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Stem Cells

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Stem Cells

Post by Jimi Stein »

I think this is the cure for us, I am not sure why the so called "experts" on halitosis do not use this approach, because it would destroy their mouthwash business of course.

Stem cells are being used for knee repair, other ailments, and why not to cure our livers, that are most probably causing bad breath.

It would take just few shots of stem cells. Why is this not happening.
After Cheryl, the director of TMAU site has benn found dead, who knows why, people are desperate for the cure.

Still I have no clue why that woman of MEBO died, was it a s*****e?
Why is nobody using this, I think the cure is here!

I mean if stem cells can repair tumors, knees and people avoid having surgery, why not use it for bad liver, stem cells are also used for faulty livers anyways.

But probably it is very expensive to do this procedure, these stem cells docs must be filthy rich. But still I think this is the only hope for us, to get real cure, because something in our bodies is broken! And that is a fact...

This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Room Bus filler2
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 5:28 pm
Location: Lyon France

Post by Room Bus filler2 »

Stemm.cells ... Is it surgery or products.

How much it costs you think please ?
are you trying it.
h.pylory.been cured.
Gastrocopy+ colonscopy Good.
tonsil stones sometimes. + throat and sinus with Green.and yellow mucus. PND.
no lungs infection but bronchinitis.
esophagus good . tolerance good.
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