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Lisa's Petition to Obama

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Lisa's Petition to Obama

Post by malory »

I would just like to encourage everyone to support Lisa's petition.

The link to sign it is below. I think it is relevant to anyone who suffers from malodour - the source of the malodour is irrelevant because our suffering is the same, so let's get the powers that be to notice us and take malodour conditions seriously.

Here is her message (as published on RareConnect):

Public Awareness Campaign & Petition
In an attempt to contact President Obama, their response to BORC was broad based concerning a request for more funding to research (TMAU) Trimethylaminuria. Now the establishment of a petition has been formulated by BORC with additional request(s) to be presented to The White House. Please take the time to sign. Click the following link and then press the "HERO CALL" Button, then please sign the petition. All I know is to give it a try at best. - Lisa Mardis!campaigns/c1ba5