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Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:38 pm
by lolla123
Hey everyone, hope you are all good (aside this problem we all share of course sigh...) I was wondering, could tonsillitis cause long lasting infections in tonsils? I ask this because I have been reading a lot of people being cured or seemingly cured by tonsillectomy and how some didn’t Know they had problems or infections with their tonsils as they had no symptoms, well I had tonsillitis caused from Bacteria when I was about 15 and coincidentally that is about the same time I started noticing reactions, well it is the time I became self conscious about it so maybe that could be another reason, I had 2 rounds of antibiotics (the first course didn’t work a and the tonsillitis got worse) on the 2nd course my tonsils got better and eventually healed but now i’m thinking if they could be linked to my B.B., I tried looking for stones never coughed up any or found any and q tip doesn’t smell after touching them... what do you think?