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A big question in my head

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:12 pm
by clara0
Hi everybody
I have not been active in the forum for quite a while not because I found a cure or I was happy with my life but I was just so tired and stuck because of fighting bb on a daily basis.But sth happened last week that made me surprised.

After having bb every single day at least during the last 2 yrs my bb disappeared by itself for 7-10 days!

I noticed 2 weeks ago that people do not react to my bb anymore. I tested my saliva and there was absolutely no smell! like 6 yrs ago when I did not get this f***ing disease. One night my bf came to my place, he always kisses me only once (like it is his duty or sth) and tries to do sex with no or little face contact. #-o This time he kissed me like 100 times and told me several times that I smell good!! That made me 100% sure that I had no bb anymore.
I even thought that I was cured....but one night I felt a strange stress with no reason and the next morning I woke up with body-ache (I always wake up tired when my allergy/sinusitis gets very bad) and bb came back. and it was not a little bad but horrible like it was before.

I was confused for days that what exactly happened at those days that eliminated my bb completely. The most strange part was that I still had Pnd and yellow mucus and sinus pain but no bad smell what so ever. I made some theories because I think maybe this help me to find a real cure:
1) I was very calm at that time, no stress at all.
2) I took echinacea herb on and off for a few days. My thought is that it eliminated my bb. It has antibiotic properties but it seems that it lost its effect after a few days like every other remedy. :-k
3) I tried not to eat any sweet thing during that period. no fruit and also no bread. (My diet is already extremely strict so I just made it more limited)

Guys I feel so down I am so tired and hopeless because of this bb and It seems that it is getting worse as time passes. In past diets or herbs or probiotics were working at least temporarily but now it seems that nothing work anymore.
I eat no meat/dairy/eggs/sugar/etc. I eat 70% raw vegan and just one simple cooked vegetarian food + taking probiotics and herbs but my bb still is there. It seems that my options for life gets narrower every single day. Sorry I do not want to make you sad but I tried so many things that I can make a very long list of them...everything that you imagine...even surgery...It seems that there is no permanent cure. at least not for me :roll: