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Tooth decay

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:45 pm
by lolla123
Went to the dentist today and had a filling (composite) didn’t last long at all was worked on for 15 mins tops including waiting time so the decay was really not that big and could not even be seen at naked eye in fact the dentist has to take x rays (bitewings) as I understood it this cavity wasn’t truly a decayed tooth anyway but it was beginning to cause decay and it would later on so the dentist had me do a filling, however on various websites I saw that the decay has to reach at least the dentin to be considered for fillings. My question is does anyone have experience with tooth decays that could be fixed with only fillings (not a root canal procedure) so I guess it was a small cavity as it took such a short time, would that even make a difference in B.B.? I doubt such a small decay could produce strong odour... I haven’t had a way of finding out if my bb is still there or not but if anyone has been through small tooth decays or what not did you experience a relief in B.B. or not really? Thank you.