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Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:53 pm
by Lifelongsufferer
I remember reading a few years ago that some of you had tried the probiotics containing BLIS K12, so in a last ditch attempt to experience some relief I decided I would try everything and anything that had ever been recommended.

I had actually bought the probiotic last year, and taken one or two but saw no difference so gave up. I thought I would try again, I put 3 tablets on my tongue when I went to bed (after brushing my teeth) and to my surprise I woke up with NO bad taste in the morning - which, for me, usually means no BB.

I know we have been told the saliva wrist test isn't accurate, but I have personally found it to be the most accurate test I can do without asking someone to smell my breath.

Anyway, for a few days I have put 3 tablets on my tongue morning and evening - and the results have been both positive and negative. Sometimes it seems to work and sometimes it doesn't. The only thing that seems to make it not work is eating snacks like crisps and nuts, or fruit like bananas, or not drinking enough water.

I have read that these tablets worked for a while for some people and then stopped working, which would be a shame, but I have also purchased some more oral probiotics from the US (not cheap!!) that contain different bacterial strains. My plan is to alternate between the two every couple of weeks to avoid my oral bacteria becoming resistant to them.

I will do my best to keep you all updated. As you all know, sometimes just trying to survive means that visiting this site isn't always possible.

Lifelong x

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:18 pm
by Johnv713
Im a stout proponent of oral probiotics eventhough after a few months they gradually lose its effectiveness. I attributed this to the resident bb bacteria adapt and,or there isnt enough prime estate for both to coexist in the confine of our mouths. With that said, ive found a new way for me to combat this by using a waterpick to dislodge the bb from the gums thus giving the probiotics a enough room to adhere.


Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:57 pm
by Lifelongsufferer
Johnv713 wrote:Im a stout proponent of oral probiotics eventhough after a few months they gradually lose its effectiveness. I attributed this to the resident bb bacteria adapt and,or there isnt enough prime estate for both to coexist in the confine of our mouths. With that said, ive found a new way for me to combat this by using a waterpick to dislodge the bb from the gums thus giving the probiotics a enough room to adhere.


Hi John!

I read your post on oral probiotics, that's actually what made me buy some, but I was quite disappointed when I saw they'd stopped working for you!

Are you now 100% BB free following the above method? How long does it take for your BB to return, and which probiotics do you use?

Do you find if you eat a lot of sugary foods that the probiotics stop working?


Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:54 pm
by Johnv713
i Use the wp in the morning and before bedtime ,that is more than adequate in term of managing my oral malodour. I would say im 95% bb free. Morning breath is the only problem i have due to lack of saliva flow when i sleep. Other than that im pretty much got things under control.

I previously used Pro Dental on a daily basis, im sure there are others on the internet that work, now i use it sparingly to replenish the good bac count. I find alcohol, sugar, coffee and smoking generally are not conducive to a healthy mouth. In short, wp + probiotics = best combo, for me at least.

I bought a brandname wp from walmart for $60. There's a cheaper one on amazon for about $30 for the sake of saving money. I cant say anyhting about the quality but for those of you on a budget to look into it. Dont get a travel size, rechargable or air Wp for obvious reasons.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:19 pm
by Lifelongsufferer
It's great to hear that you have your BB under control, congrats!!

I bought this a few months ago and used it religiously but it didn't seem to make much difference u fortunately.

I believe my BB comes from my throats though, because even if I really clean my teeth well it doesn't make a difference. To reduce my BB at all I have to stick my toothbrush past my uvula and scrub my tongue. I did try aiming the water jet down there but it had no effect.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:33 pm
by Johnv713
im not 100% confident your flosser is putting out enough pressure. Mine came with a large tank, the jet is very forceful and pulsate for better performance , imho.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:30 pm
by steffna
hi LifelongSufferer
I've read you were diagnosed with SIBO and that the antibiotic helped for 2 weeks. Are you still taking some medicines for the SIBO, or are you on the sibo diet? thanks

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:44 pm
by fthis
Bliss K12 never did anything for me. More so I suspect the inulin made my symptoms worst.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:50 pm
by Hello1
I think the Pro-Dental probiotics that I saw recommended by John on this forum helped me a bit. Gutted that they ran out so quickly (about 10 days, I was using 2 tablets morning and night) because I'm in the UK they are SO exspensive to get delivered, £40 ($49), and it's not realistic that I spend this every 10 days, although I would if they cured it.

Does anyone know of any other probiotic brands that have been effective in general, and any brands specifically available in the uk that contain Bliss k12 - if not I'll just try all the ones available in the uk with Bliss K12 one by one and see if they make any difference. I know they won't be a miracle cure, but if I can get to the stage where it's a bit more maneagable that would be great.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 7:02 pm
by jo317
Is this still working for you? I decided to try this out, as I am becoming convinced my issue is due to an overload of bad bacteria and fungus in my mouth/throat. Ive been taking them in the morning and night for about 2 days now (with waterpik before hand) and my breath has stayed fresh for the longest out of all the things I've tried! Pro-dental even says on their website that it can take 7-14 days to take full affect too, so I'm hoping it will only get better but I'm nervous it will only last for a few days/weeks and then come back. How long have you been bb free with this routine?

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:35 pm
by ttylxman2
I ordered the top 3 probiotics (also the one mentioned by John somewhere here). Tried them all individually by chewing and holding in mouth for 20+ min before swallowing and then tried them all together and had zero results. Nothing, not even a slight improvement.

That's a disappointment because my cause is definitely oral. My source of reinfection is probably too strong for these. I will agree that this is definitely a must if you're going to approach oral BB seriously, because I don't think it'll hurt anything except your wallet. Although I've seen more than one person say they got an overgrowth in their stomach because of swallowing the oral probiotics. So be careful to swish and spit instead of swallow.

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:39 pm
by jo317
ttylxman2 wrote:I ordered the top 3 probiotics (also the one mentioned by John somewhere here). Tried them all individually by chewing and holding in mouth for 20+ min before swallowing and then tried them all together and had zero results. Nothing, not even a slight improvement.

That's a disappointment because my cause is definitely oral. My source of reinfection is probably too strong for these. I will agree that this is definitely a must if you're going to approach oral BB seriously, because I don't think it'll hurt anything except your wallet. Although I've seen more than one person say they got an overgrowth in their stomach because of swallowing the oral probiotics. So be careful to swish and spit instead of swallow.
How many days did you use them for?

Re: Temporary relief - Oral probiotics

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:47 am
by ttylxman2
About a week without any results. Not long but it was looking very grim as they were clearly not displacing any bacteria or gaining a foothold. No immediate effects either such as giving me longer before the BB sets in after a full clean.

I am going to use it again combined with Alum cleansing of tongue, teeth, and throat (to remove any biofilm) followed by heavy hydrogen peroxide irrigation of gums using a waterpik.