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Hello everyone!

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:56 am
by Badbreathbeauty
I have healed so much reading everyone’s experiences. I’m obviously more than a bad breath beauty but I thought at least for this forum it would be fitting. My B.B. woes began in the best way. I kissed a toddler I loved very much who had thrush and my immune system was so jacked from trauma that I still have it almost a year later. I’ve personalized it and I call them: my thrushies.☺️ I have made myself sick on Nystatin, Clotrimazole, anti-bacterial and anti-fungals. My oral hygiene routine takes a crazy long time and sometimes it helps...I hope!

I keep buying products for it and that helps me to believe I’m just one product or supplement away from feeling better.

It’d be interesting finding out who got bb after a traumatic life event. I read a study on auto-immunity and trama. It’s pretty new.

Anyway I would never kill myself over it but I do as an intuitive and observant human being see people touch those their nose. I’m such a sweetheart though I know people feel my heart and that helps.

My faith is the biggest thing. I have a dog named Ricky who has terrible breath from the neglect of his former owners like me he also has PTSD and who but God could put this sweetheart in my life to make sure I knew even with my issues my sweetness shines over all?

I love snail mail and writing letters. If anyone wants to be a penpal just reach out to me. I think it’d be healing. I’m loving and compassionate. I wish I could be the example of love in everyone’s life but for now please accept the sincerity of a hug.

Treat yourself with compassion. You are not what’s happening to you. If you’re hungry for connections write. Penpals are everywhere. You have an experience that humanizes you and makes you beautiful. Keep living life the best way you can and be honest. I was in an Uber and I told the girl next to me, “girl, my breath is not the freshest. Might wanna roll down your window. I apologize ahead of time.” She and the Uber driver laughed a lot. It broke the ice.

I feel we hide and our shame about the eventual discovery and taking our power back comes from talking about the elephant. I’m so sorry I have... and my breath is not the best but... and move on with the conversation. Show people you know and still love yourself. Humility and self-esteem hand in hand. ❤️

I have so many memories of people touching their noses but in that same breath no pun intended the people I talked to needed what I told them. It gave them courage, hope, inspiration. I would have stolen golden opportunities from those people had I been self-focused and so conscious I thought of nothing else. I love people and people love me. I just have a fungal smell to my breath for now.

I have been through so much. I’ve been abused in every way: sexual, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical. Why suffer more and add pain to my injury by telling myself my health issue because of trauma makes me alien to my humanity? I’ve suffered enough. My poor little heart has been through enough now is my season for restoration and healing.

I like someone and I think he likes me and I wrote in my journal I’ll be darned if God has brought me all the way to this opportunity to let breath stop me now.

Each of us has to be brave perhaps this is your opportunity. Lots of love everyone!

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:47 am
by jess
This is a beautiful post; it uplifts my spirit. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:52 am
by Lotus
Hey. Im Lotus, new here. I’ve had it when i was 15 now im 22. I had Tonsillectomy almost 2 months now. I can say that i’m 85-95% healed, my only issue now is my sinuses. But tbh my confidence is still rock bottom.Like you i’ve gone through so much, before, i was a jolly, funny and sweet little girl with so many friends. Then it all just stopped. I’m trying to get my life back now, but tbh it’s so goddamn hard. I look above average and i’m pursuing a degree that could lead me to entering med-school. I feel like i got everything in control now, and that makes me happy. But, again it’s so hard now for me to become the old happy me. Now i’m used to being isolated and sad but my heart longs to be the person that i’m used to be, and at the same time i don’t wanna be the old me anymore because i feel like when you’re nice people take advantage of you. Im really struggling to open up to people and i can’t seem to find balance between being soft and standing up for yourself. It’s like i feel bad when i don’t stand up for myself, but if i fight back i’d feel worse if i hurt somebody else. I know, i’m very complicated and have a lot of issues. I feel like i can see myself in you in some ways. Here’s my email [email protected]. Please be my friend.

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:39 am
by Kd1994
Well spoken

Re: Hello everyone!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:17 pm
by Stinkypinkyink
Hi beautiful I just wanted to tell you I joined this group for u . I haven't posted my personal story and probably won't but I did want reach out to you and tell you that you sound ****ing amazing and you gave me such hope on a day when I couldn't find the means to continue . I could relate to. Everything you said. I share alot of the same symptoms as many people on hear . But still I felt alone . Untill I read your thread . Thank you for sharing I'm sure you already know I can tell you live you life by it . But you really made a difference for me . And thank God your heart has reamined untainted and beautiful . Thank you