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Candida Albicans?

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Candida Albicans?

Post by FedUp »

Had a blood test taken a while ago and swab from mouth.

Turns out it grew candida albicans but I have been told these are in everyones mouth as part of their normal flora. and theres no white spots in my mouth and I really don't know about my windpipe, when I had an endoscopy nothing was said about anything unusual.

Also turns out I am a little low on B12 which I've been given to understand causes depression and fatigue. The fatigue thing is interesting as I'm always tired. - Not linked to BB though but I'm gonna get that fixed.

I'm gonna try to get some fluconazole just to try it, why not?

So far no medication has worked- not even dented or stopped the BB.
Acid reducing meds

My eosinophil count is zero which i'm given to understand only flares up when theres an active infection in the body. so how on earth am I having this issue which btw this week has been terrible according to comments i'm overhearing- drains, shit smell, it stinks, wheres that smell coming from?. So humiliating.

Where could such a stench be coming from?

I'm really struggling to cope now. No medical professional can help me, it seems to be getting worse.

I am having to pay £194 for a TMAU test. Is this life now??

Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by halitosisux »

You should try another doctor. Just because they can't smell anything during your appointment that isn't a reason to dismiss the possibility of a form of TMAU.

Look at video clips of people with TMAU on YouTube, they are never constantly smelling bad. In nearly every single clip they don't smell at all.
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Post by compor »

Re FedUp,

If you have low stomach acid, food might not be getting digested properly which might result in that smell. Whenever I eat a meat-heavy-meal, the smell gets out of control. Nothing helps.

Also, every time people go to a doctor complaining about acid reflux, indigestion etc, they are given PPI as if they were candy, which seems to help with acid reflux at the cost of reducing stomach acid even more. PPIs are like using mouthwash for our bad breath problems, only good for masking the issue, not solving the underlying cause. It is a vicious cycle. I can find you articles if you need. By the way, never stop taking PPIs cold turkey.

FedUp, the same drugs seem to work for both of us. We are both low on B12 which is mainly caused by digestive issues. I have been thinking of trying these: ... B000M4CD2C but haven't made up my mind yet. Let me know what you think.

Lastly, have you ever tried eating nothing but clean food for about a week. Just vegetables and some fruits, no processed food, no meat, no fish, no sugar. Try it out if you can. If it helps you can easily say that the problem is in your digestive tract.
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