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I wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:36 am
by issy154
Seriously, BDD and obesity are NOTHING compared to CH, especially when you're young and are supposed to be thinking about other things like careers and a relationship.

I'm TIRED of brushing my teeth and flossing and using all those stupid mouthwashes that claim to relieve this curse.

I WANT RESULTS! Why is something so blatantly offensive, baffling to cure?

Why can't the solution just be simple? It is SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating, and I'm sick of seeing all those stupid colgate and mouthwash and tic tac commercials that rake in so much money but obviously don't work.

A lot of people are still suffering from it. I'm sorry, I try to be optimistic, but sometimes I just want to go live on an island by myself and sulk in my own stench, because it truly is heartbreaking. I will probably never get married, unless I find a partner who has CH too....and then we could pass it on to our kids....gross.........

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:59 am
by noptical
We're all pretty much sick of it to death but since we have to live with it we try to control it as much as possible. Check all the threads in the forum, you'll learn a lot of stuff and will reduce it as much as possible until you find your cure.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:47 pm
by DK3790
i don think bb is hereditary...i mean look at ur parents, do they have bb? mine dont, no one in my enitre family has it

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:17 pm
by issy154
I dunno. In some cases it probably is. My parents don't have it either. Then again, I probably haven't noticed since I've adapted to any smell they have.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:25 pm
by issy154
Yeah, and I've tried Aquafresh, toothpastes, flossing, non alcoholic mouthwashes (smartmouth) tea, gum, mints, tongue scrapers, I drink a bottle of water a day. Haven't tried vitamins yet. It is really sad when your dog has better breath than you do.

Re: I wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:09 pm
by whyme
issy154 wrote:Seriously, BDD and obesity are NOTHING compared to CH, especially when you're young and are supposed to be thinking about other things like careers and a relationship.

I'm TIRED of brushing my teeth and flossing and using all those stupid mouthwashes that claim to relieve this curse.

I WANT RESULTS! Why is something so blatantly offensive, baffling to cure?

Why can't the solution just be simple? It is SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating, and I'm sick of seeing all those stupid colgate and mouthwash and tic tac commercials that rake in so much money but obviously don't work.

A lot of people are still suffering from it. I'm sorry, I try to be optimistic, but sometimes I just want to go live on an island by myself and sulk in my own stench, because it truly is heartbreaking. I will probably never get married, unless I find a partner who has CH too....and then we could pass it on to our kids....gross.........
that's what killing me rightnow.. i want to think about my career and relationship but it's heart breaking when you can't do nothing because of it. i mean jobs you can get it but relationship your partner needs to get down and dirty and i'm too ashame i'm running out of ideas on this.

out of all the bad people in the world, out of all the billions of people in the world, why it have to happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is what i ask myself over and over and over.

Re: I wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:53 pm
by noptical
whyme wrote:out of all the bad people in the world, out of all the billions of people in the world, why it have to happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is what i ask myself over and over and over.
That's not logic. For everyone who thinks "why me" there was someone else who thought the same :P
I'm trying to say, not you but who? Why not you and someone else? Because that "someone else" could have thought the same thing.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:06 pm
by issy154
I used to be in choir in high school and would worry constantly when we were performing or rehearsing, but no one seemed to comment that they smelled anything. Then again, they could've been really polite, gotten used to it, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:27 am
by elliott
some people do get used to it. A girl I work with, doesn't even react anymore. I have to talk with her everyday, and I guess she figured no sense in making me feel worse than I already do...

The others hold their noses before I even open my mouth. Sometimes I want to grab them by the neck and slam them into a wall. If you react to a smell, fine. But if I haven't spoken, you are blantantly disrespecting me. Lets hope this gets fixed, because one day, I think I will react as well...and find myself in jail.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:37 pm
by issy154
I was wondering though, do people react only when you're talking up close to them for more than a minute or when you only say just a few words?

wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:36 pm
by Belle
Just found this website and its kind of comforting to know that others are suffering the same as me.

I have stopped adding up how much cash i have spent on this bloody embarrassing problem. I have tried every product i can, spent about £2000 travelling to London to the so called "fresh breath clinic". What a rip off that was. I am just so desperate to solve this problem i would do anything. I have the most perfect teeth and gums ever, my dentist is always praising me, so why the hell does my breath smell like shit???

So is getting your tonsils removed an answer and how the hell do you convince your GP to get it done for you?

Re: wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:10 pm
by noptical
Belle wrote:So is getting your tonsils removed an answer and how the hell do you convince your GP to get it done for you?
Welcome to bbh.
Tell him about your problem and how much it affects you.

But first search this forum and read any thread you can, even the old ones. There is a lot of stuff you need to learn.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:35 pm
by DK3790
issy154 wrote:Yeah, and I've tried Aquafresh, toothpastes, flossing, non alcoholic mouthwashes (smartmouth) tea, gum, mints, tongue scrapers, I drink a bottle of water a day. Haven't tried vitamins yet. It is really sad when your dog has better breath than you do.
HAHAHA speaking of dogs, I was with a dog some time ago and yea I was like playing wit it and like as soon as it smelled my breath it like ran away how sad is that?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:37 pm
by DK3790
elliott wrote:some people do get used to it. A girl I work with, doesn't even react anymore. I have to talk with her everyday, and I guess she figured no sense in making me feel worse than I already do...

The others hold their noses before I even open my mouth. Sometimes I want to grab them by the neck and slam them into a wall. If you react to a smell, fine. But if I haven't spoken, you are blantantly disrespecting me. Lets hope this gets fixed, because one day, I think I will react as well...and find myself in jail.
yea...some there are people who show that my breath stinks when I talk and some who can stand it and just listen but then there are those who either ignore me, or hold their nose or show some sign of me having bad breath before I even talk and those are the people I want to kill and someday I probably will :lol:

Re: I wish Chronic Halitosis was a person I could bitch slap

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:56 am
by whyme
noptical wrote:
whyme wrote:out of all the bad people in the world, out of all the billions of people in the world, why it have to happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is what i ask myself over and over and over.
That's not logic. For everyone who thinks "why me" there was someone else who thought the same :P
I'm trying to say, not you but who? Why not you and someone else? Because that "someone else" could have thought the same thing.
well you guys that don't deserve it this applies to you too. why it happen to me? you say it yourself if it happen to you.

logic... not logic is someone not taking care of their mouth and get bad breath.. if he would say why me? he already got his answer. but why me? i haven't done nothing.. ask yourself "why me?" if you haven't done nothing. it is what i meant.