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Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:45 pm
by Saafir99
So my tonsils were removed 1mont ago and i can say today by the reaction that im cured. People dont cover theyr nose when in talking nothing that. My bb and my nasal bb both are gone Thanks to almighty Allah. I remember 4years ago suspecting that my smell might come from my tonsil and doctors says your tonsil are normal and They did culture witch came back negative and the wierd thing is i dont remember coughing tonsil stones ever in my life although i had bb basically my whole life. The point of this is please go remove your tonsil they dont have to necessarily produce tonsils stonses or be large. I hope this helps someone peace and love family

Re: Cured

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:18 pm
by christina

Re: Cured

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:04 am
by gotshot26

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:05 am
by crazy4it
Tim needs to go

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:14 am
by Jimi Stein
](*,) need more vote Crazy4, you know those Georgians that are doing that antiboitic treatment that we talked about......why he does not do that?
But he seem to be childish when he suggest Georgian wine will cure us....or iherb shit......

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:49 pm
by Golbahar
Saafir99 wrote:So my tonsils were removed 1mont ago and i can say today by the reaction that im cured. People dont cover theyr nose when in talking nothing that. My bb and my nasal bb both are gone Thanks to almighty Allah. I remember 4years ago suspecting that my smell might come from my tonsil and doctors says your tonsil are normal and They did culture witch came back negative and the wierd thing is i dont remember coughing tonsil stones ever in my life although i had bb basically my whole life. The point of this is please go remove your tonsil they dont have to necessarily produce tonsils stonses or be large. I hope this helps someone peace and love family
Really u get cured?
Im exactly like u. Ihave bb from childish. And doctor said me ur tonsiles are ok. I have tonsil stone maybe 1 a mounth or not.
I have cryptic tonsiles and when touch my tonsies ther small bad.
Please guidr me
And explain about ur problems.
And wher are u from?

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:16 pm
by Saafir99
Golbahar wrote:
Saafir99 wrote:So my tonsils were removed 1mont ago and i can say today by the reaction that im cured. People dont cover theyr nose when in talking nothing that. My bb and my nasal bb both are gone Thanks to almighty Allah. I remember 4years ago suspecting that my smell might come from my tonsil and doctors says your tonsil are normal and They did culture witch came back negative and the wierd thing is i dont remember coughing tonsil stones ever in my life although i had bb basically my whole life. The point of this is please go remove your tonsil they dont have to necessarily produce tonsils stonses or be large. I hope this helps someone peace and love family
Really u get cured?
Im exactly like u. Ihave bb from childish. And doctor said me ur tonsiles are ok. I have tonsil stone maybe 1 a mounth or not.
I have cryptic tonsiles and when touch my tonsies ther small bad.
Please guidr me
And explain about ur problems.
And wher are u from?

Hi yes thanks to Allah tonsilectomy elimnated my bb & nasal bb. It was sometimes so strong that people from 10 meter gave me reaction. I didnt always have nasal bb But it appeared at the end of my struggling. Yeah doctor told me that too that they are fine and because of that i suffered 4 more years of bb. Symptoms bb from mouth and nose , no stones, smell after touching them. I hope this help.

Re: Cured

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 1:56 am
by Golbahar
Thank u. And thanks god for ur cured... and now u are better after how many days?
I should do tonsilectomy..

Re: Cured

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 9:41 am
by Saafir99
I forget to mention that if your bb get better by mega dose of vitamin c or gargling, your bb is likely from tonsils. I hope this helps someone. peace family

Re: Cured

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 4:15 am
by rinitico
Hey Saafir, i just got my tonsils removed yesterday and so far my tongue is less white than before. After how many time did you notice better breath? Off cours i still feel blood flavor, but want to know if maybe in 1 or 2 weeks i should start seeing progress. Thanks

Re: Cured

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 5:13 pm
by Saafir99
Hi, it can take up to 1month it depend on how fast the area heals after surgery. Even people with no bb get temporary bb after tonsilectomy because of the scabs and blood so atleast wait 1month. I hope it works for you.

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 2:00 pm
by buddi
Saafir99 wrote:I forget to mention that if your bb get better by mega dose of vitamin c or gargling, your bb is likely from tonsils. I hope this helps someone. peace family
Thanks for this input try this though doctor said my tonsils r very fine..but i constantly face a drip back of my nose..i was told i had a very mild pnd and a deviated septum..does anyone feel d same too? Does every one sense d continuous drip from back of d nose to throat or its just me?

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 2:35 pm
by Saafir99
Yes doctors told me that also my tobsils are fine and i suffered 4 more years. I personally believe, that pnd itself doesent cause bb. when i use to get to pnd before tonsillectomy it felt/smells so bad in my mouth and i allways had nasty smell in my nose. Mostly it appeared when i drink water. Thanks to All mighty Allah tonsilectomy fixed that.

Re: Cured

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:02 pm
by rinitico
Saafir99 wrote:Hi, it can take up to 1month it depend on how fast the area heals after surgery. Even people with no bb get temporary bb after tonsilectomy because of the scabs and blood so atleast wait 1month. I hope it works for you.
I'm glad this worked for you, congrats!. Now i don't think tonsils would be my poblem. Yesterday i do some tongue scraping and i get the same fecal smell than before the surgery. I guess i must continue trying with diet and with some good gastroenterologist.

Re: Cured

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:38 am
by Cureme123
Ive been in a similar position, turns out i don't have bad breath. It was all anxiety, however i do get bad breath when I'm anxious about it because my mouth goes dry, but i don't have anxiety now so I'm completely clear. Dont want anyone asking what i used to get cured as i didn't have it, should've trusted my parents. Even saw a councillor at the end of January. Been anxiety free for probably around 2 1/2 months, been on various dates etc no nose rubs. Just thought i should post something as when i had serious anxiety, i mean serious anxiety i was on here every day looking for cures. I can't remember the last time i smelt someones breath so some of u guys are definitely blowing ur situation out of proportion, but all the best for finding cures everyone. I think that may severe anxiety came from doing lots of recreational drugs in the past and therefore the anxiety and paranoia from taking drugs transferred to when i was sober and therefore severely anxious about bad breath.

Probably gonna delete this account now as i want this part of my life behind me.

All the best