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PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

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PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

This post will be very long& informative! I know how you guys feel.. feeling like your the only one in life dealing with this problem, hating yourself, not wanting to go outside at all, crying and depressed. I was there, tried everything in the book, every second I had I googled everything about bad breath and bought probably every supplement on the market. Don’t do that!! Save your money.

But now I can finally say I 100% no longer have bad breath! And I want to help you guys out!!
-FIRSTLY you most likely have bad breath because YOUR BODY ISNT DETOXING PROPERLY! you have to ask yourself
-Do I poop everyday? If not, you are constipated which means you aren’t detoxing properly.
-Do you check your poop? if not DO IT!! it can tell so much about your health. if you do, inspect it. What does it look like? Is it healthy brown color and formed? Is it loose (that means there is inflammation in your gut! mostly from foods you eat, stress etc. Gluten is the biggest culprit, dairy, soy, corn (it really depends on your body since everybody is different)
-Also do you check your tongue first thing in the morning? I would recommend in the morning, go to the mirror and check out your tongue. if there’s a white coat you have candida overgrowth! which also affects your gut. (also if you don’t already, tongue scrape all the ‘ama’ (known in ayurveda as toxins). in TCM (traditional chinese medicine) the tongue shows what’s going on in the body. (candida overgrowth can also be related to sinus infections)
-First thing you need to do is open the detox pathways in your body!!
-Do you go to the gym and workout EVERYDAY? Do you sweat? If you don’t sweat your detox pathways are NOT open! if you aren’t a fan of exercise like me I use the sauna which is great (especially infrared saunas) i recommend checking out on instagram she talks a lot about detox pathways! and her protocol ‘kill, bind, sweat’ which is SUPER effective
-Do you have heartburn, acid reflux? You have low stomach acid. PPI’s DO NOT work!! they only suppresses the acid in your stomach! One thing I recommend is checking out are ‘digestive bitters’ before meals take it and it’ll increase stomach acid which will help break down the food. Digestive bitters is good to open detox pathways.
-i would say MOST cases lead to the gut! Your gut is the most important thing in your body. Even if you have sinus issues the gut is the root of those sinus issues!! Mainly ‘gut dysbiosis’ is what causes bad breath. Gut dysbiosis can be caused by parasites, yeast overgrowths, bad bacteria etc. One thing i’d suggest if you can afford it because it can be quite pricey is a ‘gi map’. This tests your stool and can tell you if you have these parasites, worms, etc. Insurance does NOT cover this sadly but I would say this has helped me discover more about what’s going on the inside of my gut.

I’ll continue on another post about more things I did because this is A LOt to take in. More About nasal, post nasal drip, tonsils stones (because I had them as well), and more of the gut, oral microbiome, and even emotional health and how this is ALL connected!! Also if you want to contact me I’d be glad to help! i am NO medical doctor but I’ve gone through this for quite a while 4-5 years.

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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

[continuing] If your curious what I’ve done in the past trying to get rid of this bad breath:
-oil pulling
-nasal rinses (with alkol I even tried baby shampoo that’s how desperate i was) don’t do that! The reason being is because there’s these things called ‘biofilms’ and I’d probably describe them as sticky, slimy film that bacteria can attach to. Often times these biofilms can hide things like candida or other bacteria. (remember i’m not a medical doctor or a scientist this is just what i’ve gathered doing my own research)
-your mouth also has biofilms that bad bacteria can stick to so i’ve been using a toothpaste called ‘dentalcidin’ yes it’s very expensive for a toothpaste but so worth it. This has to be the best toothpaste on the market!!!
-had tonsils stones and got my tonsils removed. but the thing is I wouldn’t recommend it because if your thinking that getting tonsil removal surgery will cure your bad breath it most likely won’t. if anything mine got worse!
-went to a natropath, went to multiple ENTs and allergy doctors, gastroenterologist, went to acupuncture (which i do recommend because acupuncture helped in combination with the herbs)
-if you’re dealing with post nasal drip and sinus issues like I was. Going to the ENT really isn’t going to fix the root cause of this issue. If anything they’ll just give you antibiotics that will mess up your gut. If you do plan on going then go for it! but in the meantime i’d say try giving up mainly dairy, and gluten if you can. also did you know that with sinus issues/ post nasal drip there is an emotional side to it. sounds crazy right? but if you google. There’s a mental connection with the sinuses. In ayurveda they believe that the sinus is a reflection of repressed emotions, and grief. If your holding in your emotions and you feel depressed and sad then remember you aren’t detoxing properly! I know it’s very difficult but try to find someone who can help!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by motzacat »

Thank you for all of this wonderful information! I agree that the sinuses and gut can be a major cause of halitosis and mine has been greatly improved since I have been doing the oil pulling and cut out dairy/gluten. i no longer have any tonsil stones so I know this is helping. Leptins can also be a major source of inflammation as well so I am going to try to cut those out now and see if this improves my gut and sinuses. I still have a lot of PND and I can not seem to get rid of it. Nasal flushes seem to make it worse. Antihistamines and steroid sprays help only slightly. My bad breath for the most part is greatly diminished but I still get a bad smell occasionally that comes from the back of my throat which for sure is caused by the PND and the bacteria in the back of my throat that is waiting there to digest it and release smelly sulfur compounds.I am prone to yeast also which causes havoc in the mouth and gut! I had my saliva cultured and it showed high levels of yeast which also appears during PAP smears. My fight with candida is still ongoing and for the most part I think I have it under control.
For me all mouthwashes including hydrogen peroxide and bleach made the smell worse because it dried out my mouth. Did you ever rid yourself of the PND? I honestly think that is a major key to getting rid of halitosis!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

post nasal drip sucks!! and bleach as mouthwash?!! But I recommend checking out the dentalcidin toothpaste and elementa mouthwash which helps break up biofilms also helped for my post nasal drip in throat when i gargled it!

Also I found that with diet it helps a lot to reduce the post nasal drip. If you are cutting out dairy and gluten which is good but you still have post nasal drip Id say try soy and even corn :( since everyone is so different there isn’t just one answer. But also id say do you use like cosmetics or anything with strong fragrances that can irritate your nose. Cause i found for me when I switched to ‘clean beauty’ products without perfumes or chemicals my post nasal drip reduced A LOt! Send me a private message if you’d like and i’d talk to you more about that! :)
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by Nasalsmith32 »

Hi loveyourswlf,

Your indepth research of info on sinus, biofilms, candida, PPI, unhelpful ENT visits, stomach origin and results are almost identical to mine although I have not tried what you mentioned cured you in this post.

I have pretty much ticked off my list most the things you mentioned and your case sounds very familiar to mine. I had a feeling my rhinosinusitus and PND was just a symptom, not the root cause. I have for a long time had a rough theory that it could be caused by the stomach/liver/kidney not detoxing and working efficiently like you said.

Can you please elaborate on what you think was the KEY step for you that stopped the nasal BB? The improved digestion from bitters? The dentalcidin paste? Opening the detox pathways? And what is the frequency you have to apply whatever this 'final step' was?

Thanks for your input and Would love to hear more from you!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

The key is your gut. Most if not Every problem starts in the gut! even for the nasal/ sinus it starts in your gut. So what I did to heal my gut was take the bitters 10 mins before meals helped my gut because it gave me more stomach acid so it can break down the food instead of fermenting in the stomach. With that I took antibacterial herbs called ‘biocidin’. I was able to do a lab test called a ‘gi map’ test which is a stool test that basically test for bad bacteria, microbes in the gut wheter it’s low or high. Some of my bad bacteria were high and some of my good bacteria were low. So I worked with a practitioner she gave me biocidin to take to kill off the bad bacteria and then soil based probiotic to help my good bacteria. (soil probiotics are better because they don’t need to be refrigerated and can survive in your stomach acid better). So took those. The company that creates biocidin also has dentalcidin which is a toothpaste. And the toothpaste is the same as biocidin like the same herbs and all but in paste form. there’s also essential oils and so it can break up the biofilms in the mouth. So I use that as a toothpaste morning and night. Once I took the biocidin, and bitters before meals. and started using the dentalidin my post nasal drip was gone (also cleaned up my diet little by little as in cut out dairy and gluten) And my sinuses aren’t a problem anymore!

As for opening detox pathways I’ve been doing the kill, bind sweat protocol from dr. jess on instagram. The kill part is the biocidin with the antibacterial herbs then an hour later i take something called GI detox it’s a binder that will bind the bad bacteria that we had killed with the biocidin then we sweat in the sauna. Because heat shock waves can loosen up the hiding bacteria in the biofilms. Also digestive bitters can open up the detox pathways because of the taste and the herbs that are bitter.

So the gut, sinuses are all connected. I’d say work on your gut with the diet and if you can try the butters firstly!

As for the final step I can’t pin point exactly what was the final step because to be honest I’m still working on it. Yes my bad breath is completely gone but I still have a lot of detoxing to do due to fatigue with heavy metals and regulating hormones. It’s really a long process and journey but there’s always a way to get rid of the bb! If you have any more questions I’d love to answer on here or just message me
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by IrishSkippy »

Good to hear you have found your cure and are living a healthy life.

I am just wondering what are the digestive bitter you are taking? There seems to be a lot on the market.

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

The digestive bitter I take is from the brand quicksilver scientific. Dr. Shades bitters no.9. But it was quite pricey so I also have tried in the past and still do when i’m on the go which is ‘organic olivia digestive juice’
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by Nasalsmith32 »

Hey loveyourswlf,

Thanks for the reply and story, have a few more questions for you,

Biocidin isnt sold here in UK on places like amazon, but is the purpose basically to restore balanced gut flora? So would something like acidophillus and other broad probiotics serve as a substitute for it? I have lots of those.

fascinating information and from the sounds of it, seems like the reeeally ''KEY step'' for getting rid of the nasal BB was the digestive bitters would you say? I appreciate it is a process and combination of treatments as a whole but narrowing and trying to isolate that SPECIFIC action that cleared it is what i'm intrigued by. Specifically Nasal BB that you had seemingly was caused by fermenting food/liqud in the stomach - that makes so much logical sense. I dont really have mouth BB i have great oral hygiene but dont even have to speak for the Nasal BB to woft around and provoke reactions. Did you ever have GERD from this issue? Did you ever suspect a loose stomach valve (LES)?

Did you see a gastroenterologist to get your GI Map done? What kind of thing do they look for/tell you about it? I already had a H.pylori stool test from my GP comeback negative but think that was only for H.pylori not like a general health diagnostic.

As for the detox pathways - Could the same effect be achieved using probiotics/psyllium husk and then bind with activated charcoal instead of GI detox?

Also I tried PPI and it did nothing for me, and leading on from your excellent info on food fermenting in the gut, I will look into trying Digestive Bitters and possibly digestive enzymes. Do you have any info/analysis or recommendation on bitters? I have seen alot about ''swedish bitters'' being the best or taking it in tablet or droplet form. Are there any key ingredients to look for in an effective one? Looking for suitable alternative because the quicksilver one you posted seems v expensive to maintain! ( also noticed its a spray)

Thanks again for your time and knowledge!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

Since biocidin isn’t sold in the U.K. one other id say try to buy is ‘microbiome master’ by dr. jess. That’s a good alternative to biocidin. It can kill the bad bacteria just like biocidin and also targets yeast overgrowth, parasites etc. I don’t think the probiotics would be a substitute for it but hopefully you can get microbiome master! For probiotics i’d say soil based probiotics are the best!

As for the key step it’s really really hard to pinpoint just because I did not just one thing. I didn’t just take the bitters. I took the bitters but also the biocidin and soil based probiotics. As well as cleaning up my diet a bit with cutting out gluten and dairy. Also have you given up dairy? Because that’s a huge contributor to mucus.

Yes I had Gerd/acid reflux/ heartburn (all the same but so many names) And the bitters 100% helped with that. i have no more of the acid reflux! Also chewing my food throughly helped a ton!

For the ‘gi map’ the gastroenterologist won’t probably know what it even is!!! or how to read it and interpret properly!! I worked with a practitioner virtually (since you live in U.K. that could be an option for you!) Theres A LOt!! but they need to know how to read the results so a functional doctor or practitioner is best! If you need any help finding one i’d love to help. just message me.

Detox pathways to open them the bitters before meals help. Also the microbiome master again from dr jess will be the kill part and then bind you can use activated charcoal (dr. jess is coming out with a great binder very soon from her instagram so maybe look out for that) She’s having people test it first before it goes out in the market. Apparently the test group is saying it’s really great and even parasites came out using it.

I’d say get the digestive bitters !! The quicksilver one is a pump it’s not like liquid spray it’s a thicker liquid if that makes sense and the organic olivia digestive juice (which is also a bitter) is a spray. The reason it’s a spray is because it needs to sit on your tongue so you can taste it so your brain can signal the body to make those digestive enzymes you need to break down the food. That’s why I’d say the spray is the best form of hitters! Hope that helps!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

Nasalsmith32 wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:21 pm Hey loveyourswlf,

Thanks for the reply and story, have a few more questions for you,

Biocidin isnt sold here in UK on places like amazon, but is the purpose basically to restore balanced gut flora? So would something like acidophillus and other broad probiotics serve as a substitute for it? I have lots of those.

fascinating information and from the sounds of it, seems like the reeeally ''KEY step'' for getting rid of the nasal BB was the digestive bitters would you say? I appreciate it is a process and combination of treatments as a whole but narrowing and trying to isolate that SPECIFIC action that cleared it is what i'm intrigued by. Specifically Nasal BB that you had seemingly was caused by fermenting food/liqud in the stomach - that makes so much logical sense. I dont really have mouth BB i have great oral hygiene but dont even have to speak for the Nasal BB to woft around and provoke reactions. Did you ever have GERD from this issue? Did you ever suspect a loose stomach valve (LES)?

Did you see a gastroenterologist to get your GI Map done? What kind of thing do they look for/tell you about it? I already had a H.pylori stool test from my GP comeback negative but think that was only for H.pylori not like a general health diagnostic.

As for the detox pathways - Could the same effect be achieved using probiotics/psyllium husk and then bind with activated charcoal instead of GI detox?

Also I tried PPI and it did nothing for me, and leading on from your excellent info on food fermenting in the gut, I will look into trying Digestive Bitters and possibly digestive enzymes. Do you have any info/analysis or recommendation on bitters? I have seen alot about ''swedish bitters'' being the best or taking it in tablet or droplet form. Are there any key ingredients to look for in an effective one? Looking for suitable alternative because the quicksilver one you posted seems v expensive to maintain! ( also noticed its a spray)

Thanks again for your time and knowledge!

Also I forgot to mention when you kill bind sweat.
Kill- with microbiome master if you can get your hands on it and maybe eat something with it. Wait an hour
Bind- you don’t want to bind right after the kill immediately the body needs to kill the bugs first then an hour later you bind.
Sweat- you can sweat immediately after the binding. or even sweat then bind but just remember binding before or after no food for an hour.
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by Nasalsmith32 »

Thanks for all the input i really appreciate it! I have already cut out dairy and most meat, have a limited diet + biotics so I am going to try some digestive bitters as a first step to see if that makes any impact as I have long suspected it could be a digestive issue like you outlined. I will order some and report any results back here after!

Just a few quick bitters questions - You said yours was a thick watery/oily substance slightly thicker than water? Do you think tablets are just as viable or is a bottled fluid/spray best? How often do you take the bitters, just before every meal? Could you take it without a meal to ''process'' whatever is already hanging around in your stomach?

I will look into the kill bind sweat thing too as it sounds like an interesting avenue to pursue also. Thanks a lot for sharing all this, it is so greatly appreciated giving hope! Just incase too, do you have an email I could perhaps reach you on if you ever stop coming here? PM me it if possible and thanks again for sharing your invaluable experience!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by loveyourswlf »

I’d do the spray or pump for the bitters. I think that’s the best option because once you spray it onto your tongue you should leave it onto your tongue to taste it. And you take bitters 10-15 minutes before each meal.
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by Nasalsmith32 »

Ok, Duly noted! WIll report back with results in time.

For anyone else reading this also, I found this thread on the site that pretty much instructs the exact same methods - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5220&p=47588&hilit=ferment#p47588

These guys are supposedly cured by using this method too so its certainly very interesting!
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Re: PLEASE READ! very informative on bad breath!

Post by Kd1994 »

Wow this is awesome. Makes alot of sense too. I feel like my bb is really bad after I eat breads/pastas so I'm gonna work on cleaning up my diet by staying clear of these sorts of things. Thankyou so much love yourself. Its alot of info but I'm gonna dissect and apply.
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