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What keeps everyone going?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:42 am
by whatdidido
Hey everyone,

I haven't posted in a while, and am going onto my 6th year with BB. I am wondering what keeps you guys from just calling it quits? I loved my life before this. I liked who I was as a person, I volunteered, I was positive, and ambitious. I loved to laugh. I had great relationships with friends, my family, and dated a lot. Im good looking, I was fit and worked out every single day, watched what I ate... I have none of this anymore.

I feel like im just in a constant state of mourning a life that I don't have anymore and I fear that my mind, soul, and body is giving up on me.

Im going to turn 30 this year, and im not sure I have it in me to begin a chapter of my life that I envisioned being the best years of my life, the way I am now. My 20's have gone on without me truly being present in them.

So! What keeps y'all going? What do you do on your spare time? What do you look forward to? What makes you guys happy, and laugh, and forget about all this pain?

Re: What keeps everyone going?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:20 am
by StillHoping
I feel your pain. It can be very hard to stay strong at times. What keeps me going, is that I try to think of BB as a "condition" I have to deal with just like many other ppl have issues they deal with. There are ppl with diabetes who literally can't eat anything sweet without risking their lives, there are ppl with cancer who know they can die any minute, ppl with Chrons who can't eat any normal food without suffering, ppl with physical disfigurements who get stared at everywhere they go etc etc. I just try to think in the perspective that most ppl have their own battles - maybe not "embarrassing" as ours but its still a tough life and all they can do is try to make the best of it.

Of course it helps to have someone to vent to that can empathize with what you're going through. I actually thought of you a while ago, I got a new phone last yr and lost my contacts. If you're still in the city, I would love to meet up or if you ever just need someone to talk to!!