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How to get the courage to go to the doctors--what was your experience?

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How to get the courage to go to the doctors--what was your experience?

Post by Hannah889 »

Hi guys,

I'll keep my story brief as many of you lovely people are going through the same thing as I am.

I have had bb for the past 4 years and it's finally drove me to the point of severe depression. I am a really sociable girl who currently feels like she is wasting her years at college because it is a lot safer to stay inside alone than to let others neer this breath!

After a really low point last week, I resolved myself that I would go to the doctors to speak about it. I have already been for my acid reflux, which I am currently in the process of having tests for, however I never mentioned my breath as it was too much of an embarrassment.

I've booked my appointment, but every time I think about telling somebody 'hi I've got bad breath' it makes me cringe!! Especially as I usually try so hard to hide it. I also worry that the doctor will find nothing wrong with me, and all this embarrassment of letting someone else know will be for no reason.

I'm constantly going in between cancelling my appointment and having super depressed moments and telling myself that I NEED to go.

So... I was wondering what everyone's experiences of telling the doctor were? How did you break your condition to them? Did they take you seriously? Did your problems even get sorted?

Tia! Hope everyone is doing well <3 I know how difficult this condition is.

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Re: How to get the courage to go to the doctors--what was your experience?

Post by mtr »

Hello Hannah,

I remember my very first time at the doctor when I was about your age back in the uni. He was an ENT. I was tottaly blushing but honestly.. time after time telling them I have this sort of issue became easier..

I am normally telling them 'I constantly have a bitter taste in my mouth, that I think it affects my breath as well..'

Doctors normally take it from there and ask me questions.

One think to bare on mind and always remember is that this might be an embarrassing situation for us but for the doctors is part of their training amd jobs to handle these kind of issues. What kept me going is my primary goal..which is to live a bb free life!! That definitely worths all the embarrassment, if any. :roll:
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Re: How to get the courage to go to the doctors--what was your experience?

Post by buddi »

This condition just happened to us, with no fault of ours..
So dont feel embarrassed to discuss this with doctors..
Have your preparation, and list out the history of the issue and all the symptoms before you go to the doctor..
If you are'nt comfortable sitting beside him n explaing him, take the seat opposite to the doctor and explain him
Also analyse your issue step wise, Rule out all the dental causes first
PND is my only symptom. All Healthy apart from it.
PND leaves a coating on my tongue and creates BB i believe
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