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Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:43 am
by Psr24
Hi, I've create my account to post this routine which I have found to be effective at removing my bad breathe caused by my tongue.

Long story short, I'm 25 years old, have a normal diet, tonsils removed when I was 18 (due to tonsil stones, I thought caused my bad breath, I was wrong), dentist says excellent hygiene and doctors/ent say perfectly normal mouth, no thrush.

I have bad breath and can taste it in my mouth. Lick the back of my hand and it stinks. Also some people do the "has someone farted", so I'm conscious about it.

I have to scrape my tongue with a spoon and white/yellow 'curd' like stuff comes off, and it stinks like bad breath/poo. Once removed, my breath is a lot better. But no matter how many times I do it, the curd slowly reappears the next day and starts to stink.

My cure/fix is this:
-Wake up.
-Swill mouth with water and spit out.
-Scrape tongue with tea spoon (I find pushing the white curd to the back of the tongue lightly, builds it all up, then sort of scrape/spoon the white curd all off in a big clump works best).
-Brush tongue with toothpaste and baking soda
-Then scrape all that off tongue after waiting for 1 minute
-Brush teeth normally (I use electric) with just toothpaste.
-Then I use one tea spoon of 100% pure coconut oil, swill it around in my mouth, gargle, swill, gargle, sit with it in my mouth for 5 minutes, focusing on getting the oil to sit on the back of my tongue, then swallow it when finished.

My breathe has been brilliant ever since. I have to do this routine morning and night, but my breathe is fresh as a daisy.

I've tested it with a cotton bud through out the day, swabbing the very back of my tongue, and then smelling it. It would used to smell like poo but now smells of nothing. Relatives and friends say my breath smells neutral when I ask them, before they would say it stinks.

My confidence has sky rocketed, especially when kissing on dates.

Hope this works for someone. I've had this curd on my tongue for years, but I've decided to keep to this routine for a week now and the results already speak for themselves. It's the tongue and the white stuff, maybe a build up of fats, sugar which turns rank, causing my bad breath.

Just thought I'd share because I know how bad breath can be on your life, so if it helps one person I'm happy. Any questions fire away.

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:38 am
by gotshot26
Thanks for posting - should help many.

Baking soda is brilliant but I believe the oil is what gives you the extended fresh breath.

And no - it isn't a build up of fats on your tongue that is causing your bad breath - it's anaerobic bacteria leaving waste on your tongue that smells like poo. You are effectively creating an environment where they cannot grow.

AUSSIES: Check out RedSeal Baking Soda toothpaste - it's incredible - it has peppermint and eucalyptus oils inside along with a few other things working wonders for my BB - even as I battle oral thrush. You can find it at Chemist Warehouse.

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:30 am
by Psr24
Yeah bacteria that's the one. Hope it helps others. Thanks for the reply and suggestion.

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:03 am
by nivek10
Do you have nasal bb also or just from the mouth?

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:07 pm
by Psr24
Hello, no nasal breath. I've done this routine for two weeks. I stopped for a couple of days and the bb returned, along with the tongue coating.

I've started to use corsodyl mouthwash at the end of the routine and it seems to have a longer lasting effect. It's scrubbing the rubbish of the tongue which helps the most though.

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:44 pm
by bbshiit
your badbreath is not so bad like others, but thanks for your post

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:31 pm
by orange111
hi what coconut oil do you use?

where are you based in the uk ?

Re: Smelly tongue routine fix

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:19 am
by gotshot26
orange111 wrote:hi what coconut oil do you use?

where are you based in the uk ?
You need to use unrefined coconut oil - the one that comes in a jar and is more solid than liquid.