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14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:32 am
by Attraction
Just finishing day 2 of 14 day water fast. The actual reason I am doing this is to lose weight. I have tonsils stones, and don't expect to cure bb at least until the inflamed, infected tonsils are removed (end of January). However, will update this thread every few days in case it helps anyone.

With that said, the first 2 days have been OK. I am hungry, but not extremely so. I work from home, and don't walk or do much moving around. I did 5min on the treadmill today before realizing it was 10:30pm and my neighbors upstairs probably don't appreciate the noise, so I stopped.

I also went out for an hour drive somewhere without any tiredness. Everything going smooth enough at the moment. Just hungry.

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:30 am
by MrChips
How are you getting on with the water fast?
I'm going to attempt another 3 day fast next week.
A 14 day fast looks too difficult.... Although from what iv heard it does get easier.

Have you ever done a fast before?

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:49 am
by Attraction
MrChips wrote:How are you getting on with the water fast?
I'm going to attempt another 3 day fast next week.
A 14 day fast looks too difficult.... Although from what iv heard it does get easier.

Have you ever done a fast before?
I did 1 day, then break, 3 days, break, now 14 straight

It was so bad after 3 days but now its a LOT better

I do fast Ramadan every year which is no food or water from sunrise to sunset. This year it was 17 hours per day and my sleeping schedule was off so I didn't eat for the first 3 days either. It definitely helps having done a few years of Ramadan already (just converted to Islam 3 years ago).

With that said, I know some skinny women who have done 21 day fasts so 14 days should be doable for you. Anyway I read about a guy who it took 9 days to fully detox his body so you might want to try 10 days or 11 instead of 14.

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:48 am
by Attraction
Alright I didn't want to update so soon, but feel like this is worth mentioning.

It is now the end of day 4 of my water fast. I have been experiencing moderate-severe bloating and gas all day, despite not eating anything. I am not consuming a whole lot of water, either. I just find it weird how gassy I am without eating food. Perhaps this is a testament to just how toxic my body is/was. Ketosis is definitely underway at this point, which means my body is eating itself, which is toxic, which is likely the cause for the bloating? By the way, I should mention before this my diet consisted of virtually 100% takeout, processed junk foods, essentially nothing fresh and/or homecooked.

I intend to update 2 or 3 more times in the next 10 days, for anyone who might be interested now or in the future.

Oh - I should mention one more thing you all may find interesting. My bad breath has seen a small, but noticeable decline in potency. I haven't got tonsil stones for 2 days (used to be daily), and the back of my tongue is 20% easier to scrape. Of course without consuming food there isn't a need to floss, so I just did that the first 2 days to be safe. With great oral hygiene, I am still not comfortable talking in public, but can go grocery shopping for 5-10min safely with some saliva lozenges and a bottle of water without disturbing anyone too much. I think the fact there is nothing for the bacteria on the tongue and tonsils to feed on greatly reduces their ability to multiply (naturally). Again, will update further next week.

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:46 am
by Attraction
Hey guys this really is helping my bb. I mean A LOT. It is only 40% what it normally is. Something else just occurred to me. Given there is significantly less bacteria in my mouth having not eaten for 5 days, should I be taking oral probiotics to colonize it with healthy bacteria in the meantime? Does anyone know the best one out there? I want to buy one that is tried and tested by multiple users of this forum, preferably.

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:13 am
by MrChips
Glad your experiencing improvements. That's what makes it all worthwhile. Fasting is not easy!
I'd definitely be taking acidophilus tablets. More billion of good bacteria the better. Need to get the good bacteria in your system as soon as possible.....
Your diet before sounds Fairly unhealthy so it sounds like your going through major detox. All them toxins and toxic gases are being released.
Keep at it.
This sounds like its becoming a success story! 8)

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:39 pm
by Attraction
MrChips wrote:Glad your experiencing improvements. That's what makes it all worthwhile. Fasting is not easy!
I'd definitely be taking acidophilus tablets. More billion of good bacteria the better. Need to get the good bacteria in your system as soon as possible.....
Your diet before sounds Fairly unhealthy so it sounds like your going through major detox. All them toxins and toxic gases are being released.
Keep at it.
This sounds like its becoming a success story! 8)
Thank you for the reply. BB is still definitely there (just woke up, so of course this is the worst it will be). My oral hygiene is terrible since starting the fast. But overall, the bb is 50% better. Surprisingly enough, the fasting is relatively easy.

Re: 14 Day Water Fast

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:35 pm
by Attraction
OK. So I am done 9 out of 14 days. Now, I mentioned that I am fasting to lose weight - it is true, but I forgot the real reason for it. Basically, I scheduled a tonsillectomy, and 2 days later began noticing a new, body odor I had never experienced. The entire room smelled when waking up. Had never happened before. So I checked how to cure TMAU in Google. There is a big post from 2 or 3 years ago from a 30 year sufferer who cured it using Zinc and Kelp daily. I thought, wow - nothing to lose, let's try it out. Well, my urine stopped smelling and no more smell when waking up! My TMAU symptoms were gone in a matter of weeks. I still wanted to find a permanent cure, so went back to Google and found someone who did a 14 day water fast which cured his TMAU. He said, after 9 days he had a "special stool" which was black and different from the others and this cured his TMAU. THIS is why I am doing this fast. Although equally to lose weight.

Well, this morning, after 9 days - I had my "special stool"! It is the first time since starting the fast I've had a solid stool. It has always been diarrhea, or extremely soft. This one was a single, solid round dark ball about 1 inch x 1 inch. It didn't hit me until a couple minutes later, what had happened. It will take some time to really see the effects. Not getting hopes up. With that said, my bb has improved significantly, although not fully gone. My tongue is still white, but tonsils don't smell one bit. I even poked around the tonsils, got some white fluid out and till 0 smell. I don't really understand how my tongue is still white given I haven't eaten in 9 days. You would think the bacteria would be gone by now. My oral hygiene has been very poor as I am staying inside all the time. This could have something to do with it. However, after some good oral hygiene, my mouth feels cleaner than ever. There is still a feeling of bb, but I feel confident enough to go in public; grocery shopping, etc. for 20 or 30 minutes before needing to scrape. Before, it wasn't possible for even 5 minutes. I have been thinking to try bleach mouthwash again to eradicate the tongue bacteria and see the effects. My tonsils couldn't handle the bleach, but now that they don't smell, I just need to clear the tongue. Any stomach issues should be long gone by now. Thank you for reading, stay tuned for further updates!