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Help me find a cure please

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:21 am
by Sue2018
I have been a lurker on this site for many years actually but only recently created an account-once I went ahead with my tonsillectomy. I’m on day 10 and still recovering. But I still have that same metallic taste in my mouth.
I have a ‘ hairy tongue’ and usually have a slight white coating everyday that I scrape off. When I drink anything with milk I find my bb get worse. Dentist has said my teeth are perfectly fine and I’m so confused as to where the source of the problem could be. I have a dry mouth and usually thick saliva then normal. My nose is very dry. I don’t suffer from any indegestion only when I haven’t rested properly and that’s very rare. Can I still be suffering from an issue with my digestion? What advice can you guys give me? I really appreciate your help


Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:30 pm
by lolla123
Hi sue, welcome to the forum, I hope you find some interesting information that will help you or even get rid of the problem. Have you tested for h pylori yet? If not I would suggest to give that a go just in case although many cases as reported on here seem to only temporarily be cured from antibiotics. Do you have any wisdom teeth that are impacted or emit odours? If you read through the wisdom teeth posts some people have found relief by removing their wisdoms especially impacted ones, although it didn’t work on some, still something you could try. Like you I don’t have any other symptoms I hardly ever have indigestion and stuff and no sinus issues that I am aware of. This makes me think that those of us that don’t have any other issues other than bb are orally related but again who knows... these are really the only things I can think of for now, might be a silly question but did you get any sure remarks about your bb like someone actively telling you? And i’d also advise you to wait at least a month or 2 to give you time to recover from the tonsillectomy and then see if you still get reactions. Although I wouldn’t count on reactions only sometimes I myself sneeze or cough regardless of people’s breaths. Good luck.

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:05 pm
by Sue2018
Hi lolla, no I haven’t tested for h phylori but I just googled the symptoms and I don’t have any of them..can you still have it ??

I have bumps right at the back of my tongue and I always have a white chairing there. It’s difficult to remove. Could be a symptom digestive issues ?

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:34 pm
by Sue2018
Sue2018 wrote: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:05 pm Hi lolla, no I haven’t tested for h phylori but I just googled the symptoms and I don’t have any of them..can you still have it ??

I have bumps right at the back of my tongue and I always have a white coating there. It’s difficult to remove. Could it be a symptom of digestive issues ?

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:50 pm
by lolla123
Sue2018 wrote: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:05 pm Hi lolla, no I haven’t tested for h phylori but I just googled the symptoms and I don’t have any of them..can you still have it ??

I have bumps right at the back of my tongue and I always have a white chairing there. It’s difficult to remove. Could be a symptom digestive issues ?
I think h pylori is actually quite common apparently half of the population has it, which hardly makes sense for it to be a contributing factor to bb since half of the world doesn’t have chronic bad breath (I think) but it could give it to some people. I am not sure about other counties but if you are in the UK you can go to your GP to get tested for it, I recently tested for it myself and mine was negative since I never heard back, like you I didn’t have symptoms but you might as well try. And I am not sure, I have coating back there too but so does everyone I know and they don’t have bb. Matter of fact I know some people with constant heartburn that experience the freshest breaths, go figure. But yeah you could try testing for sinus issues or h pylori for now and see if you find anything.

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:35 pm
by Saafir99
Hi, it can take up to 1month to know if the tonsilectomy really worked. Metallic taste in mouth usually cam be originated from kidney(adrenal fatigue) wich is oftentimes caused by thyroid disorder. Solution is iodine supplement its very cheap and safe to consume so why not give a try.

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:18 pm
by buddi
Hey! I always have this doubt ven ppl say milk makes the breath worse..
Is it the milk or the added sugar?
In my case its definitely the added sugars in d milk that worsens.. i take milk with our sugars, n im good!

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:00 am
by Sue2018
Hi yes I guess the sugar combined with the thick milky liquid gives me bad breath as it coats my tongue and I always have a white tongue if I drink anything milky- it doesn’t help having a hairy tongue.

I look into taking iodine supplements thanks for the advice. I’m still sore after my tonsillectomy and I am 2 weeks post-op. I think I will take over a month or so to fully heal and recover. Finding a cure for B.B. is just so difficult I really loose just hope. I think it’s something I will have to deal with forbthe rest of my life. I’m almost certain mine is not oral related. I will make an appointment with a gastroenterologist once I have completely healed, but a part of me just thinks what’s the point they won’t really do anything !

I pray everyone on this forum gets their cure. Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it.

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:04 pm
by Sue2018

Does anyone get a tingly sensation at the back of their throat, very random. Sometimes it just occurs and it feels like something spicy is stinging the back of my only lasts a minute or so and then goes away. I get mild itchy and sore eyes but nothing major. This is what makes me thing that maybe I have a silent reflux and all along I thought I was reacting to allergies. I have only noticed this problem over the last 3/4 years but I have had bad breath for as long as I can remember....

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:26 pm
by Sue2018
Hi all,
It has now been a year since my tonsillectomy and I felt a need to give you all an update. The metallic taste in my mouth has definitely reduced and I feel my B.B. has improved significantly. I actually kiss my husband (tongue and all) with more confidence and he says that my breath doesn’t smell. I still brush my teeth, tongue, use the tongue toothpaste, scraper and jet wash to floss my teeth, and I also use a mouthwash. I perform this after every meal or snack. I will always have haliphobia no matter what...but as long as I carry out these rituals I have more confidence. The fact that I kiss my husband and he never turns and pulls away is a Strong indication that my bad breath has improved or in some cases has been eliminated. However I do notice that if I eat curries, spicy food with lots of herbs esp Indian cuisine my body odour smells and so does my breath. I do sometimes wonder if I should get food alkergytest to figure out if certain food cause a reaction. Looking back I feel getting braces to align my teeth , which stopped food getting trapped In crooked teeth, and removing tonsils, which got rid of tonsil stones, helped reduce my B.B. so much that now I can use my normal oral hygiene and converse confidently with everyone. Prior to my tonsillectomy and braces I would follow the same hygiene routine but never be able to converse properly and would always get reactions. I think having suffered all my life I find it hard to believe that it can ever go away. I would strongly advise that if you a sufferer of sore throats and tonsil stones then definitely get tonsils removed and if you have crooked teeth get braces.

I hope this helped

Sue x

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:27 pm
by Sue2018
P.s I also use Raymond’s breathing technique when I remember and I feel the air reaching the back of my throat which my normal breathing never did.

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:38 pm
by zneb
Sue2018 wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:26 pm Hi all,
It has now been a year since my tonsillectomy and I felt a need to give you all an update. The metallic taste in my mouth has definitely reduced and I feel my B.B. has improved significantly. I actually kiss my husband (tongue and all) with more confidence and he says that my breath doesn’t smell. I still brush my teeth, tongue, use the tongue toothpaste, scraper and jet wash to floss my teeth, and I also use a mouthwash. I perform this after every meal or snack. I will always have haliphobia no matter what...but as long as I carry out these rituals I have more confidence. The fact that I kiss my husband and he never turns and pulls away is a Strong indication that my bad breath has improved or in some cases has been eliminated. However I do notice that if I eat curries, spicy food with lots of herbs esp Indian cuisine my body odour smells and so does my breath. I do sometimes wonder if I should get food alkergytest to figure out if certain food cause a reaction. Looking back I feel getting braces to align my teeth , which stopped food getting trapped In crooked teeth, and removing tonsils, which got rid of tonsil stones, helped reduce my B.B. so much that now I can use my normal oral hygiene and converse confidently with everyone. Prior to my tonsillectomy and braces I would follow the same hygiene routine but never be able to converse properly and would always get reactions. I think having suffered all my life I find it hard to believe that it can ever go away. I would strongly advise that if you a sufferer of sore throats and tonsil stones then definitely get tonsils removed and if you have crooked teeth get braces.

I hope this helped

Sue x

Hi Sue,

Thank you for updating your situation, glad that you are living in normal life now..

- Do you have any suggestion for someone like me that afraid to do something like tonsillectomy,
- Do you guys (readers) think modern tonsillectomy method (radio/laser) will have same result with traditional tonsillectomy
- How old maximum some one can take tonsillectomy ? I read the recovery take longer for older people

Form what I read, removing tonsil are debatable issue whether it should be done or not...

Any opinion regarding this topic are welcome, hopefully we can learn each other :)

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:11 am
by Sue2018
Hi zneb, I got my whole tonsil removed using traditional method.. Recovery took around 2 weeks and it was painful! But it was the best thing I did. Complete recovery took about 6 weeks . I am 37 years old so I'm no spring chicken lol! How old are you? But be prepared for the pain and do your research beforehand! Watch YouTube videos and read people's experiences and recovery plans before you make any decision. I was afraid too but I'm so glad I did. Do you get tonsil stones?

Re: Help me find a cure please

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:27 am
by mauricio
zneb wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:38 pm

- Do you have any suggestion for someone like me that afraid to do something like tonsillectomy,
I've got one, don't. It won't do s*it for your BB and if you have tonsil stones you've to change your diet not cut'em out.