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Frontal Sinus Infection

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:43 pm
by azteroth
Just last week i was diagnosed with Frontal Sinusitis along with deviated septum via CTscan. I had undergone the procedure because i always had suspected that there is something wrong with my sinuses. Im always having post nasal drip, i could smell a malodoroua discharge just by picking at the entrance of my nostrils.
most of the time an odourles yellowish discharge, sometimes green and there was even a time a dark brownish discharge came out. but lately, the color gets lighter probably because of the antacid (Omeprazole) that i take since i'm also a GERD sufferer which contributes much to my sinusitis and PND. I'm H. Pylori negative btw. I have a clean colon since i also had an endoscopy already.

i've been doing much of Nasal Irriagation for the past two weeks already but doesn't seem to make a difference. Perhaps its because the frontal sinuses are harder to reach by mere nasal irrigator. Next week i'll be in the big city, I'll try to consult an ent specialist.

I'm also seeking advice from the members of this site, maybe some was cured already from bad poop coming from nose. Wish me luck. I am really positive that this coulld be the crux of all my suffering for a decade already. Wishing you too all the best, GodBless.