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Nasal odor My story

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:33 pm
by ThinkPositive
I also have nasal odour and mouth odour. My nasal odour can fill up a whole room, ect.. The way the bad breath was really weird. It was back in 2013.. for a few weeks i had a bad with constant sneezing and lots of mucus. but at the same time i had bad indigestion and a really scary chest pain. the cold went away within a few weeks, i wasnt bothered to treat it. i started feeling this burning pain going up my esophagus/throat for a few times so i went to my gp, she gave me ranitidine which i didnt really take cuzz i dont like taking medicine (afraid it will have an effect on me when im older(im 1Cool). after all this i decided to go to an Ent as the smell kept getting worse. Done allergy tests, im allergic to dust, pet dander and polen(hayfever).
went on antihistamines, steroids, nasal irrigations, etc..
As of now, the regurgitation is often but i dont feel it, i only know cuz of the taste i get in my mouth, very acidic. My saliva always tastes acidic. the breath smells like rotten eggs, rotten meat (right after i eat red meat) but then it smells like feces.
and i think its very strong cuz even when im inside my mum's car people crossing the street make a face, touch their nose and look in our direction and make a face. or i am really paranoid about this.
My family show obvious rections to the smell but when i ask everyone says they dont smell anything..
I had a CT SCAN that showed nothing but my doctor still put me on a waiting for a sepnoplasty (deviated septum) and then the removal of tonsils. I only had two tonsil stones and that was in 2013 never again. the doctor did say they were congested because of all the mucus dropping on them from post nasal drip. ive got a job for the first time in my life!! im super happy but also extremely anxious because of this bad breath.
i know i wrote alot, but id like to know if anyone has any suggestions.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:14 pm
by FedUp
The odor will be originating from your mouth. for some reason in your and my case the odor is stronger with the mouth closed. do you have your wisdom teeth?

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:03 am
by ThinkPositive
no mine are still growing, and yess i do belive the odour is stronger with my mouth closed too.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:04 am
by ThinkPositive
the thing is how ?? if the odour is form the mouth why is it going all the way through my nasal passages????

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:14 pm
by FedUp
A guy from here discovered his wisdom were causing his devastating nasal odor. I'm not sure why it's stronger through the nose but it just is. For example when I had my second tonsillectomy the odour was hellacious during recovery. I could smell it in my nose. Now that that the area has healed, I can frequently smell my breath. and I can smell it in my nose, and I thought maybe only I could smell it but I was told that I stunk- and that day it was a vinegar-sweaty sock smell which I could smell in my nose. At times when I have been talking I have smelt the shit smell just exiting my mouth and it's strong- in particular from my right side. When I eat also I can smell the shit smell/sweaty sock smell. I KNOW something in my mouth isn't right. well ***k it.... i'm sick of shying away from life i've had enough. i've been through more operations than I care to count and i'm not going down like this.

Next friday i'm gonna start pulling my back teeth- i'm done and desperate for a cure. cocaine, pliers and vodka, job done. what hurts the most is i'm always being offered to go places with friends and i just can't bring myself to go most of the time. i would have a booming social life if not for this stupid horrible condition.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:22 pm
by ThinkPositive
dont pull your teeth!!
yea i really dont know what else to do really i have this operation for my deviated septum then its tonsillectomy, after that the only thing i can think is change my diet and watch my digestive system,go to an holistic doctor and also try immunotherapy. the only thing i can do to help myself is to atleast try things.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:43 pm
by english15
Seriously don't remove your teeth. The smell is NOT coming from nose or mouth. It is alveolar breath i.e. it is volatile compounds which are carried in the blood to the lungs and exhaled on breath.

Our oral hygeine and operations clearly mean the odor is one of the 10% which is as a result of 'extra oral' issues. I really believe the issues are multifaceted and it rests in a gut dysbiosis (eg SIBO). Essentially, certain bacterias can overtake your stomach and produce gasses such as hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl sulfide (sulphate reducing bacterias cause this)....along the way issues occur as a result, in particular, the ability of certain enzymes to to exert oxidative effects. The upsot in all of this is that a chroni sitaution endures in which the gut environment really does become overburdened with the wrong types of bacteria and good bacterias are forced out. The extra gases and toxic compounds can not be dealt with through the usual metabolic pathways and the compounds pass into the blood and are excreted on the breath......(just so you can understand my point think about alcohol breathalyser...this does not detect the alcohol left in oral cavity it detects the gas given off from the lungs via gas exchange...this proess is how the shitty/dirty/eggy/sulphur odors come out on your breath.....taking teeth out will not assist it will cause your facial structure to collapse and your jaw will will then be depressed at the aesthetic effects and you will be no better off in terms of your breath because the underlying issues in your gut have not been attended to.

I do not know the whole science behind this but I can say for sure if you have had all of those surgeries and brush teeth and mouthwash then clearly your odor is probably within the 10% of those with 'extra oral' cause.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:20 pm
by FedUp
How do you go about testing for your theories? i'd love to rule out any source that could be causing problems.

in my story there's too many bits pointing towards an oral source. There have been times when I have been at friends and went to the bathroom to use mouthwash or brushed my teeth and came out to "who's had a shit?" "has someone just had a shit?" And the smell has come rushing through my right nostril. And some nights i've done the whole oral routine and lay in bed and could smell the shit smell when I sniffed up and it was coming from my mouth or throat. Also I used to brush my teeth at work, i recall brushing in the toilet and exiting the toilet and people were like "have you dropped one round here?". It's just bizarre that it seems to get stronger after i've eaten, it's like i'm dislodging/disrupting from where the stench is coming from, for instance the other day I hadn't ate all day, as soon as i started to eat some biscuits all of a sudden I could detect the sweaty sock-wet dog odor. now obviously i'm disturbing a bunch of hidden bacteria allowing the stench to just penetrate the atmosphere. i definitely do not have body odor- it's definitely mouth orientated which in a strange way is comforting. And it's strange I can detect my own odor around certain people. And there's been times when I've walked into my breath odor and it's not nice. but my breath doesn't seem to be on that level all the time because if it was i wouldn't leave ever.

I highly doubt I have SIBO. other than this stench- I am in ship-shape condition. When I can detect the odor which is more frequently now my tonsils have completely gone it is from the right side which is promising to me but i'm still baffled as to where it's coming from. When I cycle in the cold weather I can detect the odor, again in the right side. sometimes it's a sweaty sock smell, others it's fecal and kind of like a potato at times.

Why would tooth paste or mouth wash make the odor 10x stronger if the source wasn't oral in origin? most people want to make a million dollars or be famous- i just want to be able to sit in the company of good friends and not smell like this. i want to live, i want to laugh, i want to love (really cheesey and cringe worthy I know). the most basic of things like talking and socializing have been stripped away from me. I try to socialize and get out but it's so so hard trying to control breathing whilst waiting for the inevitable who's farted or what's that smell around here. god.

hope maybe

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:59 pm
by itsreal
Ok. I'm still trying to totally figure myself out, but I'll tell a few things that have helped somewhat. I had recurring sinus infections, coated tongue, tonsil stones, poor dental practices, poor diet, poor stress management, plus lpr-silent gerd. I woke up every morning harking phlegm, scraping my tongue, using dental products that seemed to dry my mouth out worse. Sound familiar?
I am still in the fight but I do see progress. Here's what I'm doing.
My pnd post nasal drip was caused from silent gerd. Acid would wash into my throat at bedtime, my throat produced mucus to protect itself from the acid. You think your allergies cause this, but it's your stomach. I reduced the volume of my meals 50%. Increased water intake, 8 glasses daily. Took colostrum which improved my digestion, healed my digestive tract, improved my bowels. My tongue is now pink, stomach not bloated, pnd nearly gone. Now all the other solutions people have offered seem to work. Such as, flossing, brushing with baking soda twice daily, using a neti pot with baking soda. Note. .I inhale the baking soda water solution and tilt my head back and allow the junk to slowly drain to my mouth and spit. My wisdom teeth no longer feel coated. This is gerd. Everything you eat will stick to this gerd mixture and slowly smell like shit. You will notice after taking the colostrum that the gerd will leave, your mouth will not be so dry. That's a lot of the battle. Give yourself 2 months. You will feel better immediately. Don't celebrate too soon. Water, rest, colostrum, multi vit, nasal wash, no alcohol based products, no mouth drying toothpaste. Reduce fried foods, patience. Bottom line, the stomach caused the whole cycle for me. Fix that first. God bless[/i]

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:50 pm
by ThinkPositive
@itsreal did the odour diminish at all after those two months?
@english15 so are the odours coming from the blood or the stomach??

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:08 pm
by itsreal
Its really a situation that's more manageable. If I eat badly without maintenance the odor is bad. If I consider my digestion with the colostrum and remember to hydrate, I can manage with gum or mints, like everyone else.
I took a trip recently and ate like crap, didn't drink water and the odor was back. I got home, started the colostrum, water, neti pot and I can manage with occasional gum or mint like everyone else. Basically diet, stress, and dehydration trigger the odor for me. Sidebar* I see Act has a mint that's supposed to stimulate moisture for your mouth. Could be the last piece of this puzzle.✌

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:30 am
by english15
Fedup: The fact you say that you ate some food (biscuit) and noticed a smell may be consistent with a bacterial dysbiosis as bacteria eat sugar as a source of sustenance and give off waste and odor as by product. I think you (we all) need to retain open minds as to potential causes of our odor problems since it is clear that hygiene is not an issue.

Like I said the thing with sibo is that often it is part of a much wider systemic imbalance which is multifaceted and has implications on a number of issues. Let me give you my rough theory: small intestine and large intestine generally are two different environments in terms of the bacteria that are supposed to be present. Bacteria are crucial for digesting food in small intestine and are central to other processes as they provide enzymes and vitamin production crucial for a whole load of actions and reactions at metabolic, nerve, physical level.

The large intestine has different species of bacteria which provided they remain in the colon are by and large fine and normal. However when this species move into the small intestine they cause problems by diminishing the number of small intestine native bacteria and changing the environment in there. This therefore means that foods and other molecules which would normally be digested by the small intestine can now instead by eaten by these "outsider" bacteria and instead of breaking down the food and digesting it these bacteria ferment the sugars and other carbs and toxic substances such as acetaldehyde and alcohols are produced. This has number of effects. It overtime ensures that the environment is much more hospitable for their species and other pathogenic bacteria and yeast and thus prevents those normal native good acterias from thriving and performing their functions. Secondly the byproducts put heavy strain on liver. As you know the liver is key to processing all the poisons and for eliminating waste efficiently, so once this starts being compromised you have a problem and the already bad environment becomes worse.

The pathogenic bacteria and yeast which take hold also damage the integrity of the intestinal lining by making it more porous thereby allowing larger molecules to pass through the gut and into the blood stream...see leaky gut (this maybe why colostrum has been of benefit but I would also suggest you try l-glutamine). When these larger molecules are detected as 'foreign' by the immune system it then begins trying to mount a response to address these potential invaders and this (according to theory is how many auto immune conditions occur as a result of the immune system trying to address an unknown with inflammation of various sorts occurring. ..think anything with 'itis' in it gastritis, colitis etc).

As regards testing out the SIBO point you need to have one which picks up both Hydrogen AND methane (nhs normally only offer the hydrogen alone) and more importantly the it needs to be the test which involves the taking of the LACTULOSE challah ge (again the nhs normally use the glucose). Glucose tends to be digested easily and so if your sibo is near the distal end of the small intestine there will be no glucose left to feed any bad guys lurking there...LACTULOSE cannot be digested by human and so will make its journey right down and will be eaten by the bad guys if they are there with the result that gas in form of hydrogen and/or methane will be produced and pass into the blood and be sent to the lungs and excreted on breath and picked up by the instruments. hydrogen and methane have no odor.....but my theory is that they demonstrate dysbiosis and so the chances are other bacteria called sulphate reducing bacteria are probably in the intestine too these bate ria produce hydrogen sulfide (think rotten egg smell!) These are clever because these can actually use the hydrogen produced by other bad bacteria and use that as their 'oxygen'....they give off the egg smell.....This is then absorbed as gas into blood stream and excreted through lungs on your alveolar breath I. E. Mouth and nose.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:47 am
by english15
Itsreal: it is true that Gerd and or silent reflux can produce halitosis. But just bear in mind that often Gerd and silent reflux are not caused by an excess of acid. I say this because mainstream medicine hands out PPIs and antacid medicine like sweets which will make you much worse. Why? Because acid is absolutely crucial for sterilising and killing microbes and bacteria in food we eat. When we eat food goes to stomach and acid is combined to sterilise it (amongst other things) if you reduce this acid you make it more likely that bad bacteria will take hold in your small intestine. There is lots of research published which shows that PPI medications increase chances of intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

The other point is that often and somewhat paradoxically as it may sound the reason for heartburn and indigestion sensation is actually a lack of acid. This is because the stomach muscles in trying to make use of the inadequate amount of acid churn it as vigorously as possible and so it can move further up in this effort.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:54 am
by english15
Thinkpositive: the odors in my opinion are the by products of the bacteria which are not being oxidised in the normal way, possibly due to an enzyme (s) not working correctly which may be as a result of the changed in environment in intestines. The gases are then absorbed into the blood and this then passes to the lungs along with your carbon dioxide and is excreted on your breath......This is why it can fill rooms quickly and appear to travel.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:08 am
by english15
Sorry I forgot to answer how I tested for SIBO- I tested with Biolab - they have a website. (like I said it was the hydrogen AND methane test with LACTULOSE .....Make sure NOT LACTOSE!!! )