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post op report

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:19 pm
by NC29
Following the footsteps of fkhalitosis who recently had their op, i thought i'd post my experiences.
I'm day 6 post tonsillectomy (not adenoids). The first two days for me were fine and i was eating like a king. Day 3-6 was quite painful, especially in the morning and at night. The pain was much improved by codiene which i recommend using in conjunction with the usual. The preparation may have different names in different countries but i am on the low dose 16mg and generally take it 2-3 times per day.
Had a bleeding episode a couple of days back when i coughed and must have dislodged something but nothing major.
So i'm currently waiting for the scabs to fall off and things to heal.
I have to say what i didnt expect was the amount of tissue that was operated on. Ive resisted temptation to look at the throat because i know it will look like a disaster but a couple of days back i had a quick peek with a torch and there's massive gaping holes covered in white.
Also another note, the uvula swelling is real pain in the ass. Dangles around, feels like constant desire to swallow/gulp and stops expiration if you sleep on your back. But by days 6 i've either become used to it or its shrunk a little in size.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:26 pm
by NC29
Oh and as to whether its worked, i'm not sure yet. I'm hoping but i have my doubts.
My original symptoms were nasal/oral bb from teenage years. Nasal polyp which 75% of the time blocks the right side. Deviated septum to the right (hence the above).
No PND, sinusitis, reflux etc.
Constant regrowth of white tongue despite food/scraping/washes. Tonsil stones (source unclear).
I also interestingly had some sort of hole/sinus tract in the right upper part of the tonsil which i recently squeezed out 20stones/liquid. Oddly the stones that came from this tract were not pungent (unlike the usual ones which one coughs up), however the liquid was. The surgeon confirmed post op that there was some disease to th etonsill in this region.

Therefore if this right tonsil is the cause of chronic caseous tonsilliitils and is responsible for the constant regrowth of offensive tongue coating then fingers crossed symptoms may resolve.
However there's no guarantee and i'll report back in a couple of weeks.

I didnt chase adenoidectomy as i suspect mine have shrunk. On the other hand if a couple of months down the line i persist to get tonsil stones then i think i may look into it.
I'm not looking into septum/polypectomy/turbinate ops as others have had purely as i dont suspect its linked and on its own i'm quite happy with my breathing.

Hope the above information helps others out there who may have similar signs.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:28 pm
by NC29
On a third note i'd actually like to congratulate the skill of the surgeon and anaesthetist. Probably why my recovery is really not as painful as others have experienced and i was downing lasange earlier today.
Championing the NHS of course...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:35 pm
by ThinkPositive
I'm waiting for an appointment with my ent for the tonsillectomy with the NHS. I kinda feel like they completely forgot about it though cuz like my ent sent the letter since November... I have oral and nasal bb since 2014 I believe and it changes odours from fart odours to garbage. My tonsil stones are definitely there I squeeze and gunk comes out the odours makes me gag it smells awful. My pnd is extremely thick especially in the morning and its green and yellow.
Anyways I wish all the luck with your recovery!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:34 pm
by jess
NC29 Good luck with the recovery.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:22 pm
by NC29
I would like to conclude that the op had unfortunately no effect. Although i am steal healing and the wounds are not fully returned to pink i have been out on a social occasion last night and full reactions were all around.
I originally did this, not to find a 'cure' that everyone looks for but purely on the basis that if i had diseased chronically inflammed tonsils this could be contributing to dorsal tongue coating.
Unlike others with worse drip symptoms i maintain the belief that i have no PND or any excess mucous above and over the normal population. I experienced what PND must be like on day 2 post op at night when i had hypersalivation and loads of mucous which meant i had to swallow every minute and thus couldnt sleep.
Also i would agree with one of the moderators that we all think perhaps too much that tonsil stones are the cause when in fact a sizable proportion of the population also have this but no symptoms. However tonsillectomy may probably still work for some.
I also maintain the belief that the source of the odour is coming from the back of the tongue but i'm not sure why. People can read for themselves my symptoms from the original post above.
I doubt adenoids have any play on this. There is only one case report of adenoid stones in the medical literature and halitosis was not a presenting complaint.
Given the lingual tonsils are very close to the back of the tongue this may have some cause but i'm still unsure and i will be researching this with microbiology swabs and gas chromatography. I will report back to this forum but i wont frequent this place as much as i quite frankly feel alot of discussion is around 'cure' rather than cause.
Happy to have any discussion in pm.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:23 am
by FuckHalitosis
Don't give up. Keep eliminating all possible sources and you will get there.