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My battle with bad breath and social anxiety

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:41 am
by Luckyhope
I first got bad breath when I was around 16. I was entering into a new school after dropping out for a yr because of social anxiety. Everything went great. I ate candy and gum to mask the smell. I was the popular girl in school. And all the guys liked me. (well not all of them but you know what I mean) I would get the occasional person asking me if I wanted gum or something but overall people really didn't seem to mind.

Then I moved. When I moved people started noticing my breath more. I worked and went to school though and it wasn't that hard. I was confident. People noticed but it didn't bother me. I chewed gum to help alleviate it but it didn't help. My breath got worse and worse.

Then one day while working a girl that didn't like me said she needs to go in the bathroom and gargle with Listerine for about an hr. I broke down. I quit my job that very day and that's the beginning of a downward spiral that has been going on for 9 yrs.

I started secluding myself and worrying about my breath all the time. I noticed I had a foul odor coming from my wisdom teeth so I got them removed. Then I had tonsil stones and smelly tonsils so I got those removed too. It helped a little but not much. I still have bad breath and now social anxiety. I'm on medication and go to therapy but I still have fear in social situations.

I recently went to this peer run support group for people with mental disorders and it went great. People were nice to me and talked to me the whole time I was there but I kept thinking all they're thinking about is my breath. They never acted like it though. I want to go back but I just cant face the people with this bad breath. I don't know what to do. I know its just my anxiety getting the best of me but I cant help how I feel.

I use closys mouthwash, oxyfresh power paste, and the tung brush and tung gel. It helps but I still have bad breath. I'm thinking of trying profresh mouthwash. Does anyone have any experience with that brand?

Anyways that's my story. I'm still fighting and that's all that matters. I have people that love me and need me around. So I will continue to fight.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:44 am
by liza22
I can relate to a lot of what you said. It's a horrible problem to deal with. What does your therapist say about your BB? I went to a therapist specifically for this issue who denied I had any problem. Then one day I forgot something, went back to the office and their door and main door where propped open as if airing out the place. The Profresh is no different than the products you are using I'm sorry to say.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:40 am
by DanBoofMe
I too have people who love and care about me. My partner is wonderful and so are my family. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here anymore. Keep up the hope and stay away from negative, hurtful people. Surround yourself with people who love you. Take care.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:32 am
by elliott
Just breaks my heart to read that.


I have been dealing with it for quite awhile and it's sad because I remember some of those early feelings, just getting to know that I actually had bad breath.

I'm not known to be a sugar coater. You are lucky to have people that care and you should hold onto that. Be open and honest with them. I'll leave it there!

Never give up, be persistent. You might try the general forums for more information, and a better way to find someone with similar symptoms to track.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:36 am
by DanBoofMe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:05 pm
by Luckyhope
Thanks a lot for all of the great advice and encouragement. I've been through a lot because of this. I just hope I find the courage to go back to that peer group. I need to get use to reactions. That's what I fear the most. What will people say.

I've been going out a lot more recently though. I go out to the mall and to the movies with my mom. Its just that I want friends. I go to my sisters house and shes around my age but its not the same.

That peer councilling place is a great place to meet friends but I don't know what they'll think of me. I went the first day and nothing happened but I just can't pick myself up to go again.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:39 am
by findacure
Hi there. Your story is similar to mine. My Bb started around the age of 15/16 puberty age.

I have noticed that a lot of people say their bb started when they hit puberty. So I'm guessing our bb has something to do with our hormones.

I have tried pro fresh, therabreath, retardex nearly every product on the market and nothing has worked. Not only did they burn my mouth they took the enamel off my teeth making them sensitive and weak. I wouldn't recommend them.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:36 pm
by salvador
I recently shared my story in this forum and just wanted to make sure you got to read it because I thought it might help others with bad breath. Here it is - Like many of you here I had been dealing with bad breath for most of my life- over 20 years. During those years you can say I tried many cures but nothing corrected the problem. My breath would sometimes improve for a few days but in time would go back to the way it was before. Anyway, to make a long story short, about 3 weeks ago I started doing breathing exercises- taking a deep breath in, and a deep breath out (both through my nose). I was doing these exercises because I was giving meditation a try. I was not doing these breathing exercises to get rid of my bad breath, I was giving meditation a try for the same reason many people my age do- finding some purpose in life or something along those lines. Anyway, within a couple of days of doing these breathing exercise I noticed that my mouth did not have that bad taste feel to it that it usually had.

I had never heard of deep breathing or meditation curing bad breath. I can only think that the deep breathing I am doing is providing more oxygen to parts of my internal organs which never received as much oxygen as they needed.

Anyway, the great thing about doing these breathing exercises is that you can start now. You don't need to go to the store to buy a product and then start taking it. You can start doing it now at home or while taking a walk, or going to work. Just try to relax while you breath in and out. When I started I was hooked on the breathing so I found myself doing it throughout the day for about anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. You do it for however long feels comfortable. Good luck and please write back with your results as I'd like to find out if this works for others as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:34 pm
by emotional rescue
salvador wrote:

Anyway, the great thing about doing these breathing exercises is that you can start now. You don't need to go to the store to buy a product and then start taking it. You can start doing it now at home or while taking a walk, or going to work. Just try to relax while you breath in and out. When I started I was hooked on the breathing so I found myself doing it throughout the day for about anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. You do it for however long feels comfortable. Good luck and please write back with your results as I'd like to find out if this works for others as well.
Sounds like a good idea to me, I will give it a try.

Re: My battle with bad breath and social anxiety

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:42 am
by pdefender
Luckyhope wrote:I first got bad breath when I was around 16. I was entering into a new school after dropping out for a yr because of social anxiety. Everything went great. I ate candy and gum to mask the smell. I was the popular girl in school. And all the guys liked me. (well not all of them but you know what I mean) I would get the occasional person asking me if I wanted gum or something but overall people really didn't seem to mind.

Then I moved. When I moved people started noticing my breath more. I worked and went to school though and it wasn't that hard. I was confident. People noticed but it didn't bother me. I chewed gum to help alleviate it but it didn't help. My breath got worse and worse.

Then one day while working a girl that didn't like me said she needs to go in the bathroom and gargle with Listerine for about an hr. I broke down. I quit my job that very day and that's the beginning of a downward spiral that has been going on for 9 yrs.

I started secluding myself and worrying about my breath all the time. I noticed I had a foul odor coming from my wisdom teeth so I got them removed. Then I had tonsil stones and smelly tonsils so I got those removed too. It helped a little but not much. I still have bad breath and now social anxiety. I'm on medication and go to therapy but I still have fear in social situations.

I recently went to this peer run support group for people with mental disorders and it went great. People were nice to me and talked to me the whole time I was there but I kept thinking all they're thinking about is my breath. They never acted like it though. I want to go back but I just cant face the people with this bad breath. I don't know what to do. I know its just my anxiety getting the best of me but I cant help how I feel.

I use closys mouthwash, oxyfresh power paste, and the tung brush and tung gel. It helps but I still have bad breath. I'm thinking of trying profresh mouthwash. Does anyone have any experience with that brand?

Anyways that's my story. I'm still fighting and that's all that matters. I have people that love me and need me around. So I will continue to fight.


To solve your problem do the following:

1- go to your dentist and ask for deep cleaning by name. you need deep cleaning to remove bad breath material accumulated for years on you teeth and gum line and beneath the Gum. this step is very important because the other steps depends on this one. look at the following youtube video to get an idea about deep cleaning. again this is very important step if you are serious about getting rid of your BB

2- after doing the deep cleaning, start brushing your teeth the correct way. brush for at least 10 min every morning. brushing the correct way involve how you move your tooth brush to clean your teeth. the tooth brush should move vertically to clean each arch separately and make sure the bristle get between the tooth while brushing. do not brush your teeth with circular motion as many dentist will tell you, that is not the correct way, the motion should be up and down for each arch. these are a youtube video showing you how to brush. watch the movement of the brush inside the mouth and do your brushing the same way. brush for at least 10 min. you need to brush slowly and for long time and follow the instruction in the youtube.(10 min or more). also do not forget to scrub and brush your tongue too.

3- Alway carry a bottle of water with you., drink a lot of water. water has healing powers and it will help clean your mouth and your body and help your body fight BB germs. keep the bottle handy and drink even if you are not thirsty. this is a very important step to keep your breath fresh for the rest of the day.

if you follow these three steps, BELIEVE me you will be very happy person and thank me.

I am in tears

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:38 pm
by shibby
I feel for you so much. I have been suffering for 15 years. I am a good looking man and have had to reject some beautiful women cos I am too embarrassed to go on a date. Stay strong cos you still have many dark times ahead. I just look forward to death as then I will be free of this CURSE. E mail me on [email protected] if you need someone to listen to you. I cannot offer you any advice as I have tried everything and nothing works. Stay strong and remember when you cry, I cry with you. Xxx


Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 5:14 am
by shibby
My email is [email protected] . I am a chronic bb sufferer and have given up. I am a defeated man . the only mjoy I get now is trying to help other sufferers. I WANNA HEAR FEMALE EXPERIENCES OF BB cos I only hear from men. I think it must be 10x worse for women. I look forward to hearing your experience.