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How to use TUNG BRUSH ? pls help

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How to use TUNG BRUSH ? pls help

Post by TryingTillDeath »

Hi Guys
I recently bought a Tung Brush and used it after brushing .It was good for the front part of the tongue but I could not go behind the taste buds (papillae). To clean the tongue properly , we are supposed to go far back inside the throat , but couldn`t go inside the throat.
I need your help guys.I m very desperate to know the right way of using it.
I have BB since I was 5 years old and I m 29 now. :(
I have constant PND 365 days and allergy.I have tried every possible therapy and treatment available (naturopathy, allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda , detoxification, CT scan of sinuses -clear).
Tried many products also( liquid chlorophyll,Apple Cider Vinegar, oregano oil, peroxide,baking soda , medicated toothpaste , vit c ,multi vitamin blah blah blah) but nothing has helped even 1 percent.
I have constant BB which can be smelled from 10 feet .
Sorry for my bad English.
If somebody can help help a little pls [-o<

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am sure your diet is full of milk and meat and sweets, pizzass
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by TryingTillDeath »

Well not exactly.Im a vegetarian and haven't taken any dairy for a long time(3 months).but didn't make any difference.
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Post by sandspiegel »

First you should find out if your bb comes from your tongue. With a finger take a sample of your saliva at the back of your tongue and smell on it after you let it dry for about 10 seconds. Does it smell disgusting? If yes, then your bb comes from the tongue (at least partially). That was my scenario.

I also use the Tung Brush and together with the Gel it helps to remove my bb until now. After using the Gel I also use a cheap mouthwash without alcohol.

This is how I'm doing it:

1. Flossing
2. Brushing the Teeth
3. Using Tung Brush to remove the Gunk on the Tongue, especially on the Back of the Tongue. In between wash the Brush with water. I do this for about 15 seconds maybe.
4. Wash the Brush with Water and then apply the Tung Gel on the Brush. Now brush your whole tongue beginning from the Back where most of the stank is. I do this also for about 15 or 20 seconds.
5. Don't swallow it and let it there for a couple of minutes. I usually do some other stuff at that time like shaving.
6. Spit it out and afterwards use a regular mouth wash

This helps me to remove the stank from my tongue for about 10 - 12 hours which is enough for me. Afterwards it slowly comes back.
However recently I discovered that I have a problem with my tonsils and that they also stink (probably from tonsil stones). It doesn't make my breath bad, probably because they are on the side and hidden but when I swallow, for a short amount of time I have a disgusting taste at the Tonsils Area and the breath becomes so bad, that I can smell it myself. After about 5 seconds it all goes back to normal however. I'm gonna make an appointment to a doctor today about this and I hope that this is enough reason to get them removed.

So we bb sufferers have it hard. A lot of people here suffer from multiple problems and just when you think you have that problem under control, you discover something else that causes your bad breath. At least for me it was the case.

However, I hope this will help you. Best of Luck :)
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