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Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:38 pm
by Smilingagain
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who goes through in order to get a breakthrough and those stuck-in when going-through.
A piece of a word of encouragement from Smilinagain, your friend,member of badbreathhilitosis forum and fellow-sufferer of bb. Well, i'm more comfortable with the use of bb in place of bad breath.

Having search round the forum, i've noticed that a major part of this community are dwelling in isolation,depression,rejection,self pity ..ecc you name it. You can tell from their comment(s),low contribution to thread..

One question which i would like to ask every member's of this forum is that
What do you think will happen to these behaviour (loneliness,selfpity,sense of rejection..) which we've acquired over a period of time if, all of a sudden the medical organization discover effective medication to bb problem?

Sometime(s), it's possible to get solution to a specific problem but, the consequence of the negative action(s) or pattern of lifestyle remain's (consistent) with the person
When, i think about bb and all other humiliation which are associated to it, i compare this to people who are suffering from a complicated problem in our society like blindness,the deaf,cripple...ecc. i'm left with no choice but, see my bb problem as less problem that can keep me down all day. Such meditation can trigger encouragement to anybody but, no way , i don't create path to such medition instead we langhish in self-pity.
Take a moment and think how about the dependance of someone who is blind or lame. They depend on someone else to do 50%-80% of what they would have loved to do alone. Their liberty and freedom is so limited because their situation. I donot mean to say that bad breath is not a serious disease. My intention is to point-out that there are people around us suffering from a more severe problem but, they donot rely on selfpity as most of us.
I'm one of those optimistic when it comes to getting out bb completly in order to live a normal lifestyle without avoiding certain group of people or withdrawing from doing certain task in order not to get embarass. For now it's a cross that everyone of one must learn to carry.

Reason Why Most People Get Depress :
There are various reason why most people suffering from bad get depress
Inability to recognize and accept the current situation. Asking someone (colleague,family..) if, you breath actually smell bad is the #reason why most people get depress. Ofcourse, you are expecting to get an answer but, nobody seem to give you this answer's.

What do you expect, YES or NO. Unfortunately, as simple of this answer might sound, nobody can give you these answer's not, even those around you who normally snuff,close their nose with style each time you open your mouth to speak.
Let's get something right here and let's be sincere to ourselve also. If the response to the above question is YES, will it make you happier,sad or motivates you knowing that the other fellow keep's covering their nose or withdrawing back during conservation with you?

On the other hand's if, the response is NO will it give you satisfaction and boldness to chat with everyone?
So, why do we behave as if, this is the end of the world.Why base your chances of getting out of a difficult situation on thrid-party?
Why seek to know the reason why you are getting same reaction from everyone each time you try to chat or engage in little conversation with them?
Why not accept the reality within you in order to gain this sense of inner satisfaction?
Most people are only reacting to their perception. From experience, i've noticed most people react differently to specific smell (odour) There are also those who are allergic to smell meaning to perceive smell when there are none. They are these group of people who are addicted to rubbing their nose. And, they frequetly do this even when there is no odour.

Tip's to stay motivated -

The best step's to keep going on a daily basis is to chest-out pretend or ignore the reaction of those around you. Sometimes, these could be distraction.Prepare and focus your mind on accomplishing a heathier lifestyle.
Be happy, acknowledge the fact that you have bbbut, you are working toward's getting the right solution. For now, you've just not laid your hand's on working product's
Speak and convince yourself, thet you are not poorly hygienic as long as you keep brushing and applying your daily medication to the best you can.
Belief it, this mindset will make you feel no guilt in midst of humiliation. Say to youself, it's not my might fault that i'm a bb victim.

But, the good news is that i'm doing something to get myself out from this mess.
I practise this affirmation over a period of time and it had helped me not to judge myself base on what the other person think's about me. I have been through stuff which tend to be more complicated than bb.
Rememberance of a previous ugly situation which i have gone through in the past actually gives me inner strength face the current challenges
Don't judge yourself base on what other people are saying. This behavious will sunk your energy which are required to combat against the current challenges.
Speak to yourself, i refuse to judge myself because i know what i'm going through!
I recognised that i'm going through hell but, no one seem to understand me or see's thing's from my own perspective!
I refuse to gain recognition in sight of men in order to be happy with myself!
Note : i suggest you repeat these affirmation to yourselve in a quiet mode (enviroment)
Assume everything happening round you does not exist if, you think they will be an instrument of discouragement have negative influence on you.
I refuse to seek opinion from people in order to be happy!
I know this it's my life, it my problem and my positive approach are gradually working a perfect solution for me.
I refuse to condemn myself by reliace on guilt,selfpity,isolation, depression... because will only me captive.
It does not matter if, they talk about my breath in the public or close places.
It does not matter if, they talk about my breath to my hearing or without my knowledge
What matter is that i'm happy, i'm strong and i'm overcoming problem that seem like a mountain today.
I donot need approval of anyone to be happy today.
I thank God for the ultimate gift of love today irrespective of my current situation.
I refuse to focus current problem.
Practicing to meditate and speak these word to yourself will not only raise self esteem but, it will also release inner energy that will keep you going until a day when you will finally say, i'm cured.
Fear is one of such attack that is gradually killing people today in our society. fear of rejection rejection, of getting broke,fear of humiliation...ecc
Negative thought's are more powerful than bad breath. So, we need conquer some of these thought's lingering in our mind/head in order to have more energy to overcome bb.
Finally, another ways to live without depression is to engage oneselves in doing what we loved doing. Nothing gives inner satisfaction than helping other's or reaching out to help other with your skill or talent. We all live in a society that is surrounded with people who are trying to solve or overcome one form of addiction or the other.
Helping or assisting other's who are in a more complicated situation will eventually increase our strength and fill our heart with joy

There are countless number's of what we can do. You maybe skillful in one area's more than the next door fellow, an offer to help will not only increase your sense of humor but, will also go along way to combat against depression. I find out that most idle people easily get depress in the face of challenges. Life is full of challenges but, overcoming one form of challenges will actually give you a greater strength to overcome the other challenges.


Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:40 am
by sopo
What if someone is blind and has bad breath. That's such a bummer.

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:18 pm
by Smilingagain
@ sopo, if a blind person have bad breath is still better than someone who depend's on artificial device for oxygen(breath)

Whichever way we might look at this problem, looking around us or within you still have reason to be motivated.
Just after posting this thread yesterday, today i saw a young man within hand & leg. He has to depend on a small rolling trolly for movement. I was stuck for few minute the moment i set my eyes on him. But, his problem remind me of a similar video on which i had watch on youtube []year's back during an intensive moment depression as a result of closure of one of the construction company where i had worked for year's

Note : while there are million of motivational video's on youtube, personally i get motivated each time i watch this perculiar video. I hope it will go along way toward's helping member's of this community especially to those who are depress to move ahead and step out from a state of depression.


Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:25 pm
by Saafir99
You got a good point. Me personally instead of meditating i pray to the one who create universe, and who created cure for all disease wether the cure is published or not but here is cure. And is up to us to find that and if we trust him he will help us and lead us.

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:26 pm
by Saafir99
Help us and lead us to find that cure! Just need to believe in him. Its matter of the time.

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:15 am
by rinitico
This kinda works for me when i'm alone at home, meditation and giving me self confidence. But, at the moment i get on a bus where everyone start opening windows, touching their noses or making noises with it all that confidence i had, it's gone. So, when you struggle moments like this, what do you do?

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:30 pm
by Smilingagain
rinitico wrote:This kinda works for me when i'm alone at home, meditation and giving me self confidence. But, at the moment i get on a bus where everyone start opening windows, touching their noses or making noises with it all that confidence i had, it's gone. So, when you struggle moments like this, what do you do?

"This kinda works for me when i'm alone at home, meditation and giving me self confidence. ...t i get on a bus where everyone start opening windows, touching their noses or making noises with it all that confidence i had, it's gone."

Sorry about that, i know how you feel when surrounded in the midst of noise snuffer's. But, the best time to test your self-confidence is when surrounded by people. I did mentioned this earlier in this thread that you should always see yourselve as though NOTHING ELSE MATTER especially,when you are midst of people because such reaction can easily set you into panic,make you freeze as ice or as someone who has been sentenced to death.

For most people their level of bad breath increase when surrounded by people who are always fleeking(cover) their nose. So, you can tell that is not just about the smell. The brain play's an important role in this process. Our brain always process and trasmit sensation(s) based on our behaviour and confortment. In this case, when you loose this self-confidence, the bacteria's responsible for emission of this smell will release in higher quantity.

This is the reason why we sometime's experience severe bb on specific days/occasion. Sometimes, in order for me to maintain a level of self-confidence, i occasionally cease my breath when in mids of people.This help to interupt any negative sensation before they will be interpreted & process by my brain

NOTE : here i'm talking about what is going on in the inside. This is b/c how we feel outside can sometime(s) be attributed by what is going on in the inside. Those who are very fragile will find it hard when it comes to applying these concept but, with consistent practise the brain get use to this new pattern and remain calm when in midst of crowd.

Important ** In most cases Our brain trigger's based on inward reaction NOT based on outward reaction. sometimes when i'm in public train or bus and there is seem to be a rough manovering by driver. Most people set-into panic but, i prefer to maintein calm with few other's who for obvious reason would not like to raise alarm over nothing.

I hope it help's

Smiling again

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:05 am
by rinitico
I would like to be as positive as you. Thanks for the advices smilingagain, i will try to apply this next time i'm struggling difficult situations. The most important thing is to be clear that we're doing everything on our part to solve the problem. Screw judging people who don't know how is living with this.

Good vibes for you

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:45 am
by Smilingagain
rinitico wrote:I would like to be as positive as you. Thanks for the advices smilingagain, i will try to apply this next time i'm struggling difficult situations. The most important thing is to be clear that we're doing everything on our part to solve the problem. Screw judging people who don't know how is living with this.

Good vibes for you

@rinitico, you are welcome rinitico. I hope this concept motivate's you and many other who will deligently apply the concept on a daily basis. Naturally, as human we are surrounded by weakness & limitation(s) but, focusing on them will not be of any help to even to those who make mockery of you.

Happiness,Hope, Courage,Motivation =D> =D> ...ecc are unique character's (attitude) which one cannot buy with money. Though, occasionally we seem to be hopeful when our bank account is ++++. So, money is an essential tool here but, it does not depend completely on money otherwise, rich people would not get so depress to the level of commiting s uicide. These are character's which are CULTIVATED (put into practice)

If, the statement above is correct it also mean's that depression,loneliness is an attitude.
If, this is also true, it mean's that we make the choice to either be motivated or depress.
So, it's a choice. except in worst-case scenerio i.e lost of loved one, break-up in marriage ..ecc


For instance, thinking about what/how the other fellow think or feel about me is less important (including close relation's,colleague at work who sometimes mis-interprete the concept of love). I just try to do my best in any situation in order to be motivated.

NOTE: i don't mean being arrogant and insensitive toward's other's. It's just a way to be yourself and focus more on what you can control. Most who have kid's can tell that is impossible to control what is going on the child's brain (head)


Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:38 pm
by Geoffrey
Thank you so much for this smilingagain. You're right, there are alot of people who are understandably depressed and/or withdrawn, including myself at times. We should not only focus on finding cures, but also aim to support each other and help spread positivity as hard as it may be. What you have written is truly beautiful and inspiring. I really appreciate this post, thanks again!

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:12 pm
by Smilingagain
Thank you Geoffrey and i appreciate the fact that you actually took time to go through my thread.

Sure, positive mindset create room for positive result. I don't blame most people who find themselve in a consistent state of depression because they are locked in one circle (that nobody loves them, that they are the most miserable person on planet earth .. blah blah) Dare come out to the light and these negative taught's will be expose.

*I also believed these lies at the initial stage when i find how difficult it takes to manage my bb especially, when there is need to explain & offer solution to my client's one-&-one.


Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:56 pm
by rinitico
I've been thinking a lot of your words last days, and i'm trying to accept myself and be more positive, thanks for your message. At the end, one can decide if put attention to people reactions, as one have the decision to be positive or negative. I wanted to ask you, if you have some book to reccomend me, which have helped you to be more positive or to improve attitudes.

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:48 pm
by Smilingagain
rinitico wrote:I've been thinking a lot of your words last days, and i'm trying to accept myself and be more positive, thanks for your message. At the end, one can decide if put attention to people reactions, as one have the decision to be positive or negative. I wanted to ask you, if you have some book to reccomend me, which have helped you to be more positive or to improve attitudes.


" have the decision to be positive or negative..."

Yes, reading motivational book's, watching motivational program's/ i.e movies,sport .ecc and performing motivational exercise are lifestyle which i have developed over a period of time. And, such positive mind-set have really help me in midst of any challenges.

For now, i would recommend this motivational video ( ) by NICK Vujicic.

There are lot of such resources on the web but, this was of great help to me in moment of intense depression.

Also,i'm planning to put together some of this concept,idea's which i have learnt over a period of time into material's, because i know such concept will be beneficial to most member's. Personally, i had up's and down just like every other person during teenage stage but, i developed one unique character growing up as teenager, my mother was the aggressive type who love correcting children with insultive word's . Developing this mindset to filter negative word's became a secret & source of my self-motivation on a daily basis.

NOTE : YES,we can choose to be positive or negative minded is a question of CHOICE. And, whichever one we choose will influence our decision and approach to challenges. Both negative & positive word's tend's to grow within the sub-concious mind over a period of time.

*The motivational concept in this video will work for anyone irrespective of your religious belief. Is just a concept to train yourself to be hopeful in midst of unpleasant situation. YES, it's possible to train & re-program your mind to operate in a new pattern.

Thanks and i hope it help's

Re: Handling Depression and Negative/sucidal Thought's

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:40 pm
by Smilingagain
Will soon post update in regards to this thread.
