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Things that work and then suddenly they don't?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:42 am
by girl_222
I have tried things that have worked for a while and made my entire mouth feel super clean for days and then for some reason after a few tries they no longer have this effect anymore. Has anyone else experienced this?

Some examples for me are oil pulling with virgin coconut oil, taking vitamin c tablets and doing bikram yoga.

Just when I thought I was on to something good and found a cure I'm disappointed again:(

Look forward to hearing if anyone else has had this experience

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:16 am
by Wayne67
A general rule of thumb (for me that is), is to avoid chemicals at all costs. This is means no mouthwashes, no chemicals like grapeseed extract, coconut oil or whatever. What happens is that bacteria can adapt overtime and survive (concept of evolution). So I honestly don't see a point using those things. This sort of thing happened to me with therabreath mouthwash, and I'm still pissed I wasted so much money on it.

So how do I manage my BB? Well, I still obviously have it (can be smelled from mouth and nose), but I've been looking into more natural solutions such as increasing salivation flow and increasing the quality of saliva. I also eat foods that don't cause my mucus to run down my throat, etc. I try to oxygenate my blood more (b/c anaerobic bacteria can't live with O2).

Also a quick question, girl_222. How did bikram yoga cure your bad breath (even if it was temporary)? I'm trying to look into all areas.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:39 am
by girl_222
Thanks for your response Wayne67 - unfortunately I have a feeling the bacteria will learn to adapt whether you are using chemicals or natural products.

I so know what you mean about spending lots of money on this crap too, I spent $400 on an appointment with a dentist who supposedly specializes in helping people with these problems and all I got was a lot of products that don't work.

I'm not sure how bikram yoga cured it, I just started going to classes because a friend suggested it and after the class for the next 1-2 days my mouth felt super fresh and I didn't have that disgusting taste and feeling at the back of my throat. I still go to bikram yoga because I enjoy it as a great way to exercise but I don't get those same results anymore.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:43 am
by Wayne67
Out of curiosity, do you have bad breath that can be smelled from the mouth or the nose? Or both?


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:44 pm
by StillHoping
Wayne, my situation sounds very similar to yours! I am experimenting with more "natural" alternatives atm. Can you please explain how you try to oxygenate your blood and what your diet consists of?

Therabreath actually worked well for me for many years when I was younger, in fact I led a very normal life at that point. In which case, I had thought my cause was due to an oral problem. It abruptly stopped working for me when I moved to another city and I am still trying to figure out exactly why that is. The new city is extremely much drier and I suspect it may have something to do with that. Ever since I moved - I have tried all types of products and suggestions posted on this forumn - most work for about 1 - 2 weeks, then ofcourse slowly stops working :(

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:53 pm
by Wayne67
Hey! I'm glad someone's exploring a similar approach as I am.

My theory is that if anaerobic bacteria can't survive with oxygen, then having more O2 in the blood would possibly help. It's important to treat the root cause of the BB, so this may not solve BB entirely but it may improve the overall quality.

I oxygenate my blood from what I've found online by

-exercising more (strength and cardio)

-make sure that your posture is good. Research says that sitting up straight, standing up straight helps you do that. Make sure your back isn't bent, your neck isn't jutted forward, etc.

-Make sure you're good on your vitamins. (Iron, vit B, etc.). I try not to use vitamin pills b/c I'm not deficient in those vitamins. Just make sure you get foods rich in those nutrients. I'm currently vit D deficient (doctor said so) which honestly has more to do with salivation rates than the oxygenation of blood, but it's still useful to get it.

-My diet? Avoid wheat, dairy, spices, garlic, onions, etc. I don't even eat processed foods anymore. I slip up sometimes, but I still gotta make an effort. Wheat and dairy increases the PND for me and the garlic/onions being bad for BB is just common knowledge.

Instead of bread (has wheat), I have rice. I also eat steamed chicken, cooked beef, eggs, veggies (no spinach), and fruits.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:00 pm
by StillHoping
thanks for the info!! My diet right now is pretty much the same as yours - the challenge is sticking to it all the time! Im pretty good during the week, but slip up on weekends. Im trying again to cut the "bad" stuff out permanently

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:18 pm
by ExhaleSafely
I don't know a lot about microbiology, but, as I understand it, some substances like chlorine and alcohol won't lose their ability to kill bacteria ever due to the way they do the killing. I don't think you need to be overly paranoid that you're creating super bacteria by using antibacterial rinses.