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CB12 - Another rip-off?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:15 pm
by Mac
I'd seen this advertised and was about to buy some today. Got to the shop and it was £15 for quite a small bottle. I didn't bother in the end because I figured it would just be another let down and I'd rather have £15 in my pocket. It also contains alcohol which is another reason I didn't buy it. I'll stick with the hydrogen peroxide at a pound a bottle.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:27 pm
by findacure
There's not a day that goes by without me seeing an advert for CB12!! Talk about advertising overkill!!

Never considered trying it. Looks like it has the same ingredients as all the rest of the expensive mouthwashes that claim to fight bad breath.(retardex, profresh etc)

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:51 pm
by halitosisux
For example, from studies we have found that zinc acetate is the most effective form of zinc to fight the VSC’s[iii], as the ions bind to the hydrogen sulphide produced by oral bacteria and react with the sulphur to produce odourless insoluble sulphides[iv]. Other research has also shown that the addition of chlorhexidine breaks down the methyl mercaptan produced by oral bacteria (an even more aggressive substance than hydrogen sulphide), enabling the zinc to bind to the sulphur molecules more easilyiv,[v]. Chlorhexidine’s ability to adhere to the oral cavity also provides a longer-lasting effect[vi].
This is taken from the CB12 website.

When I read about this last year, I started using my own zinc lactate and chlorhexidine. It gave me the cleanest my mouth I've ever had. At the moment I'm also using hydrogen peroxide with this.

The only thing is, be very careful if you use other products with chlorhexidine because I'm sure there's some kind of chemical reaction that occurs, and in my case it affected my heart rhythm. When I ensured that I waited at least 30 minutes after using other products before using chlorhexidine, this arrhythmia instantly stopped.

I think CB12 is worth a try.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:04 pm
by MrChips
@Halitosisux,, Do you use this as a mouthwash and to gargle? where do you get the ingredients from and what proportions please?
Im thinking of trying it out. Iv seen how expensive the CB12 is.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:51 pm
by halitosisux
I have to answer very quickly cos I;m out of time...
Please remember that my mouth used to be absolute sewage. First I had my tonsils out, which made no difference, then I had one of my lower wisdom teeth out and that made a huge difference - and this is also verified by a totally trusted person who never hesitated to tell me when my breath was bad since my earliest memories. I still research and try different things and experiments just to see how they work for the times when my mouth can taste stale, like when I'm exerting for long periods and for when I've been asleep. I have PND so I'm always wary and hope to deal with that too eventually. I also still have one more impacted wisdom tooth, which I'll eventually have removed in hospital - this tooth is nearly completely the gum still and usually produces no odour when I rub the gum around it, but sometimes it does produce some odour.

For nearly a year now, I've been using toothpaste containing zinc lactate, to lightly brush my tongue. To begin with, each morning, I use a waterpik with warm salty water to flush out all my crevices. I then brush my teeth normally with colgate total. Then I gargle and rinse my mouth for a minute with hydrogen peroxide. 30 minutes later I do the same with chlorhexidine digluconate, but minimizing the contact with my teeth to avoid staining (although they still stain anyway, but it's easy to scrape off).

I got the idea to use the combination of chlorhexidine/zinc from the website of CB12. Perhaps CB12 could be even more effective. I may try some, and I definitely suggest CB12 to others, because chlorhexidine is unbeatable as an antibacterial. And this form of chlorhexidine (and it's concentration) doesn't stain either, apparently.

Sorry for the rushed answer, I can reply more in a few hrs time when I get home.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:20 pm
by MrChips
Im definitely going to try this homemade mouthwash solution. Im currently using warm water with a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda. And im not sure its working
Where do you buy the Chlorhexidine diguconate from? And what zinc do you use? I wonder if putting a drop of peppermint oil in to give it a slight minty flavour would be beneficial.
Thankyou for your help Halitosisux, its much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:46 pm
by halitosisux
You're welcome.
I'm using a heaped tablespoon of salt in my waterpik solution.
Corsodyl (alcohol free) is the chlorhexidine digluconate I'm using.
The zinc is from OralB Pro-expert toothpaste. There's different varieties, but just check the ingredients and make sure it has zinc lactate. Other types of zinc may work just as well, but I don't remember getting the same effect from zinc chloride. In the past I've also tried zinc tablets too (the standard zinc tablets you get from healthfood shops - I think zinc gluconate). I chew the tablet and let it dossolve and disperse around my mouth. Gets rid of the VSCs immediately, and it lasts for many hours, but you end up with another strange taste in the mouth. Zinc is really powerful against odours and also of the actual production of VSCs too. Worth experimenting. One thing I never thought of is to chew the tablet and then spit it out. I used to swallow them, and they made me a bit nauseous.
Peppermint oil is good, but it might just become a distraction. Save it for later when you know it won't distract from main things you're trying.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:23 pm
by Mac
halitosisux wrote:
For example, from studies we have found that zinc acetate is the most effective form of zinc to fight the VSC’s[iii], as the ions bind to the hydrogen sulphide produced by oral bacteria and react with the sulphur to produce odourless insoluble sulphides[iv]. Other research has also shown that the addition of chlorhexidine breaks down the methyl mercaptan produced by oral bacteria (an even more aggressive substance than hydrogen sulphide), enabling the zinc to bind to the sulphur molecules more easilyiv,[v]. Chlorhexidine’s ability to adhere to the oral cavity also provides a longer-lasting effect[vi].
This is taken from the CB12 website.

When I read about this last year, I started using my own zinc lactate and chlorhexidine. It gave me the cleanest my mouth I've ever had. At the moment I'm also using hydrogen peroxide with this.

The only thing is, be very careful if you use other products with chlorhexidine because I'm sure there's some kind of chemical reaction that occurs, and in my case it affected my heart rhythm. When I ensured that I waited at least 30 minutes after using other products before using chlorhexidine, this arrhythmia instantly stopped.

I think CB12 is worth a try.
Interesting. The last couple of days I've been attempting to get rid of any tonsil stones. Yesterday one popped out but I still had a smell there. Then I scraped lightly with my finger nail and got a couple more small ones out. Now there isn't really a smell coming from that area. I'm thinking about trying different solutions now to see if I can keep them at bay by regularly cleaning the tonsils. Maybe chlorhexidine/cb12 would help. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:30 am
Cb-12 is a Swedish product,and it will not cure bb.It sold a lot when it came a couple of years ago in Sweden but it sells bad here now....Yes another rip-off

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:59 pm
by meowkity1
Your supposed to need a prescription for chlorhexidine but you can easily get it off ebay and amazon. WHen searching amazon products I noticed that dogs and cats have more products than we do for humans. It seems as if most bb research done in the US is geared toward dogs, and I have considered trying some of these. They sell really strong concentrations of chlorhexidine for dogs