergy tablets, decongestants, antibiotics, IBS medication) have tried going dairy free, have been to an ENT ,a dentist,a hygienist, and to the doctors countless times, all to no avail.

But in the last couple of months (since I have given up wheat) my bad breath and nasal drip has completely gone. It still hasn't 100% sunk in yet that this whole nightmare is behind me. So if your going through the same thing, my advice would be to not give up trying alternative solutions. If your looking for something else to try as a cure, then I would recommend to at least give this a go! I noticed a beneficial difference after two to three days of having a completely wheat free diet. I am also at a point now where I can still eat wheat, but only once or twice a week, otherwise I can start to feel the symptoms come back again. Good luck!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:24 am
by halitosisux
Thanks for your info. I suffer from PND and I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never tried cutting wheat from my diet. In fact I've hardly tried anything with diet. I have always tried to eat healthily though, but I've not experimented much with diet. I've tested for coeliac disease, and the result was negative, but I understand that this doesn't mean that wheat isn't harmful to me.

I will try this soon. I'm also going to try a reduced fructose diet to see if that helps. I'm sure my PND relates to my diet in some way.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:21 pm
by compor
I would like to try this too, but the problem is having too few food products left to consume.

No sugar (obviously)
No dairy (mucus)
No junk food
No meat (I cannot digest it properly, gas and other problems within a few hours)
No wheat

So what is left to eat? Only vegetables I guess and some of the fruits.