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Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:53 pm
by emotional rescue
This is my story:
I´m in love of my girl best friend since 4 years now. Since then i´ve always try to be all that close that i could trying to handle this fuckin bb. But as you can imagine it´s sooo hard, to not seem a weirdo sometimes, to not seem an antipatic because i don´t want to go to some places that i feel i will be in a bb trap, and the list goes on an on an on...
But anyway, i handle it the best that i could, but i suffered a lot, hoping that i hopefully could get her next to me until i find a cure.
She loves me very much too, but not the way i would like too. She just don´t take me too serious, just most like a friend cause, i´ve got to face the truth, how could she fall in love of a boy who one day is there, and the other next three days dissapear?? and a lot of things like that. But no way in hell i would tell her about my problem (altouugh in very few week moments of my life i thought about it...), this wont resolve my problem, maybe she will feel sorry for myself, and get related, but maybe she just think i´m crazy, cause in 6 years i´ve managed things the way she never smell my bb.... so i don´t know, but not of those options will do that she fall in love with me.
The thing is, we kissed many times, we were a few times near to make love, i know all her body. I´m sooooo in love. And the worst part, I KNOW that i could make her fall in love with me if i weren´t have bb, and could act 100% like a normal person...

2 months ago she told me that shes gonna get married with a french guy in a few months (long story itself) and she will go to live to his country with him.

As you see, my time is running out, i don´t know how much i could do about this....but if i can´t find a deifintly cure that allows me to stop this, i just want to be able to spend the most time that i could that´s left with her....
i´m badly in love,

so, what i need is to anyone that can help me:
I need that some kind soul of the States send me a box with:

-3 bottles of chewable sugarless Gnc Vit c. (i want to try it, maybe it could help me!)
-1 tung brush and 2 or 3 tung gel.
- 3 bottles of Aktiv oxigen concentrated serum. Theres a pack of three on Dr. Katz site. (this was the only thing in my whole life that with a full dropper get rid of my bad breath for 4-6 hours at least!!...)

just four hours bb free a day is all i asked to god or to anybody that allows me to see her, and hugh her

I´m so down that i even have losing the streght to work, i feel like my life is falling bad, worst than ever...

if someone could help me i will be gratefull all my life,

i´m from argentina, i could send you the money by western union or maybe with paypal

thanks, and good luck to all

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:24 pm
by Busted
I hope a film director, a writer or whatever comes in here to read this story and gets inspired to make a film about it. It wouldn't be the most succesful film, but at least we won't feel that left out anymore.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:14 pm
by elliott
you are setting yourself up for major depression. Move on. Focus on your breath for your own sake. Not for some girl who just left you in the cold.

It's not a good idea to "savor the last moments" with a girl that plans to leave you. Just move on.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:56 pm
by Busted
Chronic halitosis is a major depression, and focusing on it 24/7. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:46 pm
by KC
ER, I'm sorry to hear your story. I went through something similar few yrs ago. Honestly, its unwise for us to fall in love with someone except your partner can't smell you or doesn't care about the bb thing. If you think she really loves you, you should tell her honestly your problem instead of keep hiding your secret.

ps. I've asked people here several times about sending me the sugarless chewable vit c, but ends up nobody really ship the stuffs to me. So good luck.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:28 pm
by whyme
KC wrote:ER, I'm sorry to hear your story. I went through something similar few yrs ago. Honestly, its unwise for us to fall in love with someone except your partner can't smell you or doesn't care about the bb thing. If you think she really loves you, you should tell her honestly your problem instead of keep hiding your secret.

ps. I've asked people here several times about sending me the sugarless chewable vit c, but ends up nobody really ship the stuffs to me. So good luck.
it's not that easy to tell people about your problem. i rather them magicly finding out on their own than me letting them know.

but KC just tell her how you feel and to give you time it's the best i can think off.

i can send anyone the GCN Vit C just let me know through message or MSN so we can find out where to put it and stuff.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:45 pm
by emotional rescue
guys, with all respect, i don´t need this kind of advices, it´s a long long story...

if anyone really cares about this, just send me those damn products

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:40 pm
by mpkle
You need to hang out with her for the next month as much as possible get close to her even ask her to smell your breath and see what happens; at this point it might not matter if your breath is to bad for her to handle then its probably not going to happen for you but either way, you say she is leaving in 2 months what do you have to lose.practice good dental hygene as much as possible brush your tongue and hope for the best.youve managed to keep this secret from her for along time and with her finally knowing maybee she can help you through it.If things go good you may have a chance .

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:04 pm
by coeric
this sounds harsh but you should give up on the girl. and be thankful you got a job. because even if you managed your few hours of fresh breath, and somehow win the girl, your halitosis is still there. it will be there later that night and all day the next day.

bad breath does not allow you to be yourself. it takes away every meaningful relationship a person may have, and makes itself a huge obstruction in all other aspects of your life. call me hopeless or obtuse, but this is coming from someone who used to be a dreamer too. the truth is plain, and cold. but there it is.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:19 pm
by Busted
What coeric the ex-dreamer said.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:30 am
by elliott
where do all the BB pretty girls hang out anyway? There's gotta be some out there!