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Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 12:47 pm
by Hopelesss
I don't believe there is a definitive solution in my case, as in other cases, I am sure of this and it's the worst thing that make me feel depressed and ruined my whole life. Even if I will find a cure, something that wheel make my breath better, I will be depressed because I can't accept that most of people have with zero bad breath, that they can talk at 10cm to someone. I dream there is a specific cause and it's not DNA.

My oral igiene it's perfect.
I have been to otolaryngologist: no tonsil stones, but reflux.
I have been to Gastroenterologist and made a gastroscopy: no reflux. Waiting results for helycobapter.

-Very soon I will be to a specialistic center about halitosis, Dr Nunes. On internet Talking about many cases cured, many feedback. Hoping it's not a scam, I dream he will find a cure for me. I keep you informed.

I have very poor salivation, I need to drink water while eating, but I don't know if just poor salivation cause bad breath. So there is something else. I have usually a lot of air in stomach.
SIBO? Sjogren sindrom? I don't ****ing know what I have.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 2:06 pm
by Gluten-free
I understand your problem Hopelesss. It's very frustrating. Do you have a idea from were you have bad breath? For example I know that my bad breath it's from my tongue. I am wondering everyday how I can change my tongue bacteria. That's the problem.

And remember it is never your last chance don't give up. Keep hoping and trying.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:15 am
by Celine
I have been a member of this forum for over ten years. I think I called me MissPretty and Missi before but I have forgotten my old passwords and mail.

I'm just like you, dear. I have tested everything in this world without success. I have also contacted Dr Nunes after reading your post. It is very expensive 530 euro to start with but i am desperate.

I'll keep you updated! 👏

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:19 pm
by Hopelesss
I have had my visit with Dr Nunes. I am waiting for diagnosis and therapy in some days. I can't imagine myself without bad breath.. I can't imagine it could be possible, but I dream it with all myself.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:52 pm
by Celine
So exciting! How was the meeting? Did he take you seriously? Can you update us when you have received an answer to your diagnosis?

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:26 pm
by loveyourswlf
Have you ever considered a functional medicine doctor? You can google it but most functional medicine doctors use a gi map test or a stool test. Or even an option is on instagram there’s a ton of functional medicine practitioners that offer virtual consults!

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:35 pm
by Jimi Stein
Nunes another future scammer on our site......same as others.....those reviews could always be me

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:40 pm
by Celine
Jimi, how do you know he's scam? I'm going to give him a chance and I'll be honest about the result and post it here.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:09 pm
by Hopelesss
Today is 9 days after stopping therapy. Nobody in these years has known about my problem. Never talked to someone about this and spent every second of days to avoid people smell my breath. This problem killed my life, literally. No social relation, invisible at work etc. 2 months ago I had a psychological collapse and decided to talk with a person. It was very difficult, a nightmare to find force to talk to him. I confessed him my nightmare, But I never let him smell my bad breath.
I read a lot about bad breath and I know that is possible a difference between mouth taste and bad breath, between bad saliva smell and bad breath. Even if sometimes they are correlated. Nunes confirmed it to me, so it's very important to have a confident who smell your breath, it's the only real proof. But I cannot find force to let my confident smell my breath before therapy. Just let him smell in these 9 days, but it's very embarrassing and difficult for me.
My diagnosis was level 1/5 bad breath (low but constant and crhornic) too low and infected salivation (1/4 of normal).
Anyway about my personal impression:
1. I have ever had bad/too particular saliva smell, ever, also 5 minutes after teeth wash.
2. Sticky saliva
3. 24h dry mouth
4. Bad smell air when I put point of my tongue under the palate and make a sort of inspiration
First personal change I felt was that my saliva doesn't smell. No smell, never never, just sometimes a very little particular but not bad. It was incredible for me. I everyday, for years, putted my finger on my tongue and felt a bad smell, now no smell. I putted surprised my finger on my tongue so often now that I have an infection.
So this is my first personal change: no bad smell saliva.
2 and 3. No sticky saliva. Saliva level is very low but more liquid. Before was 10% and 90% sticky, now is 30% and 20% sticky. Now I am taking Salagen for saliva and it works for some hours.
4. No bad smell air when I do that inspiration test.

My confident feedbacks.
I had that positive changes as I said, like no saliva smell, liquid saliva, but I still have a taste in my mouth. I don't know how is a normal people mouth taste.. Maybe it's like mine.. but I don't think. I feel a sort of metallic taste usually and dry mouth and, after eating, a low taste of what I ate during next hours. So I still feel something like bad breath and for this reason was veeery difficult for me to talk in front of my confident face. I needed to read something in front of him because I didn't know what to say..
Anyway in these days I made 7 8 time tests in ipotethically worst condition, morning and evening after being outside from 8 AM and eating. I talked at 1 meter until 2cm face to face: never bad smell, just hot air at 2cm. But I can't believe it.. I am not confident, also because maybe I should breath strong in front of his face and not just normal talking... I don't know. I have to do more testes. I am stupid. I am psychic destroyed and I still feel a mouth taste.. So I can't talk in front of people, even If I am more confident. It's still difficult for me also to let my confident smell another time, even if he already did it.
I have to do more accurate tests.
Hoping that, If now I am really bad breath free, continues for ever. Now are 9 days..

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:28 am
by Jimi Stein
what a coincidence.....coming here to this forum before going to Nunes and then suddenly being cured.....WOW amazing timing......
should I trash this post guys?

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 11:26 am
by Hopelesss
I understand you and your distrust. I have also a lot of doubts when I read someone talking about cured. Anyway I have not said I am cured. I don't know if I am 100% cured and if it will last in next weeks, months, years.
Anyway this evening I will post my recipe of payment, I have it at home. This was my diagnosis, I am not fake.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:58 pm
by IrishSkippy
@hopelesss What treatment did you receive that has helped you?

Interested to know - I went to Philip Stemmer and hes a dirty con artist so i have no faith.

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:51 pm
by Jimi Stein
it is just a mouthwash that he gave him...they all do the same......some give antibiotics, some REJUVENATE the tongue....LOL....but it is always the same stuff mouthwash that you can buy online.....

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:29 pm
by Hopelesss
In last days I am feeling again a bad saliva smell that during antibiotics went away. Not all days but today, for example, almost all day after launch until now I have a bad saliva smell. So I was worried about my breath, also because I feel something little bad breathing against something, like my smartphone. So I went home and immediately made a long test with my confident and he said me no changes. No bad breath, just "hot" breath at 3-10cm. I need to understand if this hot breath is normal or not, he says that this hot has no odour. I need a second confident..

Re: Last consulting, last chance.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:02 am
by Hopelesss
So strange:
during antibiotics I had white coated tongue but no saliva smell. Now I have normal tongue or a little white sometimes but saliva smell.
And I have a colleague at work with evident white coated tongue but zero bad breath all the time.
So there is no ever correlation between tongue color and bad breath. I have to understand if is possible there is no correlation between saliva smell and halitosis.