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Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:50 am
by TG021
So before I tell of my recent events, I want to give a backstory. I'm 22 and I have been dealing with BB since middle school. Just like most of you, I have tried everything, Therabreath, NetiPots, you name it. I will be honest and say that growing up I didn't take care of myself, orally speaking. I didn't have health insurance growing up and going to the dr./dentist wasn't a big priority to me or my parents. Basically, I let myself go growing up, not terribly bad but my molars mainly suffered.

I'm in college now and finally have health insurance through my parents job. Recently, I decided to schedule an dental appointment with my school health center. I received a cleaning and after I asked the dentist for an opinion on BB. He explained the usual possibilities - dental, diet, and tonsils. The dentist also gave me a list of phases to fix a major cavity along with a couple of minor ones. The dentist was very adamant about going and getting my tonsils checked out. I didn't think my tonsils were a problem because they weren't swollen and I couldn't manage to pick tonsil stones out when I tried.

So now, here's the meat of the story. I received my cleaning on Thursday Feb. 23. After my cleaning my mouth itself felt great. That same week on Saturday Feb. 25 I went to a physician and told them about my BB and how the dentist told me to get my tonsils checked out. The physician checked them, and told me that my tonsils were surely infected, I was baffled!! There's no way my tonsils have been infected since middle school. My physician prescribed me an antibiotic and also recommended I use "Biotene Dry Mouth Gel" to make sure I constantly have saliva in my mouth. Yesterday, on Monday Feb. 27 I went back to the dentist to have my major cavity worked on and at the moment I have a temporary crown on that repaired tooth.

It's Tuesday Feb. 28 and here is how I'm feeling, Since my cleaning, my mouth has felt great. I'm taking my antibiotic for my tonsils and also added a probiotic to offset the antibiotic. Back then, when I would try a remedy, it would mostly be placebo and last a day at most. Now my mouth has felt great for about 5 days. I don't have a bad taste, and I can't smell anything even if I try to. Here is what my current routine consists of:
-Brush Teeth in the morning
-Apply Biotene gel and rinse
-Take my antibiotic @ 8AM
-Take probiotic
-Floss during lunch
-Take antibiotic @ 8PM
-Brush, apply gel, and rinse before bed

I'm hoping like hell that my antibiotics clear up my tonsils and that my BB never returns. If the antibiotics don't clear up my tonsils, my physician said she'll refer me to an ENT to have a tonsilectomy. Also, on March 21 I have my dentist appointment to place my permanent crown and to clear the last few minor cavities. I've seen people with teeth in way worse shape than mine and they don't seem to have a problem with chronic BB, so my remaining minor cavities can't be the major source. These past 5 days have been the best days of my life since I could remember. Hopefully I'm close to beating this terrible s**t. I'll keep you guys updated here in the near future. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:27 am
by TG021
Small update, I don't know if antibiotics alter ones sense of smell or what, but I'm finding it real difficult to "smell" myself. Anybody know if antibiotics alter smell? If not, then so far so good, I haven't had any issues.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:37 pm
by TG021
Another update. I finished my course of antibiotics about 3 weeks ago. Before taking antibiotics, I could easily smell myself and I would have a constant bad taste. Now, if I try to smell my BB, I find it real difficult. Any odor that i do manage to smell, idk if it's just me trying real hard and managing to pick something up. Taste is neutral for the most part now. For those that have taken antibiotics, after finishing the course, Did you have an altered sense of smell. Do antibiotics alter smell? I took the antibiotic Cefdinir/Lupin.

While taking my antibiotics I picked 1 of my tonsils with a Q-Tip and a yellowish/greenish fluid/pus leaked out onto the Q-Tip. The smell of the fluid/pus was the worst thing I've ever smelled in my life. It smelled like death/decay. I went back to the ENT and they scheduled a tonsillectomy for Mar. 31.

Though I am going to have a tonsillectomy, I would like to point out that my tonsils aren't swollen. What I do know is that my tonsils have small yellowish spots under the flesh that i can't pick with a Q-Tip. Idk if they are stones or more fluid/pus, but they are what warranted a tonsillectomy.

I will keep you guys updated. Any questions feel free to ask.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:08 pm
by smallman007
What antibiotic?

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:09 pm
by smallman007
Never mind, I just re read your post. Thanks for sharing. Keep us updated please!

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:02 pm
by Dead
What was the dosage for the antibiotic you took?

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:03 pm
by TG021
I took 300MG every 12Hrs for 10 days.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:54 pm
by TG021
Just a small update, I had my tonsillectomy yesterday 3/31, and it was a success. Pain is mild, but I'm expecting it to increase as the week goes on.

As for BB, up until my tonsillectomy, I was still finding it difficult to smell my self. Still, I'll reserve final judgement until after I heal...I'll keep you guys updated

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:50 pm
by Attraction
TG021 wrote:Just a small update, I had my tonsillectomy yesterday 3/31, and it was a success. Pain is mild, but I'm expecting it to increase as the week goes on.

As for BB, up until my tonsillectomy, I was still finding it difficult to smell my self. Still, I'll reserve final judgement until after I heal...I'll keep you guys updated
You will likely be cured. Tonsillectomy is the #1 cure for chronic bb. You will have big pain for a couple of weeks. Get a couple of ice packs and freeze pops, ice cold water, tongue scraper (important), dont forget to take pain meds (take double dose!) and if you get constipated from meds you will need laxative. Hope this helps you, have a great recovery!

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:48 am
by smallman007
Recovery from adenotonsillectomy is a b*tch. Brace yourself.

I'm praying to all gods in the universe for you to be cured after this, but I gotta say that that wasn't the case for many in this forum including me.

Keep us updated please.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:13 am
by Attraction
smallman007 wrote:Recovery from adenotonsillectomy is a b*tch. Brace yourself.

I'm praying to all gods in the universe for you to be cured after this, but I gotta say that that wasn't the case for many in this forum including me.

Keep us updated please.
First and foremost, there is only one god not multiple ones.

Second, he has tonsil stones which means he is guaranteed to be cured somewhat, if not fully.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:39 pm
by TG021
smallman007 wrote:Recovery from adenotonsillectomy is a b*tch. Brace yourself.

I'm praying to all gods in the universe for you to be cured after this, but I gotta say that that wasn't the case for many in this forum including me.

Keep us updated please.
Small man, can you explain anything and everything about your BB that you've noticed. What all do you have(coating, pnd, etc.). Let's try and compare.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:51 am
by TG021
I forgot to add one important detail about my tonsillectomy. When I asked to view my tonsils or if they saw anything visibly bad, the nurse said my ENT had took them away to have them examined.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had an ENT take their tonsils to have them examined. What could that possibly indicate...either way my ENT will let me know of his findings at my post-op appointment.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:47 am
by smallman007
Attraction wrote:
TG021 wrote:Just a small update, I had my tonsillectomy yesterday 3/31, and it was a success. Pain is mild, but I'm expecting it to increase as the week goes on.

As for BB, up until my tonsillectomy, I was still finding it difficult to smell my self. Still, I'll reserve final judgement until after I heal...I'll keep you guys updated
You will likely be cured. Tonsillectomy is the #1 cure for chronic bb. You will have big pain for a couple of weeks. Get a couple of ice packs and freeze pops, ice cold water, tongue scraper (important), dont forget to take pain meds (take double dose!) and if you get constipated from meds you will need laxative. Hope this helps you, have a great recovery!
can you share with us the information you have saying that tonsil stones are the n1 reason for halitosis?

Thank you.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:42 am
by TG021
Small update, I'm on day 6 post-tonsillectomy and I'm feeling ok. I do have a terrible taste in my mouth as well as a terrible "taste" in my nose when I breathe in and out very quickly through my sinuses, but I'm attributing that too the healing that's going on in the back of my throat.

The taste itself is very distinct as in, it's not something that I've ever tasted, so I'm sure that the taste is directly from the healing and scabs.

As for a positive, I have very honest little brothers and they have both told me that they can't "smell" me after I've simply brushed and gargled. I also hung out with a friend yesterday and let him know that I had a tonsillectomy. I told him that if he smells something, that it is most likely from my throat healing, and to not be offended. He personally told me that he didn't smell anything, and we also sat in his car catching up on gossip. Now, as you guys know, a car is a very confined space and we both just sat there talking without any problems...something that I always avoided for obvious reasons.

Either way, I'm still reserving judgment until after I'm fully healed to give you guys a final outcome. I'll keep you guys updated...