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Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:22 am
by drbella
Hey guys I just want to share my story. Back in 2007 I started having problems with my sinuses. It seems like overnight my breath started to smell horrible. I had post nasal drip that smelled like death and a really bad coated tongue. For years I went to different Doctors but none of them would help me they didn't take the time to figure out what my issues were. Even tho my nose and breath would smell up the whole doctors office. They would stick the camera up my nose tell me everything looks good and its all in my head.

I tired everything to get rid of the odor. I got sinus surgery, my tonsils removed, acid reflux surgery this past November I flew to DC to get tongue rejuvenation. I thought that if my tongue was scraped by a professional I would be cured. But nope that was $7000.00 down the drain. These last couple of years I fell into a deep depression. I isolated myself from my family and friends. Every birthday, christmas and new years for the last 7 years I spent it alone because of the embarrassment.

My last straw of getting to the root of my issue was this last Christmas when I received a box of toothpaste, mints and floss from a family member. I was crushed because they have no idea how hard I tried to rid myself of this odor (mainly from my nose)

I made an appointment with my ENT last month I wouldn't take no for an answer I wanted a nasal culture and I wouldn't leave without it. I told the doctor I have a fecal odor coming from my sinuses. He looked up my nose and said everything looked great the ENT did a great job on my sinus surgery. I wasn't trying to hear that shit I asked the doctor very firmly to test my drainage. He took a sample of my right sinus and a week later he gave me a call back and said my results came back normal. He said my symptoms must be all in my head. I didn't believe him because my nose smelled worse than ever. I looked up my own results on quest diagnostics and he was right my results said normal. I couldn't believe it I was back at square one.

I went a week feeling uneasy about my results. I kept irrigating my sinuses as usual but the odor smelled like I had a diaper stuck in my nose. So I made appointment with another ENT. I told him my issues and asked if he could culture the left sinus. He agreed but said its probably going to come back normal. WELL THAT WAS A LIE!!!! I got a call a week later that my culture came back positive for Pseudomonas Fluorescens. I had never been so happy in my life I know that sounds crazy but I was happy because I finally had an answer I knew I wasn't crazy like the doctors made me out to be. All of these years I wasn't getting better because I was irrigating my sinuses with tap water. Pseudomonas bacteria can be found in water and soil.

The doctor put me on Ciprofloxacin 2 pills a day for 10 days. I'm still taking the meds but I can already see a BIG difference in the nasal odor. When I talk people don't scratch their noses anymore. My tongue is not as white as usual and my post nasal drip is not as bad. I'm 100% sure I'm not cured yet. But I think if I finish my meds and go one more round. I should be good to go hopefully.

Please stop using tap water to flush your sinuses. You may have a nasal bacteria. Go to your ENT ASAP and ask to get both of your sinuses cultured. Don't take no for an answer. I'm paying for you guys we will have our lives back soon. Please pray for me as well

Sorry for the long post I'm sure I spelled some things wrong and my grammar is HORRIBLE :(

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:58 am
by StinkBomb
I would be very careful taking Ciprofloxacin. It is a very powerful antibiotic and has a black box warning. Very serious side effects.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:09 pm
by sopo
Drbella ... Please keep posting us about us about your progress from time to time ... Even I do nasal irrigation daily but I use drinking water