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Post nasal drip

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Post nasal drip

Post by halitosisux »

I just thought I'd make a thread about PND.

Hopefully it will lead to some good discussions into what we're all told is one of the main causes of excessive bacterial activity on the back of the tongue. This excessive bacterial activity then leads to stench, coating and tonsil stones. Nothing too mysterious, except for the fact that lots of people have PND but they don't all have bad breath. Why is that? Types of bacteria? Type of mucus? Tongue habitat (abnormally long papillae?) Missing components in the immune system or the systems which are known to help prevent the buildup of stench, such as saliva.

There also seems to be some confusion as to whether the mucus we feel aware of is actually post nasal drip or just due to irritation or acid etc?

I would like to ask, does anyone ever feel aware of mucus that needs to be 'snorted' away? I could sit here constantly producing that kind of mucus. Is the mucus you feel just the kind that is naturally supposed to be there lining the mucous membrane of the throat? I would really like to get a good picture of what others experience regarding mucus.

Do you ever find that certain foods make it worse? I'm referring to post nasal drip with this question, not the momentary feeling of thickness in the throat when you eat sugary foods or chocolate or protein for example, or irritants like toothpaste or mouthrinsing.

I really hope for some good feedback and discussion.

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Post by ExhaleSafely »

Milk and lactose containing dairy make my nose stuffy. So does beer and wine. Other than that I can't think of food items that make my sinuses feel stuffy.

Eating spicy food can make you get a lump type of feeling the the throat and nose I've found, might just be me on that one though.

I can say though, I'm not the type of person who ever, and I mean basically never, blows their nose. Nor does my nose run basically ever. I think based on whatever my anatomy is, all the excess mucus drains from the back rather than coming out the front. Combine the drain from the back with a big tongue with a bunch of nooks and crannies and I think that's a recipe for some type for bacterial build-up (and eventual smell).
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Post by halitosisux »

Interesting. Nothing I consume seems to makes my nose any more stuffy than it already is. Maybe because I'm constantly allergic to something which I eat almost constantly, like wheat.

I have constant drainage at the back too, but I also have dust allergy which often makes my whole nose inflamed and my nose run from the front.

Maybe my nasal issues are purely poor anatomy.
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Post by nolagirl »

I cough/snort up mucus all day. Sorry if that's gross to hear but it's true, and I'm also interested in hearing from other people on this site who have the same symptom. What's interesting in that my bad breath developed around age 12/13 (right around puberty) but I never started coughing up mucus until last year, at age 25. My breath was always a big concern of mine but it seemed to out of nowhere get significantly worse about a year ago, and then I started having lots of mucus and noticed my first tonsil stones. I have since then gotten my tonsils out which was something I'm very glad I did. To everyone reading this, getting your tonsils removed will most likely not cure your bb but it will HELP, even just with not having to worry about tonsil stones anymore, which in and of itself can take a huge psychological toll. Concerning the mucus I have, I'm never quite sure whether it's coming from my throat or my nose. Sometimes I feel like I'm snorting it back from my nasal/adenoid area and then coughing it out, but sometimes I distinctly feel like I'm coughing it up from my throat. It could be that it is post nasal drip, and when I feel it coming from my throat it's just had more time to travel further down from my nose. It could also be that it's NOT post nasal drip, but some some of mucus being produced in reaction to a bacterial infection in my nose/throat. I honestly don't know. It changes consistency throughout the day, but it's extremely thick and dry and yellow when I first wake up in the morning. The first thing I always do when I wake up is drink some water, but sometimes I have to drink water for a few minutes to even be able to get the mucus out. Throughout the day it usually it's usually more white/clear in color. It seems to get thicker when I don't drink as much water and when I don't consistently cough/snort it up (I always keep a box of tissues in my car). Also thicker when I'm breathing heavily/moving around a lot (exercising or heavy activity) and maybe this causes my nose and mouth to become more dry. Like I said before, I honestly don't know, these are all just guesses. The mucus hardly ever has a smell, with the exception of first thing in the morning when it maybe smells a little "sour". But I think thats more of my saliva mixed with the mucus I'm smelling. My saliva on the other hand definitely has a smell, not always, but sometimes. One more thing to note about the mucus is that I can rarely blow it out of my nose except for after/during brushing my teeth. Brushing my tongue especially causes me to cough up a lot of mucus and be able to blow quite a bit out of my nose. Final note: When I wear a lot of mascara and eyeliner I actually see black streaks/strands in the mucus that comes out of my nose and even the mucus I snort back, which mean that the makeup is actually going from my eyes into my nasal passage/throat. Interesting. A little about my oral routine: I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day, floss or use a water pik with saline water every day, brush/scrape my tongue 2-3 times a day with an orabrush and tung gel, gargle and rinse with saline water. I also use a neti pot with warm saline water and alkalol several times a week. I'm INSANE about sanitizing everything, and am constantly soaking my toothbrush etc. in boiling hot water/hydrogen peroxide. As far as my health, I take probiotics, enzymes, vitamins D3, B6 and B12, Zinc, Iron, and Aloe Vera gels every day. After my tonsillectomy I went to eating no carbs, no dairy, and hardly any sugar, which definitely seems to help a little bit. I eat lots of veggies, quinoa, tofu, occasional chicken/turkey/fish, potatoes, beans, almond milk, occasional brown rice, lots of nuts, some dried fruit, etc. My appetite is fine and I don't ever feel hungry but I've lost 20 lbs. I drink TONS of water, and I used to drink water straight from the tap but as of several months ago I only drink bottled water. Sorry for all the info, I would just like to avoid someone suggesting something that I'm already doing :) Hope this helps Hali!
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Post by ExhaleSafely »

nolagirl wrote:I cough/snort up mucus all day. Sorry if that's gross to hear but it's true, and I'm also interested in hearing from other people on this site who have the same symptom. What's interesting in that my bad breath developed around age 12/13 (right around puberty) but I never started coughing up mucus until last year, at age 25. My breath was always a big concern of mine but it seemed to out of nowhere get significantly worse about a year ago, and then I started having lots of mucus and noticed my first tonsil stones. I have since then gotten my tonsils out which was something I'm very glad I did. To everyone reading this, getting your tonsils removed will most likely not cure your bb but it will HELP, even just with not having to worry about tonsil stones anymore, which in and of itself can take a huge psychological toll. Concerning the mucus I have, I'm never quite sure whether it's coming from my throat or my nose. Sometimes I feel like I'm snorting it back from my nasal/adenoid area and then coughing it out, but sometimes I distinctly feel like I'm coughing it up from my throat. It could be that it is post nasal drip, and when I feel it coming from my throat it's just had more time to travel further down from my nose. It could also be that it's NOT post nasal drip, but some some of mucus being produced in reaction to a bacterial infection in my nose/throat. I honestly don't know. It changes consistency throughout the day, but it's extremely thick and dry and yellow when I first wake up in the morning. The first thing I always do when I wake up is drink some water, but sometimes I have to drink water for a few minutes to even be able to get the mucus out. Throughout the day it usually it's usually more white/clear in color. It seems to get thicker when I don't drink as much water and when I don't consistently cough/snort it up (I always keep a box of tissues in my car). Also thicker when I'm breathing heavily/moving around a lot (exercising or heavy activity) and maybe this causes my nose and mouth to become more dry. Like I said before, I honestly don't know, these are all just guesses. The mucus hardly ever has a smell, with the exception of first thing in the morning when it maybe smells a little "sour". But I think thats more of my saliva mixed with the mucus I'm smelling. My saliva on the other hand definitely has a smell, not always, but sometimes. One more thing to note about the mucus is that I can rarely blow it out of my nose except for after/during brushing my teeth. Brushing my tongue especially causes me to cough up a lot of mucus and be able to blow quite a bit out of my nose. Final note: When I wear a lot of mascara and eyeliner I actually see black streaks/strands in the mucus that comes out of my nose and even the mucus I snort back, which mean that the makeup is actually going from my eyes into my nasal passage/throat. Interesting. A little about my oral routine: I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day, floss or use a water pik with saline water every day, brush/scrape my tongue 2-3 times a day with an orabrush and tung gel, gargle and rinse with saline water. I also use a neti pot with warm saline water and alkalol several times a week. I'm INSANE about sanitizing everything, and am constantly soaking my toothbrush etc. in boiling hot water/hydrogen peroxide. As far as my health, I take probiotics, enzymes, vitamins D3, B6 and B12, Zinc, Iron, and Aloe Vera gels every day. After my tonsillectomy I went to eating no carbs, no dairy, and hardly any sugar, which definitely seems to help a little bit. I eat lots of veggies, quinoa, tofu, occasional chicken/turkey/fish, potatoes, beans, almond milk, occasional brown rice, lots of nuts, some dried fruit, etc. My appetite is fine and I don't ever feel hungry but I've lost 20 lbs. I drink TONS of water, and I used to drink water straight from the tap but as of several months ago I only drink bottled water. Sorry for all the info, I would just like to avoid someone suggesting something that I'm already doing :) Hope this helps Hali!
If I were you I would do a neti pot every morning and night, and possibly take mucinex original (only an expectorant). At the least I would go out and get simply saline spray (in the pressurized can) and keep your sinuses moist throughout the day and allow the mucus to clear out.

Another thing I'd try if I were you is to brush your tongue with a tooth brush, not the orabrush. Just use toothpaste (I like the baking soda and peroxide type) or that paste you mentioned in your post. You've got to get it well though, don't overdo it until it's bleeding or something, but give it a good 2-3 minute brushing. The orabrush really isn't effective at getting deep enough into the tongue in my experience. You can always use the orabrush's scraper after though to clean up all the junk you've just loosened.
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Post by halitosisux »

Thanks for the replies. Nolagirl that's exactly what I was hoping for, lots of info! Please keep adding further info if you can think of anything. What you've said makes sense to me.

I hope more people will join in the discussion.
I'm having a very hectic time at the moment, but whenever I have time I will try to bump this thread with further thoughts.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

you can buy empty spray bottle and fill it with peroxide and spray in each nostril a bit, that will get the pnd down a lot
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by halitosisux »

I've never tried any kind of irrigation of my nose. The main reason being that when I go swimming and I go upside down, I feel what I presume are my sinuses filling with water, and it actually stings. Does anyone else get this? Is that normal?

I might give the spraying idea a go though, thanks for that Jimi.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

you need to keep doing each day one time, just spray it once, it will burn a bit for few seconds...but this stuff will clean up sinuses pretty good :-({|=
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by halitosiser »

Jimi Stein wrote:you need to keep doing each day one time, just spray it once, it will burn a bit for few seconds...but this stuff will clean up sinuses pretty good :-({|=
so did you cured your nasal bb?
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Post by halitosisux »

Jimi thanks for the tip.
I'm scared to mess with my nose in case I start something up there. I've never had odours coming from my nose, except from the nostrils sometimes when I've had a scab or a redness from blowing my nose too hard etc.

I spent an hour breathing in some steam last night. That loosened a lot of mucus and I felt very clear and open afterwards and my mucus felt "normal" because it felt thinner.

I think my PND issues are simply because my mucus is thicker than normal. Whether I actually have a problem that makes it thicker, or it's just naturally thicker, I don't know. But I'm fairly sure now that that's the reason why I'm so aware of my mucus, cos it's so thick.

I've always maintained that PND only exacerbates BB (unless there's a nasal/sinus infection). So, for example, if a person has a dental problem that tips them over a BB threshold, then PND is going to make things much worse because it's like it's stoking the flames. This explains why some people can have PND and no BB, and also why some people can have dental problems and still manage decent breath.

Just some thoughts.
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