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Dental fillings

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:25 pm
by Father dragon
Hi guys, my first post, just want to let you know that i love you and I hope that one day we will find our way out of this curse. We need to dig deep and that´s the sole purpose of this topic.

Bad breath and especially WHITE TONGUE is just one of my debilitating conditions. Probably the second worst is dermographism/rashes, which I read was a number of different times cured by removing amalgams/composite fillings of one´s mouth. It seems like some people are overly sensitive to one or the other. There was even a dude who couldn´t believe his rash dissapeared after he went and had them removed, so after a few years he gave composites another shot and his rash came right back. Now don´t do anything stupid, if what i read is true, it is not safe to remove amalgams just like that without proper precautions.

So it crossed my mind that there may be a link between all of this. IS HERE SOMEONE WITH A WHITE TONGUE WITHOUT A SINGLE FILLING, ROOT CANALS AND ALL THESE THINGS?

Re: Dental fillings

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:40 pm
by jo317
I have fillings but not the silver ones. My mom always believed they were toxic so she paid good money for the white ones - not really sure what they're made of. But from what I've heard, it's the silver ones that are supposed to cause problems.

Re: Dental fillings

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:57 pm
by Father dragon ... hives.html

iirc there were reactions to both types of fillings... may not seem related to bad breath but as i say, I developed those things around the same time, of course there may be no connection. But if some people are struggling with rashes after filling their teeth, why not bad breath etc? So is here someone who never had a single cavity and all of this bs done on him and yet has a white tongue?