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My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 3:33 pm
by Rhino123
Okay so here it goes. I have reached such a low and dark position in life because of my chronic bad breath and i decided the best thing i can do as of right now is post my personal story and main symptoms (about 2/3 distinct symptoms which i haven't really heard someone else say) in the HOPES that others reading this would be able to relate or know what it is.

Now i already know that this is going to be a super long post with lots of information and me ranting. But please please just read all of it and offer me some advice as i have reached breaking point. I'm sure many (if not all) of you already know as all of us are on here more or less for the same reason, chronic bad breath that seems to be there 24/7 no matter how much we clean our mouth or change diet (for some it could be diet but for me and many others i feel as it is not that). I feel like reading eachothers stories and symptoms and cures would help us massively. Chronic bad breath can have so many causes and its not one cure fixes all. The process of trying and eliminating cures is what i think would help us the most.

I will speak about my symptoms first and then after that i really want to vent so i will then say how badly this has affected me and literally made me feel life isn't worth living, you do not have to read the latter as it will probably be long but please any advice about my symptoms would be greatly appreciated.

Okay. The first and main symptom is that whenever i inhale and exhale (lightly or deeply) through my nose or mouth...i get a stale, dry, bad taste at the back of my throat (or just in my airways in general). Even if i have cleaned my teeth, gums, tongue, mouth, I'll feel ok for about 20mins and then i inhale and exhale and this bad taste is always at the back of my throat. This symptom is 24/7 all i have to do is inhale and exhale and i feel the bad taste at the back of my throat. Whether i am indoors or outdoors doesn't matter.

The second thing is that whenever i step out into fresh air, immediately i get a bad taste in my mouth and nose (my airways) this happens every single day, all the time. Even indoors, whenever a fresh breeze comes in it makes me taste/smell the bad breath somehow.

Another thing that happens regularly but not all the time is that if someone makes me laugh loudly and unexpectedly, as soon as i laugh I'll get that same bad taste coming out my throat which immediately makes me close my mouth. Also, when i say certain words particularly words that require emphasis, all of a sudden my mouth would fill up with this same stale bad taste and after a few seconds it will go. The same for if i ever shout or do a strong laugh, I'd feel this bad taste come out of my mouth.

These 2 or 3 things are my main symptoms, the inhaling and exhaling i experience all the time, indoors and outdoors. Shouting, saying strong words, or unexpectedly laughing makes this bad taste come out of my mouth then after a few seconds its gone aswell, this happens regularly.

Cleaning: i spend 30 to 45mins every morning and night cleaning my teeth, gums, tongue and mouth in general. I have tried and spent money on rinses, toothpastes, products nothing has worked. Tried oil pulling, sea salt gargle etc didn't work. Healthy eating didn't work. After every meal, i use interdental brushes to clean my teeth.

Also, my tongue is always white, even after cleaning, and has a metallic and abit fishy smell when i scrape it. but i believe this is a side effect of my body telling me that something is wrong with me and not the root cause.

The root problem is the bad taste that is in my throat (airways) 24/7. When i inhale/exhale especially when exhaling. saying certain words, laugh or shout brings this out even more.

Water does not make it go away neither does gum, gum actually masks it for about 20mins and then mixes in with the stale taste making my breath just as bad.

What it couldn't be:
I'm 20 years old and i have never coughed or spat out a tonsil stone, I've used a torch to check my tonsils and couldn't see anything. However, my left tonsil looks enlarged and visible and my right one is hidden i can't really see it. Despite this, I do not think it is tonsil stones personally.

Dentists say my gums and teeth are healthy.

I don't think i have a condition in my body either.

My conclusions:
After reading silently in this forum for so long and tons of research. I highly believe my chronic bad breath could be from one of two things or maybe both.

1) there is something wrong with my upper respiratory system and throat and that is the root cause.

2) my oral microbiome has too many bad bacteria in it due to unknown environmental factors. My breath is really bad all the time and it smells different like it doesn't have one specific smell, most of the time it is a generic bad smell like morning breath but ALL the time, other times its like rotten cabbage or eggs.

I ordered oral probiotics, gonna take 2 weeks for delivery tho i live in uk and its from america.

I believe i would be cured of chronic bad breath once i no longer experience that stale/bad taste at the back of my throat/aiways when inhaling or exhaling, shouting, laughing, etc.

Gps and doctors are not helpful. One has said it could be post nasal drip and he gave me an antihistamine. I have not tried this yet due to fasting. I will try it after ramadan has ended.

I know so many people that only brush their teeths quickly for 2mins morning and night. They don't even scrape tounge And their breath doesn't smell bad all day. This is how its supposed to be.

I have reached a point where my breath is bad 24/7 (i can smell it myself and taste it also reactions from others in the rare moments i speak face to face) i am thinking about how suffering my life is because of this 24/7. From the second i wake up to the second i go to sleep, no exaggeration. I don't even speak anymore and i avoid people all the time. I never ever speak to someone face to face but sometimes you are forced to and this is the worst. Thankfully i have a job where i don't have to speak much. I carry mints/gums all the time but they make it worse if i have too much.

Literally all i do these days is live like a hermit, avoiding all social interactions and speaking. i don't even want to work anymore. No one will ever understand apart from you guys and i am constantly reminded of my problem as i can always smell my own breath and taste it.

Right now, i am fasting for ramadan which makes it that much worse. As soon as ramadan is over, i have to try everything in my power to try and get rid of this.

Thank you so much if you read everything. Some of you are probably screaming go to a gp or doctor but i really believe they won't help and I'll get more help from you guys. I will however try and see a doctor if nothing works.

Based on what I've said, what do you think could be the root cause/what can i try? Can any of you relate?

I cannot try much now due to fasting. But i will try everything and anything once ramadan is over.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 8:00 pm
by hopelessone
I'm sorry Rhino. I have no clue, just as I have no clue why I'm plagued with this malady. I can relate, except that I cannot smell my own bad breath.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 8:38 pm
by Rhino123
hopelessone wrote: Sat May 11, 2019 8:00 pm I'm sorry Rhino. I have no clue, just as I have no clue why I'm plagued with this malady. I can relate, except that I cannot smell my own bad breath.
That's okay. I just hope one day we are all free of this terrible affliction.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 8:48 pm
by hopelessone
So do I.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 1:54 am
by Forever
Please use cilantro from McCormick as toothpaste. Grind it into fine powder and use that as toothpaste. In Addition goya has a product called culantro. It's sold at grocery stores just eat two table spoon with every meal. It cleans the digestive tracts and stops bad breath gas.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:32 am
by buddi
Your symptoms seems to be similar to mine/all ours..thats how we feel when there is BB, what eva may be d root cause..
One thing to implement for sure is , dont over brush teeth/ over scrape tongue..they make it rougher and aids in catching more bacteria.. make sure there are sweets, sugars in ur diet.. and also try getting ENT living in uk and i kniw its not ao easy..but u need to really fight for it bcoz u need to know d root cause, only then u can b sure..if ENT part is all fine, go researching on gastro related ones

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 7:58 am
by janet
Which country do u live ?

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:35 am
by Rhino123
Forever wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 1:54 am Please use cilantro from McCormick as toothpaste. Grind it into fine powder and use that as toothpaste. In Addition goya has a product called culantro. It's sold at grocery stores just eat two table spoon with every meal. It cleans the digestive tracts and stops bad breath gas.
Thanks for the suggestion

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:36 am
by Rhino123
janet wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 7:58 am Which country do u live ?
The UK

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:38 am
by Rhino123
buddi wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 4:32 am Your symptoms seems to be similar to mine/all ours..thats how we feel when there is BB, what eva may be d root cause..
One thing to implement for sure is , dont over brush teeth/ over scrape tongue..they make it rougher and aids in catching more bacteria.. make sure there are sweets, sugars in ur diet.. and also try getting ENT living in uk and i kniw its not ao easy..but u need to really fight for it bcoz u need to know d root cause, only then u can b sure..if ENT part is all fine, go researching on gastro related ones

Thanks for the advice, I have noticed my tongue getting more rougher and easily coated as time goes on, maybe it is because I'm scrubbing it too much.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:14 pm
by Smilingagain
Hello Rhino123, your post is not only long but, in detail's.

So, i appreciate the fact that you've actually taken the necessary time to share yr story.

"The second thing is that whenever i step out into fresh air, immediately i get a bad taste in my mouth and nose (my airways) "
"The first and main symptom is that whenever i inhale and exhale (lightly or deeply) through my nose or mouth...i get a stale, dry, bad taste at the back of my throat"

Well, most of us suffer from same symptom and get same social embarassment. I had same experience for 10 year's plus. Anyone suffering from bb could tell that the problem seem to get worst day-after-day, year-after-year's... before now (the month of may 2019) every single effort & medication from my part to cure bb failed wholefully.

But, today i'm experimenting with what seem to work for the first time in 10 year's. It's too early to shout about it. But, i'm impress.

Back to the chronic smell, i think i had same issue but, handling this on a daily basis could bechallenging. before this time (may 2019) my breath stink few seconds after brushing,cleaning name it.

I had this consistent sour taste on my tongue & throat 24/7. During the night i have to keep a plastic cup closer to my bed b/c i frequently get series of accumulated spit within my mouth & neck region. Getting up every 2-3 hour's could be stressful during the night. sometime's i get slight stomach pain during the night if, i fail to flush.

Can you see what some of us are going through as well? However, i'm still motivated. I try to control my conversation with friend's and third-parties. speaking is onething which you cannot avoid..

I'll suggest, you use this season of ramadan to control your diet if, possible. but, pls don't subject yourself to a total dehydration. This could be dangerous to someone suffering from bb.

Happy ramadan. Pls remember to add me as your friend and send PM to me. so we could talk.


Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:46 pm
by Rhino123
Smilingagain wrote: Mon May 13, 2019 10:14 pm Hello Rhino123, your post is not only long but, in detail's.

So, i appreciate the fact that you've actually taken the necessary time to share yr story.

"The second thing is that whenever i step out into fresh air, immediately i get a bad taste in my mouth and nose (my airways) "
"The first and main symptom is that whenever i inhale and exhale (lightly or deeply) through my nose or mouth...i get a stale, dry, bad taste at the back of my throat"

Well, most of us suffer from same symptom and get same social embarassment. I had same experience for 10 year's plus. Anyone suffering from bb could tell that the problem seem to get worst day-after-day, year-after-year's... before now (the month of may 2019) every single effort & medication from my part to cure bb failed wholefully.

But, today i'm experimenting with what seem to work for the first time in 10 year's. It's too early to shout about it. But, i'm impress.

Back to the chronic smell, i think i had same issue but, handling this on a daily basis could bechallenging. before this time (may 2019) my breath stink few seconds after brushing,cleaning name it.

I had this consistent sour taste on my tongue & throat 24/7. During the night i have to keep a plastic cup closer to my bed b/c i frequently get series of accumulated spit within my mouth & neck region. Getting up every 2-3 hour's could be stressful during the night. sometime's i get slight stomach pain during the night if, i fail to flush.

Can you see what some of us are going through as well? However, i'm still motivated. I try to control my conversation with friend's and third-parties. speaking is onething which you cannot avoid..

I'll suggest, you use this season of ramadan to control your diet if, possible. but, pls don't subject yourself to a total dehydration. This could be dangerous to someone suffering from bb.

Happy ramadan. Pls remember to add me as your friend and send PM to me. so we could talk.

Thank you so much for the reply and kind words. Yesterday was probably one of the most difficult days I've had but at the very least I am glad to know that there are others out there experiencing the same thing.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 1:33 am
by Unrivaled
I wouldn't rule out stomach issues/GERD and reflux. If you have a metallic taste that is one of the symptoms. Also would explain different smells based on what you eat and white tongue.

I would see a doctor to rule out obvious things. It also could be something rare like TMAU because you mentioned a fishy odor.

I hope you solve it, if it's GERD I wouldn't recommend Proton Pump Inhibitors though as they worked for me at first for reflux (for a week eliminated bad breath). However they completely destroyed my stomach bacteria and now I get way worse reactions than before.

Trust me I know the feeling of isolation. I stayed at home for my week off work because it's basically torture to do anything social. It's an awful thing we are dealing with.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 3:53 am
by Kd1994
Hm I think you're right. It sounds like Your problem might lie more in throat/ lungs. Have you gotten them examined? I know I know doctors suck though. Also could be a combo of 1 and 2. You stated.

Don't let this make you a hermit please. You're 20. Please mask it in the meantime with whatever you can as you continue to research your issues and go live life. You can't get this time back. Don't let this make you let life pass you by. You'll regret it. I'm sure you're awesome. We're all searching. It's pretty hard but try to get some enjoyment out of life WHILE you're searching for answers. It's pretty darn possible.

Re: My personal story. (In desperate need of advice)!!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 10:52 am
by Rhino123
Unrivaled wrote: Tue May 14, 2019 1:33 am I wouldn't rule out stomach issues/GERD and reflux. If you have a metallic taste that is one of the symptoms. Also would explain different smells based on what you eat and white tongue.

I would see a doctor to rule out obvious things. It also could be something rare like TMAU because you mentioned a fishy odor.

I hope you solve it, if it's GERD I wouldn't recommend Proton Pump Inhibitors though as they worked for me at first for reflux (for a week eliminated bad breath). However they completely destroyed my stomach bacteria and now I get way worse reactions than before.

Trust me I know the feeling of isolation. I stayed at home for my week off work because it's basically torture to do anything social. It's an awful thing we are dealing with.
Thanks for the reply, i think seeing a doctor is the best bet as of now, my problem is getting worse as time goes by i feel.