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How do you react to people with Halitosis?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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How do you react to people with Halitosis?

Post by thanatos »

I react the same as most do. I try to avoid smelling it. If it's really bad, I'll avoid the person.

Yes, I have bad halitosis, but I don't blame anyone for their reactions to it.

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Post by noptical »

It makes me sick.

And sad at the same time that people have to endure mine.
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Post by mpkle »

Ive smelt people with bad breath and its never been bad enough that Ive had to avoid anyone.I think to myself man his breath stinks he should brush his teeth and tongue thats all it takes for him but I brush every chance I get .I take spirulina chlorella bromelain vitamin c gallons of water and next thing I know somone is asking me if I farted.How can that be i should smell like nothing............
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Post by elliott »

how do I react?

There was a guy in the elevator talking to a girl, and I could smell his breath... he had the rotten milk brand smell. I wanted to interrupt and say...
"HEy YOU HAVE BAD ASS BRATH TOO DUDE YAY!!" in front of everyone.
LOL, that would suck.

Nah, I have never reacted to people with BB or any other obvious disability.
I have always been the person to be more sensitive to others' problems, and look at things differently.

But my dad by BB as well, so I grew up with the smell, and I understand that people can't help it. It's not hard to hold your response for a minute, give the guy a break. But like I said before, a normal reaction to a bad smell is ok. But, some people take it too far. I think the type of person that needs to make others feel worse, so they can feel better about themselves.
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Post by Mico »

I smelled myself once and wonder why ppl are even willing to speak with me. I wwouldnt speak with myself!. Horrible is horrible. :/
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Post by hopeful »

I swear I can't even remember the last time I talked to someone with bb. Maybe it's because I avoid all close range conversations at all costs. Obviously the people I do talk to don't have the extreme travelling bb like most people here have.

On the other hand, I do work with a coworker that has fairly bad bo from time to time. I think I've become much more compassionate and understanding to things like this since I can understand what they must be putting up with as well(although having bb definitely kicks all other personal hygiene issues).
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Post by issy154 »

I don't react at all because I know how it feels. It hurts like a bitch. The only time I react to a bad smell is if I know someone just took a crap and the bathroom stinks. That's about it LOL.
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Post by DK3790 »

kinda off topic but dont you wonder how bad your breath could be when you see a friend who's talking to you and like you're thinking "man his breath stinks" but when he talks to someone else they don't even flinch. Now your talking to that person and he has the facial expression that you have bb...this frustrates me ALOT
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Reactions to BB

Post by Bluerain »

Here's a link to a youtube video of people reacting to bb. It's a gag/prank. A guy who just ate some garlic and goes up to people for a survey. It shows the many ways people react to bb candidly with hidden camera. Go to 2:10 if you don't want to see the first few gags.
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Re: Reactions to BB

Post by Gloria »

Bluerain wrote:Here's a link to a youtube video of people reacting to bb. It's a gag/prank. A guy who just ate some garlic and goes up to people for a survey. It shows the many ways people react to bb candidly with hidden camera. Go to 2:10 if you don't want to see the first few gags.
Well, I never get that close to anybody when I talk to them. The guy in the video was purposely getting right up in people's faces. Garlic breath is not that bad to me. I'd rather have garlic breath than fecal breath. When I smell a person's breath I try not to react at all. I feel sorry for the person since I probably smell the same way.
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Post by hopeful »

Thank goodness people are more discreet with my bb. I've never experienced anything remotely close to what he did. How crushing if people actually reacted like that to someone's breath.
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Post by elliott »

wow I didn't expect to be laughing on the floor this morning! Thanks!

Yeah, I've gotten some of those reactions before. Maybe a bit less discreet. Of course, it can't be my BB, since I didn't ask them to confirm. :roll:
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Post by Busted »

I've gotten reactions that were worse. What I also see a lot of people do is blow out their nose for a sec like they want to get the smell out of their nose.

I wonder why people even want to speak to me. What should I do?

Try and make friends and speak or leave them alone?

The second one will most likely get me into a depression but less embarrasment. However they will probably think I'm weird and rude too. You're like a walkin zombie.

The first one will probably make me feel a bit more happy, because I feel less left out. However a lot of embarrasing situations every day which can get me into a depression too. But most importantly you have somewhat more of a personality. And I think people appreciate this more than the second choice.

Which one are you guys choosing right now? Or maybe a bit of both or somethin else?
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Post by deekey »

i would say the best thing to do is a bit of both,

even if you dont talk to people I think they will eventually notice it,

so you are better off being somewhat sociable so people dont think you are a lonely antisocial freak who also smells
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Post by djsilk »

mpkle wrote:Ive smelt people with bad breath and its never been bad enough that Ive had to avoid anyone.I think to myself man his breath stinks he should brush his teeth and tongue thats all it takes for him but I brush every chance I get .I take spirulina chlorella bromelain vitamin c gallons of water and next thing I know somone is asking me if I farted.How can that be i should smell like nothing............
I strongly believe that when an individual is paranoid about something, they make it very well known to people around them, yet they do not know they are doing it themselves, and so when this occurs, unfortunately insensitive people jump and the bandwagon and mock them.

The chances are, the individual doesnt even have halitosis, therefore I would say alter your behaviour around someone, and I bet the problem disappears.

The best test is simply by going over to speak someone who you dont know, get fairly close, but avoid invading the other persons space, and ask for something. Try and engage in a conversation, and whilst you are doing that, see their reaction and actions.

Another alternative would be to ask a complete stranger...does my breath smell a little....and explain to them that you want a frank answer. Make out that you have eaten something that didnt appeal to your taste...provoking an accurate response!

The response is only accurate however, if you openly ask the question and tell them you need an honest answer, and make sure it looks like an individual who will tell you the truth. I know I would thats for sure.
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