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I think i figured it, long time pooop buildup

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I think i figured it, long time pooop buildup

Post by meowkity1 »

It been a real struggle to figure out where my bad breath actually comes from. Initially I thought it was from a filling that came out and made my mouth toxic. Then I got 90 percent relief from getting tonsil stones out. Never tasted rotten egg again after tonsillectomy. Then I was getting relief from sucking on pineapple which would burn the keratin (hairy tongue) off my tongue, but what I think it all boils down too, is years of constipation and toxic body. Chinese medicine says if your white coated tongue is rooted (does not come off with scraping) bb it is your digestive system. My mouth and sinus's are always hot, flys fly around my face, I fog up mirrors, I make people sneeze and cough.
Im always constipated but recently 3 days went by without a poop, so I took some milk of mag, I backd up it didn't even work the first day, but iZ took it for 3 days and ttttooooonnnnssss of poop came out of me.

You mean to tell me if I hadn't taken the milk of mag all of that would hen inside of me. I think I released something weird. On my second day pooping from the milk of ilmag, I was on the toilet, and I had a severe coughing attack, this has never happened before, wheatever was coming out of me made me cough, just as people cough around me. Something was stuck in my throat. I seemed to have maybe released something because since then I have been getting less reactions. Maybe the toxic pooop buildup is what is causing the hairy tongue and reactions from people. Im not sensing a smell in my nose and my face doesn't seem all hot and nasty. I have got to find something that ll clean me out a lot better than the milk of mag, I v heard of some oxygen tabs that can clean you out,they mentioned it over on the patm forum.
January 2013 I was starting to taste something a little poopy and I had been constipated and got relief after milk of mag, but I really never took constipation as being a real culprit, because its just crazy.
Anyone else have any relie after cleaning out bowels?