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***k, this is already the third time.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:36 am
by BBad

I cannot understand something. I really like to go clubbing (always with gum obviously) and when I make-out with the type of girl that really has 0 and really 0 signs of bb I have also no bb for the next 2-3 days. After those 2-3 days the bb comes back again slowly...

This is already the 3rd time that happens!!! Please, anyone give me an explanation?

My conclusion for now is that in some mouth (hers) the bacteria is healthier and more bb-resistent than in others (mine)?!?! How fucked up is this...

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:16 pm
by oneday4800
maybe she has more good bacteria than you..which helps keep bb under control. and when you kiss,they give you some? just guessing. have u tried probiotics? that are specifically for bb I mean.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:23 am
by Archimonde
That's legit. I experienced the same thing when I was 15 years old except my BB came back a few hours later. My mouth felt completely different after kissing her.

I think it has to do with how strong your BB is. Cos' a year later I kissed another girl and it had no effect on my breath lol.

I've given up on women since then, there's no point if you have very strong BB.

If you really had no BB for 2-3 days then get a GF and make out with her every day. Tell her you love making out and you need it every day. Hell, get 2 or 3 GFs just to make sure. Shouldn't be hard to pull off if you're a good looking guy.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:39 pm
by ijwbtrma
how do you guys even get to make out with girls if you have bb??? ANd you all say gum doesn't improve your breaths!!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:59 pm
by Cres
ijwbtrma wrote:how do you guys even get to make out with girls if you have bb??? ANd you all say gum doesn't improve your breaths!!!!!
I had a girlfriend once. A really pretty one. Had a couple obvious reactions from her, but has always denied that I have BB when I asked about it. Made out with a couple of other women, one at a bar did not notice my BB when kissing (I was kinda holding my breath) but lost interest after she noticed it. The other has always kinda hated me for my BB (she's my sister's friend) but we made out once anyway, we were tipsy. Started hating me again soon after.

Speaking of bars there was this random hag who had the rudest reaction to me. Or more like the most cliché one. She backed up and covered her face with her hand. Yet still doctors dare claim that I have no detectable halitosis.

You can get away with it by holding your breath but obviously if you're around a person in multiple places in multiple instances, it becomes impossible and they will eventually notice it.

But on topic: I never noticed actual improvement in BB after kissing.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:27 am
by Archimonde
ijwbtrma wrote:how do you guys even get to make out with girls if you have bb??? ANd you all say gum doesn't improve your breaths!!!!!
some girls will make out with you even if they barely know you, so there can be very little talking involved. It's possible.

Having a gf on the other hand, I can't imagine.